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Title: ayi contest entry [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: super_sailor_fanner
Uploaded On: Mar 12 12:17:26 2006
Charcters: Humanoid
Description: this is my frieinds character Ayi, it was drawn for a contest...i didn't win, but i still liked it anyway. the character is actually an anime thing, but i put her into a more realistic perspective type thing. what do you think? COMMENTS APPRECIATED
Image Properties: 891x1464 98.29 kb
Title: side by side/memories hurt more than anything2 [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: SilverRoseKitsuneInu
Uploaded On: Mar 12 4:17:14 2006
Charcters: Kagome Higurashi, Sesshomaru
Description: How hard it must be to see the one you love suffer. Always close, but never close enough to tell each other what they feel. Some day it will be too late. Side by side, memories hurt more than anything
Image Properties: 690x806 25.7 kb
Title: nice kitty [ Miscellaneous :: Animal(s) ] By: light of the shadows
Uploaded On: Mar 12 3:56:34 2006
Charcters: Lions
Description: i just love cats, espetialy lions. what do you think?
Image Properties: 644x1019 42.21 kb
Title: girl in green [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: light of the shadows
Uploaded On: Mar 12 3:54:26 2006
Image Properties: 465x912 41.65 kb
Title: daniel/harry [ TV Series/Movie :: Harry Potter ] By: light of the shadows
Uploaded On: Mar 12 3:51:34 2006
Description: daniel/harry, who do you preffer?
Image Properties: 778x1169 87.15 kb
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Title: side by side/memories hurt more than anything [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: SilverRoseKitsuneInu
Uploaded On: Mar 12 0:54:58 2006
Charcters: Kagome Higurashi, Sesshomaru
Description: How hard it must be to see the one you love suffer. Always close, but never close enough to tell each other what they feel. Some day it will be too late. Side by side, memories hurt more than anything.
Image Properties: 707x888 30.39 kb
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Title: Iruka & Ayame [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: Kopykat Kakashi
Uploaded On: Mar 11 18:21:44 2006
Charcters: Iruka
Description: For "Shinobi Gossip" from my ramen girl stories.
Image Properties: 800x777 99.73 kb
Title: Kimono Project [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: BueFlame
Uploaded On: Mar 11 18:04:54 2006
Description: This is just a pic I drew then scaned and practically had to redo on paint, cuz I don't got photoshop or nothin'...wwaaaahhhh!!I want it!*sob* It's pretty good for my first time trying to draw anything like this. Pleas Review and tell me what ya think!!Fla read more
Image Properties: 386x898 42.47 kb
Title: Downfall [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Kagami
Uploaded On: Mar 11 17:02:09 2006
Charcters: Humanoid
Description: Caranas and Arkai belong to me. Both are guys, by the way.
Image Properties: 497x1194 105.09 kb
Title: Drizzt Do'Urden [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Forgotten Realms ] By: SonVegetaUsagi
Uploaded On: Mar 11 15:44:39 2006
Charcters: Drizzt Do'Urden
Description: Hurray for dark elves!
Image Properties: 386x497 248.21 kb
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Title: Alika [ Miscellaneous :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: SonVegetaUsagi
Uploaded On: Mar 11 15:31:16 2006
Description: This was my first drawing of Alika Ohmsford from Carnival. I've since made him a tad less feminine, but this is the one and only time I'm going to color in that damn powered armor >.
Image Properties: 727x1000 215.81 kb
Title: Yatima [ Miscellaneous :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: SonVegetaUsagi
Uploaded On: Mar 11 15:26:34 2006
Description: Behold! Yatima Ohmsford, servitor of Azathoth, from my story/manga Carnival. Just look at those thighs ^^
Image Properties: 716x1000 239.74 kb
Title: Kitty? [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: ReapersUnderling
Uploaded On: Mar 11 14:03:20 2006
Description: Yet another for a gaia friend. I didnt put much into this one, just a quick sketch I did on OpoenCanvas. Comment!!
Image Properties: 667x530 29.3 kb
Title: Couple [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: ReapersUnderling
Uploaded On: Mar 11 13:27:15 2006
Description: I drew this for a friend on gaiaonline who wanted couple avi art. Im aware that this image is similar to aother picture drawn by someone on Deviantart, but this picture came from my mind intierly, and I didnt have any intention of it looking like that pers read more
Image Properties: 503x649 105.85 kb
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Title: Sanzo-ikkou [ Anime/Manga :: Gensomaden Saiyuki ] By: rabidfang08
Uploaded On: Mar 11 7:51:26 2006
Charcters: Sanzou-ikkou
Description: Pencil drawing of the Sanzo-ikkou. Reference was a pic from the manga. I screwed up Sanzo's eyes but otherwise I think it's pretty good, for me... please comment. ^^
Image Properties: 1088x759 181.75 kb
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