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Title: MasqueradeShipping [ Computer/Video Game :: Pokemon ] By: Corrupted_Optimist
Uploaded On: Mar 20 13:33:45 2006
Description: Trying to spread the LancexWill fandom~! If youre a fan, please raise your hand! *is the only one raising her hand* ._.;;
Image Properties: 726x1150 119.22 kb
Title: Kagome BW [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: inuskyeYash
Uploaded On: Mar 19 17:18:43 2006
Charcters: Kagome Higurashi
Image Properties: 820x1124 369.14 kb
Title: InuYasha BW [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: inuskyeYash
Uploaded On: Mar 19 17:13:06 2006
Charcters: Inuyasha
Image Properties: 812x1064 349.74 kb
Title: in her arms [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: SilverRoseKitsuneInu
Uploaded On: Mar 19 14:19:48 2006
Charcters: Kagome Higurashi, Kikyou
Description: this fanart is related to my 'darkness of the heart' fic. it's kikyou dying in the arms of her sister, kagome
Image Properties: 690x1080 35.33 kb
Title: Bellatrix Black-Lestrange [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Harry Potter ] By: thelovebuggy
Uploaded On: Mar 19 11:53:15 2006
Charcters: Bellatrix Black-Lestrange
Description: Hehe, first Bella picture (I suggested the section be made up lol). My first fanart ever so be kind =P. Made with sketching paper and Graphite pencils =)
Image Properties: 457x672 31.75 kb
Title: Minako [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: DPFan4Ever
Uploaded On: Mar 19 7:11:53 2006
Description: This is the character from my "The 1st Son Daughter!!???" Dragonball Z fanfic. For those of you who have been reading my story I thank you, and put up the picture of Minako. I hope you like it ^_^. I worked very hard on it, so don't be too CRUEL...
Image Properties: 612x792 18.44 kb
View (2) Visitor Reviews
Title: The China Girl [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Mehi
Uploaded On: Mar 18 19:39:06 2006
Charcters: Bishoujo
Description: This is my china girl who has no link to any anime or manga series. i was just doodling and got her. She is also done in color pencil and touches and lettering done through Jasc Paint Shop Pro.
Image Properties: 1891x1423 495.27 kb
Title: InYa, the Cowgirl [ Miscellaneous :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Mehi
Uploaded On: Mar 18 19:03:39 2006
Description: This is InYa the dog demon from my story "Moving On but Still Moving". This is her demon form (kinda like Yoko from Yu Yu Hakusho) She is done totally in color pencil and the lettering was added with Jasc Paint Shop Pro. Well, that's all I got to say.
Image Properties: 975x1995 315.76 kb
Title: The Last Pocky [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Ramone Taghra
Uploaded On: Mar 18 16:52:04 2006
Description: The title says it all. This pic is about Inuyasha, Shippou, Pikachu, Link, Kirby, and two made-up characters, trying to get the last Pocky from Kitsune. Just a reminder, most of my fanarts are NOT in color. *Colored version coming soon*
Image Properties: 1604x986 146.75 kb
Title: Shippou & Kirara [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Ramone Taghra
Uploaded On: Mar 18 16:48:24 2006
Charcters: Kirara, Shippo
Description: This is a pic of Shippou and Kirara. Lots of chibi cuteness! Just a reminder, most of my fanarts are NOT in color.*Might be a colored version soon*
Image Properties: 1442x1064 115.67 kb
Title: Burning Soul [ Anime/Manga :: Fruits Basket ] By: MissSwissCocoa13
Uploaded On: Mar 18 13:00:33 2006
Charcters: Kyo Soma
Description: Ok, so I was really just drawing this for a person. Then I added color and it actually kinda looked like Kyo. There is a symbol of LOVE in it, with his soul blazing around him. This is my first work. Done with Watercolor.
Image Properties: 319x439 305.12 kb
Title: Chains [ Miscellaneous :: Computer / Concept Art ] By: ReapersUnderling
Uploaded On: Mar 18 6:06:08 2006
Charcters: Computer Abstract
Description: This is the colored version of a pic I drew, I like the pencil one better so Im giong to upload that one also a bit later Hope ya like
Image Properties: 346x340 29.98 kb
Title: Can I? [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: rin_sama1989
Uploaded On: Mar 18 5:39:25 2006
Charcters: Inuyasha, Kouga
Description: Kouga:"Can I?" Inuyasha: "No." Kouga: "Kagome always gets to!" Inuyasha: "No" Kouga: come on! I reeeeealy wanna" Inuyasha:"Fine... *smirk* but ya gotta kiss me first" Hey, everybody else is drawing ear pictures! Why cant I? (T_T) Cuz you like to be origion read more
Image Properties: 304x640 53.72 kb
Title: Protecting YOU [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: rin_sama1989
Uploaded On: Mar 18 5:33:21 2006
Charcters: Kagura, Sesshomaru
Description: Kagura guarding Sesshoumaru from an attact by Nuraku. I just sooo wanted to draw the expression I visualized on Nuraku's face when he learned Kagura didnt die! Kinda a OMG WTF look yaknow? Sesshoumaru looks like he's happy, how much you wanna bet he's got read more
Image Properties: 1238x1702 348.39 kb
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Title: Lady Senn Of The Western Lands [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: buubaby26
Uploaded On: Mar 17 23:18:47 2006
Charcters: Fan-created Char
Description: This is how I picture Sesshomaru's mother. Regal and very beautiful. From my story "Mystic Beginnings" which is now up on MM. She will not make any appearances other than Flash Backs and memories.
Image Properties: 600x928 321.15 kb
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