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Title: Baby Boy [ Miscellaneous :: Animal(s) ] By: joyfulmusic
Uploaded On: Apr 17 21:55:58 2006
Charcters: Dog
Description: This is a painting of my dog, a blue Chihuahua. His full name is Baby Boy but goes by B.B. for short. I'd never used gouache paints before the day I painted this. For class we had to paint the dog in a photo the teacher had sent us. Well after working on t read more
Image Properties: 720x509 36.24 kb
Title: Strange Stripes [ Miscellaneous :: Animal(s) ] By: joyfulmusic
Uploaded On: Apr 17 21:53:44 2006
Charcters: Horses
Description: Zander lives in a world that seemed to have been turned upside down. Everything blurs together as colors clash with black and white. What should be isn't and even he finds himself changed by these strange circumstances.
Image Properties: 576x490 42.38 kb
Title: Inuyasha [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: chibichic
Uploaded On: Apr 17 15:25:40 2006
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: This is another picture. Just of Inuyasha standing. Please review!
Image Properties: 588x689 261.11 kb
View (2) Visitor Reviews
Title: Kagome and Inuyasha [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: chibichic
Uploaded On: Apr 17 15:22:07 2006
Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi
Description: Chibichic a last has chibi up on the site !I hope you like my pictures. They came out a little fuzzy but thats ok. Please review!
Image Properties: 925x656 269.79 kb
Title: Makoto&Gou [ Anime/Manga :: Beyblade ] By: Dragona15
Uploaded On: Apr 17 13:27:38 2006
Description: Okkkk i made Gou and Makoto for first time and if your wondering who are them, it's Tyson's son(makoto) and Kai's son(gou).
Image Properties: 800x950 100.11 kb
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Title: Inuyasha Portrait [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Angel_4_life
Uploaded On: Apr 17 10:20:00 2006
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: My first piece of artwork: Inuyasha. Done during a four-hour car ride (and a lot of traffic!). I used coloured pencils and made a few adjustments in paint. The rosary, expression and hair could use some improvment...I'll do that sometime. Please review...I read more
Image Properties: 588x1004 100.28 kb
View (2) Visitor Reviews
Title: calm [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: going-SuperNova
Uploaded On: Apr 17 9:21:17 2006
Description: i was trying to do the dress but i got a pic out of it lol so my pic started with the dress then the land scape then the guy ~_~'
Image Properties: 406x541 50.09 kb
Title: wierd landscape [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: going-SuperNova
Uploaded On: Apr 17 9:18:52 2006
Description: ok i got this idea from a cabinet in my english class. but i switched it up a little XP and i was suppose to be doing my work but o well
Image Properties: 408x521 30.15 kb
Title: perspection [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: going-SuperNova
Uploaded On: Apr 17 9:08:17 2006
Description: can you see the pespection in this??? look and review if you can andif you cant still review
Image Properties: 411x548 70.8 kb
Title: This is MY Leaf!! [ Mythological :: n/a ] By: Spilled Milk
Uploaded On: Apr 16 17:31:41 2006
Description: This is just a fantasy work I did a while ago and was just now able to take a picture of and submit. ^-^ Hopw you like it!
Image Properties: 2231x1817 265.48 kb
Title: Bound By Fate [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Animekitty1
Uploaded On: Apr 16 15:18:27 2006
Description: Something I did in class because I was bored.
Image Properties: 537x1339 67.98 kb
View (6) Visitor Reviews
Title: Tifa helping a drunken Aeris to the Inn ~rough~ [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: iamfanboy
Uploaded On: Apr 15 22:40:43 2006
Charcters: Aeris, Tifa Lockheart
Description: This image was my inspiration for the H fanfic I wrote, Hanabi - I just had this mental image of a very drunken Aeris being helped back to the inn by Tifa...
Image Properties: 679x764 65.73 kb
Title: InuBunny [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Mujitsu
Uploaded On: Apr 15 19:29:46 2006
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: Just a little bit of Easter fun! I like the way this one turned out. Happy Easter!
Image Properties: 700x963 57.21 kb
Title: Loss [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Mujitsu
Uploaded On: Apr 15 19:27:49 2006
Charcters: Sesshomaru
Description: This is inspired from the tenth chapter in my fanfiction "Midnight Meets Moonlight" in the chapter titled "Loss". Sesshoumaru comes to Kagome after slaughtering those that killed Rin...pretty self-explanatory why he has blood on him.
Image Properties: 800x1101 65.92 kb
Title: Sesshoumaru [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: kagome_higurashi_jewel_detector90
Uploaded On: Apr 15 18:38:55 2006
Charcters: Sesshomaru
Description: I can only draw while looking at a picture and so I can make it to almost perfect. I will have more sometime but for tonight this is it.
Image Properties: 342x550 41.7 kb
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