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Title: 36-24-36? [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: corynth
Uploaded On: Nov 21 10:17:27 2002
Description: "ha! Only if she's 5'3"!" *whipcrack*
Hmm... could use a little more darker shading, I think... and some cleaning up of the lines on the areas where the measuring tape wraps around the body. *shrugs* I'm lazy... bleh. I'm thinking about taking the me read more
Image Properties: 506x780 106.63 kb
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Title: Sakura [ Anime/Manga :: Card Captor Sakura ] By: Jule
Uploaded On: Nov 21 9:30:22 2002
Charcters: Sakura, Kiro, Kero-chan
Description: Doodled Sakura. Made up my own costume, which, IMO, isn't that good. ^_^;; I like how everything's flowing, tho'.
Image Properties: 648x616 81.96 kb
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Title: Snape's weakness [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Harry Potter ] By: hibbary
Uploaded On: Nov 21 7:10:51 2002
Charcters: Snape
Description: I drew this little piccy during a day of horrible day-time TV. This took me from Maury to Arthur. ^___^ I know the Dark Mark's on the wrong arm... sorry 'bout that. I accidentally got it turned around when I scanned it.
Image Properties: 550x469 96.75 kb
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Title: Spirit [ Miscellaneous :: Medieval ] By: Nepenthe
Uploaded On: Nov 18 21:57:03 2002
Description: you guessed it: dom claude frollo from victor hugo's 'the hunchback of notre dame' which is turning out to be a whole lot better than i thought it would be.
Image Properties: 366x550 163.33 kb
Title: Ultrix - Blades [ Computer/Video Game :: Sonic Series ] By: Ultrix
Uploaded On: Nov 18 11:46:47 2002
Description: My first pic of Ultrix the Hedgehog. Displays the retractable blades hidden in his quills.
Image Properties: 341x491 53.18 kb
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Title: Ultrix - Smirk [ Computer/Video Game :: Sonic Series ] By: Ultrix
Uploaded On: Nov 18 11:45:06 2002
Description: Another Ulty pic. Just him sitting there and smirking to himself.
Image Properties: 406x486 52.81 kb
Title: the silver fairy [ Mythological :: Faery/Fairy/ Faeries ] By: dream sketcher
Uploaded On: Nov 18 4:08:39 2002
Description: a fluid drawing but with a rough background, a nice combo i think. i love this drawing, it's done with a 5b pencil and a fine liner.
Image Properties: 394x575 51.51 kb
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Title: Kurama and Hiei *SHONEN AI* [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: AniDragon
Uploaded On: Nov 18 2:33:35 2002
Charcters: Hiei, Kurama
Description: Just a little piccy I drew in math class... I struggled wuite a bit with Kurama's right arm (I wanted to draw him holdinga rose) but since I couldn't get it right, I drew him having his arm around Hiei instead. ^^. Aaaaaaaanyway, please tell me what you th read more
Image Properties: 638x825 317.7 kb
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Title: CG Alina [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Shade Zephyr
Uploaded On: Nov 17 22:33:20 2002
Description: Something I did when I was bored, also my second ever CG art ^^;
Image Properties: 159x208 28.96 kb
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Title: Sunny Day [ Anime/Manga :: Trouble Chocolate ] By: Hinano
Uploaded On: Nov 17 19:30:41 2002
Charcters: Hinano
Description: Hinano in the sun ^^
Image Properties: 491x630 82.36 kb
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Title: Light in the Darkness [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: Vinyl-Koneko
Uploaded On: Nov 17 6:32:31 2002
Charcters: Duo Maxwell
Description: I wanted to post this one to the SDDI Pilots as Children art contest, but my scanner died. So a couple months later, I traced the image, fixed it up, added texture/color/filters, and...it looks not bad. I mean, I've never successfully drawn anyone under th read more
Image Properties: 658x588 485.41 kb
Title: Eien no senshi [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: himitsu-no-hi
Uploaded On: Nov 17 6:24:31 2002
Charcters: Princess Serenity, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Mars, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Moon, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Pluto, Sailor Saturn, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Venus, Tsukino Usagi
Description: Okies, This picture was a collaboration between myself and 'Sykopants.'
I'm responsible for the drawing itself and Sykopants produced the wonderful colour which i believe was done with watercolours^-^
Kawaii ne?
~sailor moon and all rela read more
Image Properties: 675x876 210.48 kb
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Title: Innocence... [ Anime/Manga :: Trigun ] By: Jule
Uploaded On: Nov 16 21:09:47 2002
Charcters: Millions Knives
Description: Kept thinking of his "Do you think I'll be eaten someday?" quote while drawing this... ::shrug::
Image Properties: 616x640 64.07 kb
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Title: Sachiko II [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: cece_y
Uploaded On: Nov 16 19:53:13 2002
Description: A CG of my original character, Asagi Sachiko. It looks kind of... awkward... Not satisfied with it but, oh well!
Image Properties: 375x471 78.28 kb
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Title: Sachiko I [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: cece_y
Uploaded On: Nov 16 19:51:36 2002
Description: A CG of an original character, Asagi Sachiko. I know, I know... The bottom of the image looks like crap... I didn't know how to colour that part!
Image Properties: 793x638 166.91 kb
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