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Title: Dawns pic colored [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Penguin Light
Uploaded On: Mar 19 22:18:36 2003
Charcters: Jounouchi Katsuya, Mai Kujaku, Yuugi Mutou, Kaiba Seto, Original character
Description: this is Dawns pic that i colored awhile ago. im gonna go pass out on my bed now...
Image Properties: 592x799 113.01 kb
View (11) Visitor Reviews
Title: Raziel Evolved [ Computer/Video Game :: Legacy of Kain ] By: MikotoTribal
Uploaded On: Mar 19 19:37:31 2003
Charcters: Raziel
Description: Here is my rendition of the idea that Raziel, like his brothers, continued to evolve during the centuries after his execution would have taken place. The concept that Kain did not execute Raziel after he grew wings has been tossed around a bit in fanart an read more
Image Properties: 616x428 170.89 kb
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Title: Sailor Mars [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: Coolgirl
Uploaded On: Mar 19 13:43:20 2003
Charcters: Sailor Mars
Description: It's been a while since I drew a sailor scout, but anyway. This is Sailor Mars. Hope at least some people like it. *Original photo copyright: Naoko Takeuchi
Image Properties: 440x605 53.87 kb
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Title: inners [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: fade2black
Uploaded On: Mar 19 11:36:39 2003
Description: sailor moon was my first love.thats how i got into anime!!my personal fave senshi has to be minako!!
Image Properties: 591x989 130.47 kb
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Title: jubes [ Books/Stories/Comics :: X-Men ] By: fade2black
Uploaded On: Mar 19 11:25:04 2003
Charcters: Jubilation Lee, Jubilee
Description: jubes!!i really like how simplified this image is but nobody else seems to think so ...maybe im just weird..
Image Properties: 644x1076 114.51 kb
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Title: asuka [ Anime/Manga :: Neon Genesis Evangelion ] By: fade2black
Uploaded On: Mar 19 11:21:09 2003
Charcters: Asuka Langley
Description: ou!!!i love this pic!!!this was such an accomplishment 4 me.i loovveee it soooo much!!!asuka rulezzzzzz!!!hihi
Image Properties: 1181x1270 163.07 kb
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Title: Me? [ Computer/Video Game :: Zelda ] By: bo-c
Uploaded On: Mar 19 10:02:30 2003
Charcters: Link
Description: It is a fight -- a hero!!
Image Properties: 250x250 8.6 kb
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Title: Lost [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Karete-chan
Uploaded On: Mar 19 2:24:03 2003
Charcters: Original Character
Description: Reposted because now I have a scanner! yay! She's not anyone in particular, maybe someday she will be. I was trying out my hand at the InuYasha style of drawing. Comments?
Image Properties: 1263x1754 398.75 kb
Title: Chibi Organoids.... ph33r [ Anime/Manga :: Zoids ] By: Zinou
Uploaded On: Mar 18 19:38:22 2003
Description: OH MY GODDDD MIDOLS are EVIL look what they make me DRAW.....
I didn't feel like writing, today, really .. I'm in this ditzed out mood and my vocabulary was nonexistent, plus I was doodling on my schoolwork and this stupid chibiAmbient caught my eye read more
Image Properties: 751x487 76.81 kb
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Title: Fleece [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Other ] By: Q_Slash
Uploaded On: Mar 17 14:02:04 2003
Description: Fleece, the Only Human assassin in the Sanctuary guild, a place filled with quick, silent, precise elves. Says alot about his talent, dont it? *Brow skiggles*
Fleece, Sanctuary, and Poison Elves Belong to Drew Hayes
Image Properties: 227x371 67.65 kb
Title: Yamato Sketched [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Pinali
Uploaded On: Mar 17 11:56:30 2003
Charcters: Yamato/Matt
Description: Wheeeeeee...yay for construction lines!
Image Properties: 274x444 22.19 kb
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Title: Takouji for Fiona [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Pinali
Uploaded On: Mar 17 11:52:44 2003
Charcters: Kouji, Takuya
Description: Okay, wasn't a request or trade, it was a birthday present. Still, it was for someone else. :)
I do wonder why I bother uploading as this site seems to be failing...
Image Properties: 417x483 45.19 kb
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Title: Battle Angel Alita [ Anime/Manga :: Battle Angel Alita ] By: Q_Slash
Uploaded On: Mar 16 18:53:13 2003
Charcters: Gally
Description: Alita/Gally, From Battle Angel/Gunnm.
Image Properties: 413x540 60.21 kb
Title: momo-hime [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: fade2black
Uploaded On: Mar 16 11:52:09 2003
Description: how come dancing blade isnt listed?anywayz a coloured one as well..
Image Properties: 329x504 28.96 kb
View (2) Visitor Reviews
Title: asuka [ Anime/Manga :: Neon Genesis Evangelion ] By: fade2black
Uploaded On: Mar 16 11:48:55 2003
Charcters: Asuka Langley
Description: i love asuka!!!asuka rulezzzzzz!!!
Image Properties: 456x630 56.05 kb
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