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Title: International War of the Waters [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Original ] By: The Souija
Uploaded On: Jul 31 3:07:50 2005
Description: "Girls are much stronger than I thought... Let's play Chicken he says, easy against the girls he says... Italians..." -Seth Gethsemane (Mexicano knocked out in the water) **And Russia and the Phillipines take over the waters! Trivia Question: read more
Image Properties: 582x438 103.89 kb
Title: Dying Star Shines Brightest--Vega and Altair? [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Original ] By: The Souija
Uploaded On: Jul 31 2:51:12 2005
Description: "They say a shooting star is that of a star's dying essence, as a last request, it'll allow only those said few pure of heart and worthy of its beauty a granted wish they desire most as it shines brighter than ever... what a crock." -Heresy Celibatesread more
Image Properties: 710x440 127.35 kb
Title: Waitress Envy [ Anime/Manga :: Fullmetal Alchemist ] By: psychic_queen
Uploaded On: Jul 30 21:46:31 2005
Charcters: Edward Elric, Envy
Description: i made this as a pic for fun, but was inspired by a friend on xanga. so here you go Envious_Envy. the pic i told you about! sorry though, its kinda messy cuz it was the first time drawin ed, so he didnt turn out well at all, and i think i messed up on envy read more
Image Properties: 1540x1080 178.4 kb
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Title: Ranting [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Slades_Downfall
Uploaded On: Jul 30 21:14:25 2005
Charcters: Raven
Description: Hey, I hope you like this, it was inspired by a story I wrote. The stained glass windows and Raven's cloak took forever! I hope you like it!
Image Properties: 371x393 183.21 kb
Title: Bankotsu -CG- [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Kage Tenshi
Uploaded On: Jul 30 15:42:19 2005
Charcters: Bankotsu
Description: The background isn't so great, but I like the way Ban-chan came out. ... Bankotsu- Holy...crap *glomp* ^-^ Bankotsu- -_-;; Onna I'll kill you if you don't get off
Image Properties: 816x1272 122.97 kb
Title: Jess [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Kyoshiro Kokujo
Uploaded On: Jul 30 15:37:11 2005
Charcters: Bishoujo
Description: This is my original character as to why I named her Jess I don't know.
Image Properties: 800x502 34.5 kb
Title: Serpent Dragon [ Mythological :: Dragon/Dragons ] By: King Lykouleon Marik
Uploaded On: Jul 30 14:53:33 2005
Charcters: Serpent/Serpents
Description: Done in pen..Took two days..a couple of hrs and the next day another...^_^'' I'm so proud of it wouldnt you say so?
Image Properties: 633x600 191.7 kb
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Title: Rath Illuser [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Knights ] By: Kage Tenshi
Uploaded On: Jul 30 14:33:11 2005
Charcters: Rath
Description: Rath! Yay! Anyway...this kinda goes along with my Inuyasha to Ryuu Kishi no Kaji fic... .... .... i luv Rath,... ^-^;;
Image Properties: 449x443 20.57 kb
Title: Megan Beck [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Inuyashasgirl4ever382
Uploaded On: Jul 30 7:28:31 2005
Description: This is a pic of Megan Beck for my fan fic story different, wearing Kagome's school uniform. This isn't exactly what she looks like so bear with me i don't think the pic is all to good so Review on what you think of my pic^^
Image Properties: 972x1337 113.83 kb
Title: Shippo-chan [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Kyoshiro Kokujo
Uploaded On: Jul 29 20:27:08 2005
Charcters: Shippo
Image Properties: 726x350 43.67 kb
Title: Duelist of the Rose [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: _Teana
Uploaded On: Jul 29 20:09:38 2005
Charcters: Yami Yugi
Description: Yami Yugi from Game Playstation 2,Yugioh Duelist of the Rose.
Image Properties: 667x923 64.3 kb
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Title: Inu-kun sketch [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: isha_hanyou_20
Uploaded On: Jul 29 19:40:01 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: This is my first attempt at drawing the beloved Inuyasha. I don't particularly like his eyes, but I thought he came out pretty good. Please review!
Image Properties: 1600x1200 336.34 kb
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Title: Rei [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: Monster Envy
Uploaded On: Jul 29 19:01:27 2005
Description: this is one of my earlier drawings he's not that good but i like him
Image Properties: 1198x1152 137.55 kb
Title: Cierzo [ Miscellaneous :: Role Playing ] By: Cierzo
Uploaded On: Jul 29 18:52:12 2005
Description: This is Cierzo, the character I take the name after (or the other way around ^^). The nose is crap, I know, but the look conveys exactly what I wanted to.
Image Properties: 465x600 63.19 kb
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Title: Mannen [ Anime/Manga :: Pretear ] By: digifan14
Uploaded On: Jul 29 14:39:37 2005
Description: Hello all! This piccy here I drew ish Mannen~! ^______^; o.o; I need to ink it..O_O; Anyways, This piccy here is when Mannen was acting scary in the anime, so Im really happy for this picture...cause...I did right on the shading..O_O; Anyways, XD I hope yo read more
Image Properties: 768x720 57.78 kb
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