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Title: Kuwabara kitty [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Kuramas_kitsune99
Uploaded On: Aug 18 16:16:34 2005
Charcters: Kazuma Kuwabara
Description: After finally getting use of my scanner, I got this pic posted. It's our favorite kitty lover Kuwabara as a cat! *meow* Please ignore crappiness...
Image Properties: 2572x2500 262.53 kb
Title: Just an original character [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Cierzo
Uploaded On: Aug 18 15:52:29 2005
Charcters: Bishounen
Description: This I drew while staying at the hospital. Yes, I know it's kind of shabby to post a pic from a patterned notebook, but I like the intensity of the look. That's all.
Image Properties: 480x700 84.09 kb
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Title: Kyo and Kitties [ Anime/Manga :: Fruits Basket ] By: HugeFurubaFan
Uploaded On: Aug 18 13:04:35 2005
Charcters: Kyo Soma
Description: My first submission to the site! A cute piccy of Kyo and some kitty friends.
Image Properties: 257x554 15.55 kb
Title: KRL [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: Kerra
Uploaded On: Aug 18 8:03:08 2005
Image Properties: 248x418 11.57 kb
Title: Cool Gaia Pic. [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Kerra
Uploaded On: Aug 18 5:32:03 2005
Image Properties: 257x427 13.08 kb
Title: Sonic throwing a rock at you [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Sonic the Hedgehog ] By: sonichedgehog2005
Uploaded On: Aug 18 4:40:28 2005
Charcters: Sonic The Hedgehog
Description: This is something I drew a while back, I finally have a scanner now though, so I can submiit art....finally xD
Image Properties: 497x734 34.15 kb
Title: The Incredible Chiyo-Chan [ Anime/Manga :: Azumanga Daioh ] By: CrossoverManiac
Uploaded On: Aug 17 23:53:49 2005
Description: Yeah, it looks terrible, but I couldn't resist ;-) Oh, and don't make Chiyo-chan angry, you wouldn't like Chiyo-chan when she's angry.
Image Properties: 920x1188 97.73 kb
Title: Lineage [ Miscellaneous :: Horror ] By: ithiliengirl05
Uploaded On: Aug 17 19:59:54 2005
Description: Lineage is the three sisters Giselle,Safiria,and Dark Angel, and there sire , Sabiyah. I like how this one turned out. I'm especially happy with Dark Angel and Giselle's outfits.Again from the Vampire game. Took 3 1/5 hours on paintshop. Ohhh my head hurts read more
Image Properties: 902x822 79 kb
Title: Rules of the Robe [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: RedRainRaven
Uploaded On: Aug 17 18:51:42 2005
Charcters: Miroku
Description: 6-3/4-05. Now I actually read this about Buddhist Monks in a book I bought. I'm not sure if its entirely true, but it makes a funny picture.
Image Properties: 830x872 126.82 kb
View (5) Visitor Reviews
Title: Kasumi [ Computer/Video Game :: Dead Or Alive 2 ] By: kilby
Uploaded On: Aug 17 16:38:18 2005
Description: Kasumi is the most sexiest game gal of all time to comemorate her success I have drawn this color pencil sketch wich to some of you would be a bit scruffy but I think I've just unleashed a bit of my artistic skill...You'll hear from me soon bye bye
Image Properties: 558x1041 41.52 kb
Title: Shaman King: Group [ Anime/Manga :: Shaman King ] By: BabyKaoru-sama
Uploaded On: Aug 17 14:55:59 2005
Charcters: Shaman King
Description: it took me three hours to draw this picture...please tell me what you think of it. ^^
Image Properties: 300x393 45.9 kb
Title: Avi art. [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Kerra
Uploaded On: Aug 17 11:27:59 2005
Image Properties: 1120x690 54.14 kb
Title: TheCandyGirl [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Kerra
Uploaded On: Aug 17 11:25:16 2005
Description: Its a picture I made on Paint, good, an't it?
Image Properties: 1120x690 47.48 kb
Title: Youko Kurama [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: kuramassweetestthing
Uploaded On: Aug 17 8:48:46 2005
Charcters: Youko Kurama
Description: My first drawing...EVER...XD
Image Properties: 319x413 70.32 kb
View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: Selena colored [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Original ] By: short-n-smart
Uploaded On: Aug 17 1:45:21 2005
Description: This is for Yukiko4711 and all others that wanted to see this colored. When I re-drew this it didnt look exactly like the original but the original was screwed up so its good ^_^ The porportions are a little better but not great. The material under her bre read more
Image Properties: 366x718 54.47 kb
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