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Title: Wings (Heero and Duo) [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: chihaya
Uploaded On: Sep 29 2:50:25 2002
Charcters: Duo Maxwell, Heero
Description: Sept 2002Kiriban pic for the 11111th visitor of my site. The request was specific. Bat-winged Duo and Torn-angel-winged Heero with roses in the background and petals and feathers floating around. Interesting. but.. *sigh* I did try. I just became too restl read more
Image Properties: 460x569 136.28 kb
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Title: oekaki hisoka [ Anime/Manga :: Yami No Matsuei ] By: the wizard
Uploaded On: Sep 29 2:15:49 2002
Charcters: Hisoka
Description: trying hard to achieve that black-and-white kinda pic but failing miserably.. he doesnt even look like hisoka come to think of it... T_T
Image Properties: 350x250 28.38 kb
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Title: Together...Always [Issa] [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Other ] By: Jensiekitten
Uploaded On: Sep 29 1:21:08 2002
Description: Gift for Kim-chan!!! Issa!!! GO see it!!
Http://issa.keenspace.comIssa and Pat - you cannot fly alone.
Issa and Pat (c) Kimchanartwork (c) J Troxell.
Image Properties: 800x600 126.46 kb
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Title: Hellsing group [ Anime/Manga :: Hellsing ] By: Jule
Uploaded On: Sep 28 21:55:27 2002
Charcters: Integra Wingates Hellsing, Alucard, Celes Victoria, Walter Kum Donne
Description: I'm very happy with how this came out. Might try some color, but I kinda like it B&W.
Image Properties: 568x776 109.98 kb
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Title: Ayumi and Hikou [ Anime/Manga :: Fushigi Yuugi ] By: AniDragon
Uploaded On: Sep 28 10:17:52 2002
Charcters: Fan Created Character(s), Hikou
Description: Anothing pic from the RPG, this one of Ayumi and Hikou.... Yeah, I'm still not sure how those two ended up together, but anyway... I wanted to do something different for the background, but Photoshop just didn't seem to have the affect I wanted. *cries*
read more
Image Properties: 638x713 336.5 kb
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Title: fireair [ Mythological :: Other ] By: cryingPhoenix
Uploaded On: Sep 28 9:11:21 2002
Description: yeah..these two should represent two elements: fire and air...
I hope it's clear..
Image Properties: 794x969 199.24 kb
Title: Snowboarding [ Anime/Manga :: Shaman King ] By: SWsan
Uploaded On: Sep 28 7:57:05 2002
Description: LOOK A BG! Woo hoo! (tria, prisma and copic marker)
Image Properties: 625x600 115.06 kb
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Title: Celeste [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: saiyaku
Uploaded On: Sep 28 6:25:30 2002
Description: This was a birthday present for Mel-chan.
Celeste is also a chara of my DJ.
Image Properties: 497x683 58.32 kb
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Title: Jessy and James [ Anime/Manga :: Pokemon ] By: Stefanie
Uploaded On: Sep 28 5:58:45 2002
Charcters: James, Jessie
Description: Can't take the massive weight, noooo:)
Please review this pppppllllleeeeeeaaassseeeee:)
Image Properties: 424x744 104.32 kb
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Title: Tenderness [ Anime/Manga :: Haunted Junction ] By: Tao Shi
Uploaded On: Sep 28 3:53:13 2002
Description: I think this came out pretty good for being done at one in the morning. :D Again with the Haruto/Kazumi pairing. 9_9; I know Kazumi looooves Hanako and girls, but Haruto is just... so much better for him. At least in my twisted little world. :D There needs read more
Image Properties: 601x370 28.58 kb
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Title: Ron x Hermione [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Harry Potter ] By: chihaya
Uploaded On: Sep 27 23:14:20 2002
Charcters: Hermione, Ron
Description: An Oekaki.
Inspired by Japanese Fansites. My favorite couple in HP. They're so adorable together.
Image Properties: 350x400 52.22 kb
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Title: Tsukari, the chibi kitsune mage [ Mythological :: Witch ] By: Deva Luna Kyubi
Uploaded On: Sep 27 23:00:23 2002
Description: This is my first kitsune mage, Tsukari. Sorta experimenting with drawing chibis so I decided to draw her first
Image Properties: 346x349 13.84 kb
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Title: Shining Charmander [ Anime/Manga :: Pokemon ] By: Deva Luna Kyubi
Uploaded On: Sep 27 22:55:01 2002
Charcters: Charmander
Description: Well, I was sketching Charmander one night and figured I'd making it a shining pokemon. I was sorta experimenting with colored pencils at the time ^_^ ehehe...
Image Properties: 250x258 18.02 kb
Title: Smokin' [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: Jenny Bird
Uploaded On: Sep 27 19:27:50 2002
Charcters: Heero
Description: The drool bucket is in the corner, Heero fans. . . :p ^_^ This is an older picture, actually, but one I'm still fairly fond of. Although that's probably because of the hour or so I spent on just his eyes. Although the picture is small enough read more
Image Properties: 679x1102 97.09 kb
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Title: Chibi! Vash and Heero Yuy [ Anime/Manga :: Trigun ] By: Jenny Bird
Uploaded On: Sep 27 19:06:43 2002
Charcters: Vash Stampede
Description: ::cough:: Yes, Heero Yuy (Gundam Wing) and Vash. Be afraid. See. . . this popped into my head when I was starting to build PlanetGunsmoke.com --- 0System.com, my Gundam Wing site, was well established by them. I host the site on my own server - which IS th read more
Image Properties: 700x569 74.57 kb
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