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Title: Ninja HoroHoro [ Anime/Manga :: Shaman King ] By: KanolaGirl
Uploaded On: Nov 8 18:04:55 2005
Charcters: Horohoro
Description: Media: Adobe Illustrator 10 Time: Hours -_-* Music: Quiet music to sooth my annoyed nerves This picture haunts me to this very day. So annoying it was to make >.< As you can see...I totally gave up on the shading and just left it...yea, I know it suc read more
Image Properties: 314x318 16.43 kb
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Title: Edward Elric [ Anime/Manga :: Fullmetal Alchemist ] By: KanolaGirl
Uploaded On: Nov 8 17:54:02 2005
Charcters: Edward Elric
Description: Media: Adobe Illustrator 10 with my mouse~I don't have a drawing pad @_@ Time: Hours This picture was my first picture that I actually tried to make...hope you like it ^^; Crit/comments anyone? ^_^ Click on the picture to see it with less of that "p read more
Image Properties: 479x404 34.34 kb
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Title: Sess n Rin [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: evil_buny
Uploaded On: Nov 8 6:16:28 2005
Charcters: Rin, Sesshomaru
Description: This is a picture of Sessho as a dog in a garden with Grown-up Rin. It's related to my fan fic A new beginning, a new hope... You're welcome to visit my story, RnR
Image Properties: 709x457 138.91 kb
Title: Satoshi Hiwatari with wings [ Anime/Manga :: D. N. Angel ] By: Kuramas_un-dying_love
Uploaded On: Nov 7 19:59:14 2005
Description: I love this drawing! I hope you like this drawing just as much as I do. Hope you see my other fanarts too. And my fanfics.
Image Properties: 560x729 184.01 kb
Title: Anthy(color) [ Anime/Manga :: Utena, Revolutionary Girl ] By: Fei Fei
Uploaded On: Nov 7 9:35:29 2005
Charcters: Anshi
Description: Here's the colored picture i promised. It took me forever to finally finish it. but i'm pleased.
Image Properties: 414x740 38.59 kb
Title: Kashi-kun [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: Inu_Girl17
Uploaded On: Nov 6 16:02:14 2005
Charcters: Kakashi
Description: I think I did pretty good at this pic...its my wonderful Kashi-kun! He sooooo sexy lol!
Image Properties: 1260x1587 129.02 kb
Title: Aki Nashiishii [ Anime/Manga :: Gravitation ] By: Kotodami
Uploaded On: Nov 6 15:57:18 2005
Description: this is Aki's Band poster. Eventually I'll have one for all three members but my friends haven't created them yet -_- lazy bums
Image Properties: 1275x1650 215.15 kb
Title: Dea [ Miscellaneous :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Fei Fei
Uploaded On: Nov 6 11:57:57 2005
Description: This is one of my favorite characters. i made her up after i finished watching Revolutionary girl utena and absolutely disliked the endeing. so i'm changing it. anyways, this is Anthy's big sister. See the resemblence? She's Queen of the Rose kingdom and b read more
Image Properties: 423x521 30.08 kb
Title: Anthy [ Anime/Manga :: Utena, Revolutionary Girl ] By: Fei Fei
Uploaded On: Nov 6 11:53:17 2005
Charcters: Anshi
Description: This is my version of Anthy when she was little. It took me a really long time to get it right. But here it is. i also have this picture redone in photoshop. i'll download it later.
Image Properties: 422x744 25.23 kb
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Title: capedman [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: Kasen
Uploaded On: Nov 6 11:47:55 2005
Description: Heres a pic I drew out of boredom, It turned out pretty well, havent drawn anything in a while so im happy the way it turend out please commentXD thanks
Image Properties: 634x835 78.05 kb
Title: Yukina [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Fierian Ra
Uploaded On: Nov 6 9:53:12 2005
Charcters: Yukina
Image Properties: 1108x1689 99.01 kb
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Title: Syd [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: Fierian Ra
Uploaded On: Nov 6 9:51:13 2005
Description: Killer beneath the Kimono
Image Properties: 770x1685 47.03 kb
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Title: Kurama and Yumi [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Fierian Ra
Uploaded On: Nov 6 9:35:45 2005
Charcters: Kurama, Original Character
Description: Kurama and Yumi from my fanfic Dragon Keeper.
Image Properties: 1349x1664 146.41 kb
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Title: Hiei [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Fierian Ra
Uploaded On: Nov 6 9:31:47 2005
Charcters: Hiei
Image Properties: 1313x1700 128.96 kb
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Title: Killer original color [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: Fierian Ra
Uploaded On: Nov 6 9:26:52 2005
Description: This is a different coloring for Killer in a Kimono. The hard copy of this picture is a lot prettier and has more color. The coloring was done with actual makeup to give it a better effect.
Image Properties: 1267x1700 102.99 kb
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