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Title: Chibi Cat Ryou [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: foxdemongal
Uploaded On: Jul 21 10:07:44 2005
Charcters: Ryou Bakura
Description: A cute but sucky picture of Ryou as a chibi kitty. This pic is from years ago. Enjoy!
Image Properties: 624x1120 58.43 kb
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Title: kagome kills kikyo [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: short-n-smart
Uploaded On: Jul 21 8:28:19 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi, Kikyou
Description: hahaha i ask chaye to draw this for me a while back i found it chaye she's probablly mad and before u go and get both chaye and i band from mm.org this is a joined account she draws i write i dont have a scanner so even if i have art worthy of ur powerful read more
Image Properties: 479x685 72.92 kb
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Title: Chaos [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Chaos ] By: tienfong
Uploaded On: Jul 21 6:41:17 2005
Description: i copied this in the cover of the 1st. ragnarok comic..i think it turned out pretty well, don't you think?
Image Properties: 637x729 107.18 kb
Title: Slave Outfit [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: RavenLupinaRoth
Uploaded On: Jul 21 1:22:32 2005
Charcters: Raven
Description: Its Raven's slave outfit
Image Properties: 450x450 31.95 kb
Title: Kirara [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: short-n-smart
Uploaded On: Jul 20 21:39:33 2005
Charcters: Kirara
Description: This is kirara I did it not too long ago Im not all that good when it comes to drawing so I hope you guys like ^^
Image Properties: 480x332 21.87 kb
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Title: Sesshomaru, Gazing on Miroku [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Xakana
Uploaded On: Jul 20 17:39:44 2005
Charcters: FanFiction Linked Art, Miroku, Sesshomaru
Description: I know I'm not great at drawing them, but I wanted to draw them together. They don't have on shirts so I didn't have to bother with it. All color done in photoshop, but I hand drew the picture itself. From my fic "Unforeseen Obstacles" (older pic, reposted read more
Image Properties: 274x252 25.57 kb
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Title: pouting dragon [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: gunsandpocky
Uploaded On: Jul 20 13:56:06 2005
Charcters: Wufei
Description: wufei in his harem-boy outfit. it wasn't MY idea...
Image Properties: 239x665 65.06 kb
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Title: cute [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: kikyofreak
Uploaded On: Jul 20 11:41:00 2005
Charcters: Shippo
Description: is very cute and was made by miyuki yokanado my crazy twin.
Image Properties: 99x100 4.74 kb
Title: Dreams [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: MoonKhat
Uploaded On: Jul 20 8:45:11 2005
Description: "Enjoy the moore; the smiles of noon, if doubtful be the 'morrow. And know the Fort of Life is soon; betray'd to death by sorrow. Death claims us all, then grief; away! We'll own no meaner master. The clouds that darken 'round the day, and bring the night read more
Image Properties: 647x750 73.06 kb
Title: Lovers [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: MoonKhat
Uploaded On: Jul 20 8:39:47 2005
Description: Fyria and Kenneth...
Image Properties: 373x691 44.67 kb
Title: Fyria Kildark [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: MoonKhat
Uploaded On: Jul 20 8:35:29 2005
Description: This is the first drawing ever of Fyria, done in '01 and I've always really liked it.
Image Properties: 400x598 53.05 kb
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Title: Ack! Wrong One! [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: ennovy_tenshi
Uploaded On: Jul 20 7:59:56 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi, Miroku, Sango
Description: I finally found time to put my new stuff on this site! medium: photoshop
Image Properties: 1000x880 126.51 kb
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Title: Vash [ Anime/Manga :: Trigun ] By: gothgurl22066
Uploaded On: Jul 20 7:46:28 2005
Charcters: Vash Stampede
Description: Vash the Stampede
Image Properties: 430x573 108.44 kb
Title: Vash [ Anime/Manga :: Trigun ] By: gothgurl22066
Uploaded On: Jul 20 7:45:20 2005
Description: Vash the Stampede.
Image Properties: 614x460 77.52 kb
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Title: Beast Beyond All Horrors [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Darth Mer-Mer
Uploaded On: Jul 20 7:10:28 2005
Description: Original character from my *gasp* original novel.
Image Properties: 300x441 144.08 kb
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