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Title: Raiden facing the horizon [ Computer/Video Game :: Metal Gear Solid Series ] By: viper_sa87
Uploaded On: Apr 7 16:32:12 2003
Charcters: Raiden
Description: this is a pic i drew of raiden. PLease tell me what u think :)
Image Properties: 574x403 89.97 kb
View (4) Visitor Reviews
Title: Hang in there, Sanji! [ Anime/Manga :: One Piece ] By: ellysketchit
Uploaded On: Apr 7 12:04:16 2003
Charcters: Sanji
Description: Yay! I finally got MM to add Sanji to the list of characters!
In appreciation, now shall I load all my fanart. Bwahahaa! Here's Sanji, rather beat up and...crying? O.o; Oh my. Done with the lovely Illustrator 10.
Image Properties: 536x524 34.02 kb
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Title: Portrait Of Cho Chang [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Harry Potter ] By: Hina L
Uploaded On: Apr 7 9:24:06 2003
Charcters: Cho
Description: As I am a in year six(or a sixth grader) and as it is a primary school year, I had a lot of time on my hands. But I did try hard on this and what I've noticed is that lot's of people look at other people hard work but they never bother to leave a comment. read more
Image Properties: 435x573 61.69 kb
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Title: Dangerously In Love [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Napea
Uploaded On: Apr 6 21:25:55 2003
Charcters: Kagome Higurashi, Sesshomaru
Description: A Sesshoumaru/Kagome piccie. Enjoy O.o;
Image Properties: 500x397 26.49 kb
View (14) Visitor Reviews
Title: Raising Ken [ Anime/Manga :: Weiss Kreuz ] By: cece_y
Uploaded On: Apr 5 19:42:49 2003
Charcters: Ken Hidaka
Description: This is just a fanart to Swythangel's "Weiss Kreuz" fanfic "Raising Ken/Chibification". The leg is suppose to be Aya's, and no, I don't know where his other leg is. ^_^;; I'm planning to draw a doujinshi of this fic (with permission from Swythangel, of cou read more
Image Properties: 285x429 77.13 kb
Title: Dark Magician Girl [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Shashomiru
Uploaded On: Apr 5 17:59:29 2003

Hours and hours put into this picture. I like it

Image Properties: 833x1100 85 kb
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Title: Seto Kaiba [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Shashomiru
Uploaded On: Apr 5 17:56:05 2003

This took me a good few hours to draw. Think it turned up well

Image Properties: 814x1086 97.69 kb
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Title: “Chain“ [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: saiyaku
Uploaded On: Apr 4 3:33:24 2003
Description: This picture was for my Mel-chan’s birthday letter.
I was inspired from Mucha and Narumi Kakinouchi’s manga “The Wanderer“.
Image Properties: 455x1000 96.35 kb
View (2) Visitor Reviews
Title: Kira-boo [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: diva_eyez
Uploaded On: Apr 3 15:49:26 2003
Description: Kira is owned by Lady Pesh.
I drew her as a request.
Clothes designs...MINE!! Got to take credit for something!
Well tell me what you think?
Image Properties: 213x421 57.79 kb
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Title: sailor zeruel [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: fade2black
Uploaded On: Apr 3 10:09:12 2003
Charcters: Fan-Created Characters
Description: sailor zeruel isnt my character either. i just did a fan art of her.i think i love this pic.i say that a lot ne?
i love that weapon!i think this one turned out pretty well,huh?
Image Properties: 394x828 43.47 kb
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Title: sailor ireul2 [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: fade2black
Uploaded On: Apr 3 10:05:47 2003
Charcters: Fan-Created Characters
Description: again sailor ireul,its even the same outline, i just drew her with pencils after, how the computer pic turned out..
Image Properties: 354x625 32.59 kb
Title: sailor ireul [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: fade2black
Uploaded On: Apr 3 10:00:49 2003
Charcters: Fan-Created Characters
Description: this isnt my character!i just sorta made a fanart..shes called sailor ireul, the angel of fear - isnt she cool?anywayz i like her.i tried to colour it on the compueter. tried is the operative word, oh well, i guess i should practise more:)
Image Properties: 354x572 35.93 kb
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Title: "Here owlie!" [ Anime/Manga :: Vision Of Escaflowne ] By: Ron and his Sakura
Uploaded On: Apr 2 9:45:39 2003
Charcters: Eries
Description: Picture by Sakura inspired by Aerika S's "Always" (on Fanfiction.net), chapter "Nursemaid's Tale"
This is one of the funniest scenes in Aerika's very witty fic.Eries' guards are offering "suggestions" as to how she can get the attention of Allen's ow read more
Image Properties: 909x827 108.11 kb
Title: Integral: What Lies Beneath the Iron Maiden [ Anime/Manga :: Hellsing ] By: Pyrite
Uploaded On: Apr 1 18:14:47 2003
Charcters: Integra Wingates Hellsing
Description: Integral Fairbrooks Wingates Hellsing is a creature of iron will and cold steel resolution. However, she is still human, and not beyond tears of sadness, need, or desire.
Image Properties: 461x576 32.1 kb
Title: naptime [ Anime/Manga :: Vision Of Escaflowne ] By: Ron and his Sakura
Uploaded On: Apr 1 9:27:05 2003
Charcters: Allen Schezar, Eries
Description: Sketch by Sakura from our fic "Asturia:Love and Duty," Chapter 9 where Eries and Allen go with Sid on a daytrip.
Allen: O.O she's so close, she's so pretty, i can't believe i'm right next to her,i think i'm going to pass out @.@
Eries: Zzzzzzzz read more
Image Properties: 596x772 83.72 kb
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