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Title: The Hanyou Inuyasha [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Alayzia
Uploaded On: Mar 23 18:19:43 2003
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: I forgot the draw his sword! ^^;
Image Properties: 433x578 53.4 kb
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Title: Gijinka Culumon [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Hogosha
Uploaded On: Mar 23 15:13:49 2003
Charcters: Calumon/Culumon
Description: Kawaii Gijinka Culumon with his Guilmon doll, cause Guilmon's his special friend. I know, Culu-chan's head is a little too big, I didn't notice that at first, but all in all I'm content with the piccie.
The Katakana at the top says, "Kurumon", the wa read more
Image Properties: 358x270 19.75 kb
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Title: ToF_Carona Battle Picture 00 [ Miscellaneous :: Role Playing ] By: adelaine
Uploaded On: Mar 23 2:05:23 2003
Description: The first battle in ToF_Carona, Aurora Vs. Adelaine. Characters, from top to bottom, are: Adelaine Adamant, Lunar, Selene (Lady of the Blue Moon), Shadow, Liol, Victoria, and the Dragonoid Aurora.
Image Properties: 400x600 87.73 kb
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Title: „Sekai no kooru oto ga suru“ - Celeste & Lilith [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: saiyaku
Uploaded On: Mar 22 16:06:41 2003
Description: The birthday present for Aya-chan…she wanted a pic and that’s the outcome. ^^;
[I draw it with colored pencil]
The picture is bigger than A4, that’s why I couldn’t scan all.
[Well, the title is from a sentence from “Love Mode”]
Image Properties: 587x800 103.52 kb
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Title: Arabian Mare [ Miscellaneous :: Animal(s) ] By: MiniMorr
Uploaded On: Mar 22 8:39:07 2003
Description: This mare went National Champion in Sweden last year, and she was absolutely gorgeous!
Unfortunately, the scan didn't come out too good - I tried several times, but this one was the best.
Image Properties: 775x538 17.93 kb
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Title: Rainer/ Estarriol closeup [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Phriday
Uploaded On: Mar 21 18:49:06 2003
Description: Rai of my BitterWings pseudo-manga...pic doesn't do him justice, heh. Done in PS7...more comments later
Image Properties: 588x638 98.65 kb
Title: A nice, disturbing pic of Hiltz [ Anime/Manga :: Zoids ] By: Zinou
Uploaded On: Mar 21 18:45:54 2003
Description: o_0
...yeah, this picture was borne of insomnia. I guess I could still call this fault of the Midols, 'cause all the fucking caffiene was ke read more
Image Properties: 587x377 48.82 kb
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Title: Light of Judgement! [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: TaoStrife
Uploaded On: Mar 21 1:03:35 2003
Charcters: Tidus, Kefka
Description: This piccie is dedicated both to Ryan, one of the biggest Tidus-haters in existence, and to www.videogamerecaps.com, the fantastic site pretty much responsible for this (hey, personally I like Tidus - it's just that thanks to that site I can't stop read more
Image Properties: 489x700 69.71 kb
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Title: The Burlap Dream [ Anime/Manga :: Gensomaden Saiyuki ] By: Mrs. Nadir Rusalki
Uploaded On: Mar 20 16:40:48 2003
Charcters: Sanzo
Description: Done in watercolor on watercolor paper. Edited with Adobe Photosop 7.0. Used the Burlap filter for the background. Reviews will be greatly appreciated :D Will accept fanart making jobs during summer vacation for series that I know and can draw.
Image Properties: 559x789 160.92 kb
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Title: Dawns pic colored [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Penguin Light
Uploaded On: Mar 19 22:18:36 2003
Charcters: Jounouchi Katsuya, Mai Kujaku, Yuugi Mutou, Kaiba Seto, Original character
Description: this is Dawns pic that i colored awhile ago. im gonna go pass out on my bed now...
Image Properties: 592x799 113.01 kb
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Title: Raziel Evolved [ Computer/Video Game :: Legacy of Kain ] By: MikotoTribal
Uploaded On: Mar 19 19:37:31 2003
Charcters: Raziel
Description: Here is my rendition of the idea that Raziel, like his brothers, continued to evolve during the centuries after his execution would have taken place. The concept that Kain did not execute Raziel after he grew wings has been tossed around a bit in fanart an read more
Image Properties: 616x428 170.89 kb
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Title: Sailor Mars [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: Coolgirl
Uploaded On: Mar 19 13:43:20 2003
Charcters: Sailor Mars
Description: It's been a while since I drew a sailor scout, but anyway. This is Sailor Mars. Hope at least some people like it. *Original photo copyright: Naoko Takeuchi
Image Properties: 440x605 53.87 kb
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Title: inners [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: fade2black
Uploaded On: Mar 19 11:36:39 2003
Description: sailor moon was my first love.thats how i got into anime!!my personal fave senshi has to be minako!!
Image Properties: 591x989 130.47 kb
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Title: jubes [ Books/Stories/Comics :: X-Men ] By: fade2black
Uploaded On: Mar 19 11:25:04 2003
Charcters: Jubilation Lee, Jubilee
Description: jubes!!i really like how simplified this image is but nobody else seems to think so ...maybe im just weird..
Image Properties: 644x1076 114.51 kb
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Title: asuka [ Anime/Manga :: Neon Genesis Evangelion ] By: fade2black
Uploaded On: Mar 19 11:21:09 2003
Charcters: Asuka Langley
Description: ou!!!i love this pic!!!this was such an accomplishment 4 me.i loovveee it soooo much!!!asuka rulezzzzzz!!!hihi
Image Properties: 1181x1270 163.07 kb
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