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Title: Fairy 'shroom [ Miscellaneous :: Mystical ] By: Natallia
Uploaded On: Nov 18 7:10:23 2003
Description: I got the idea on how to shade, color, and outline it from my Sailor Moon Manga.
Image Properties: 581x800 90.23 kb
View (2) Visitor Reviews
Title: Midnight Winter [ Miscellaneous :: Mystical ] By: Natallia
Uploaded On: Nov 18 6:59:54 2003
Description: This is a friend of mine on http://artattack.to/?midnightwinter. I used ink for this. :-) Personally, I love how her hands turned out.
Image Properties: 588x800 63.08 kb
Title: Fay Angel [ Miscellaneous :: Mystical ] By: Natallia
Uploaded On: Nov 18 6:57:04 2003
Description: I've been working on learning how to draw feathered wings. Any critiqueing will help.
Image Properties: 1049x800 70.69 kb
Title: Birthday Bubbles [ Miscellaneous :: Mystical ] By: Natallia
Uploaded On: Nov 18 6:50:03 2003
Description: Gift for my sister...one of my few full color and very rare scenic drawings.
Image Properties: 581x800 78.11 kb
Title: Sylvan Enchanter [ Computer/Video Game :: Baldur's Gate ] By: Psi Yamaneko
Uploaded On: Nov 17 20:13:51 2003
Description: Xan the Enchanter, my personal favorite Baldur's Gate character. He's sitting by the river and looking. . .Sylvan. . .
Image Properties: 600x782 333.05 kb
Title: Alyssa and Kougramon [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Punk Neko
Uploaded On: Nov 17 17:59:23 2003
Charcters: Fan Created Charecters
Description: A picture of some of mai FDD characters^^
Image Properties: 708x1017 145.06 kb
Title: ice rose [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Chibigirl
Uploaded On: Nov 17 15:51:42 2003
Description: i didn't know what to call it so i gave it a name from the top of my head lolz. i drew this pic maybe about 2 years ago i can't remember x.x' he's a character that i've been drawing for a long time, i have a story but it's just not written out yet >.> read more
Image Properties: 500x1028 34.25 kb
Title: Poor Link [ Computer/Video Game :: The Legend of Zelda ] By: kuramarose8888
Uploaded On: Nov 17 14:28:17 2003
Charcters: Link, Navi
Description: I think the picture is sad looking. But that's just me. See, this is what people really do in class during the test. ^_^ ~Kitty~ P.S: REVIEW, E-MAIL, ANYTHING!
Image Properties: 433x638 80.89 kb
View (2) Visitor Reviews
Title: The Little Mermaid [ Mythological :: Mermaid/Merfolk ] By: Meggie
Uploaded On: Nov 17 9:35:15 2003
Description: Uhh, I know that MediaMiner changed some stuff, so I'm not sure if this is "adult" or not. I'm saying "not" right now because it's nekkid-ness, more that naked-ness. Plus, I think it's tasteful rather than vulgar. What does anyone else think? Should I chan read more
Image Properties: 500x630 109.47 kb
View (6) Visitor Reviews
Title: My Kagome [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Meggie
Uploaded On: Nov 17 9:31:05 2003
Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi
Description: I still don't like the way the text looks, but I had fun coloring this. Everyone should have at least one "happy couple" drawing of Inuyasha and Kagome!
Image Properties: 516x564 195.09 kb
View (4) Visitor Reviews
Title: Sly [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Witch Child
Uploaded On: Nov 17 1:09:29 2003
Charcters: Fan-created Char
Description: This is a mini adoptable of Sly! Hes in my story 'Fox Tale' Isn't he cute!!! I got the base for this doll from Angy-chan! (http://www.yumestudio.it/angychan/index.php)
Image Properties: 102x118 5.33 kb
Title: Yugi to Pocky [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Tori Yuki Ichimura
Uploaded On: Nov 16 11:36:42 2003
Charcters: Yugioh
Description: Just a random picture of Yugi and his box of Pocky. ^__^ I did this for a friend to use as a poster for her anime club, and decided to color and shade it in Photoshop.
Image Properties: 2448x2524 358.95 kb
View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: Sulky Shinya [ Miscellaneous :: Music/Musicians ] By: Yuuki_Bi
Uploaded On: Nov 15 22:25:33 2003
Charcters: Dir En Grey
Description: This is my latest image. Shinya. A little more cartoonish than my usual, but i'm still playing with styles. Please visit WakeCandy! -Yuuki Bi.
Image Properties: 300x300 43.87 kb
Title: Chihaya Matsuura-Higurashi [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: FuuChan
Uploaded On: Nov 15 19:42:01 2003
Description: Whoo! This is Chihaya Matsuura-Higurashi. He's an elf. Yes. Isn't he such a bishie? XD
Image Properties: 1073x1445 108.46 kb
Title: Duo Pencil Sketch [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: sadesama
Uploaded On: Nov 15 19:32:51 2003
Charcters: Duo Maxwell
Description: Duo, looking thoughtful.
Image Properties: 340x490 30.44 kb
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