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Title: Sword of Love??? [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: Inu-Yasha fan
Uploaded On: Oct 21 18:11:01 2005
Description: Just something I did.I got the idea from the Offspring off of their American cd.Enjoy.
Image Properties: 464x752 53.12 kb
Title: Veritas [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: Inu-Yasha fan
Uploaded On: Oct 21 18:08:12 2005
Description: Just something I did in my free time.The title Veritas I'm pretty sure means truth in Latin but I'm not sure.
Image Properties: 480x768 57.07 kb
Title: Maria Freed [ Anime/Manga :: UFO Robo Gendizer ] By: Luvyuyu
Uploaded On: Oct 21 10:06:04 2005
Description: This is Maria Freed From Grendizer Anime :D I know such old anime hehe ^o^
Image Properties: 789x900 82.71 kb
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Title: two sides of the mirror [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Nespa
Uploaded On: Oct 21 6:01:55 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: inspired by the second movie of inuyasha and the fight with the hime from the moon in the castle of illusions. please review :)
Image Properties: 705x500 104.61 kb
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Title: The Hawk [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: nekuyasha
Uploaded On: Oct 21 1:43:52 2005
Charcters: Heero
Description: This is a picture of Heero to go with my fic, 'Caged Doves'. He is supposed to be 21 here. His hair is 'calico'd' on purpose-two years in the wilderness and sun will do that to you. ^_~ Originally drawn in Pencil then scanned and colored in Adobe. Enjoy! R read more
Image Properties: 414x811 28.81 kb
View (5) Visitor Reviews
Title: Six Year Old Twins [ Anime/Manga :: Digimon ] By: Gemini Star
Uploaded On: Oct 20 21:09:16 2005
Description: WAI! ^_^ I love how this pic turned out! Aren't they just SO totally cute? I love Kouji's hair...it hasn't grown out yet. If you can't tell, they're holding Digieggs! Kouji's is white and blue while Kouichi's is black and purple, but otherwise they're iden read more
Image Properties: 768x959 230.46 kb
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Title: Grey Dove Wings [ Anime/Manga :: Digimon ] By: Gemini Star
Uploaded On: Oct 20 20:59:27 2005
Description: This sketching comes from an idea for a fic I had a little while ago, as does the quote in the upper left. (It's something Kouji was supposed to say in the fic, BTW) It's really not too bad, for my first shot at wings. The outfit and style of the wings com read more
Image Properties: 768x921 150.77 kb
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Title: green gundam [ Anime/Manga :: SD Gundam ] By: Clarinetgirl108
Uploaded On: Oct 20 18:04:28 2005
Charcters: Bakunetsumaru the Blazing Samurai
Description: umm... I'll have to work on her bio later...
Image Properties: 287x298 11.77 kb
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Title: Loli Angel [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: DiamondCrypt
Uploaded On: Oct 20 17:59:22 2005
Description: So...Including this picture, there are four versions. XD Oh god. XD The wings were white at first, but then one of my friends copied and pasted an affect on one of the other versions i had added, on top of the white set of wings, and voila. The blue. :D
Image Properties: 500x700 138.27 kb
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Title: Quick Goku Drawing [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: raccly er 17
Uploaded On: Oct 19 21:55:11 2005
Description: This is half of a quick drawing I did out of pure bordom. if you can't tell, its Goku, blasting off an energy wave.
Image Properties: 320x240 144.81 kb
Title: An Angels Sadness [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: raccly er 17
Uploaded On: Oct 19 21:46:10 2005
Description: I often draw demon winged people because of the problems I have when ever I try to draw angel winged people, but, I decided to try again, to draw an angel. I 'think' I suceeded. but, you can be the juge of that!
Image Properties: 320x240 129.2 kb
Title: Vegeta Jr. and His Older Sister [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: raccly er 17
Uploaded On: Oct 19 21:22:27 2005
Charcters: Fan-created Characters
Description: This a was drawn around october 4th. These chacters are Vegeta jr. and his older sister, Tsunami. And before you ask, no, I did'nt name her after the tsunami that hit not to long ago, I named and created this chacter in 4th grade( 'm in 7th now).
Image Properties: 320x240 146.25 kb
Title: Punkish [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: wanderingshadow
Uploaded On: Oct 19 18:27:09 2005
Charcters: Goth, Punks
Description: this was meh first actual try with making a border and such. yay...the shirt kinda plays wit ur eyes
Image Properties: 344x413 71.54 kb
Title: Moon Fae [ Mythological :: Faery/Fairy/ Faeries ] By: wanderingshadow
Uploaded On: Oct 19 18:23:55 2005
Charcters: Perserver
Description: eh, it aint to bad...personally i like the dress and the border ^_^ ahh the power of boarders
Image Properties: 538x583 115.98 kb
Title: Halloween [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: wanderingshadow
Uploaded On: Oct 19 18:20:10 2005
Charcters: Goth, Pirate /Pirates
Description: i think tis purdy ^_^ i was also told by my b/f she looks like a pirate, but i guess her corset it kinda pirate-ish...
Image Properties: 502x643 104.74 kb
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