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Title: Inuyasha [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: LzL
Uploaded On: May 28 21:30:02 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: Well...this is my first Inuyasha drawing that I've ever drawn...and also my first computer coloured art...hope its good!
Image Properties: 2200x1800 222.15 kb
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Title: Kobu Uniform:Driger Altis [ Anime/Manga :: Beyblade ] By: Heinell no Miko
Uploaded On: May 28 20:37:31 2005
Charcters: Rei
Description: Wai! He looks like a 70's mecha anime character!
Image Properties: 422x548 30.46 kb
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Title: Kobu Uniform:Draciel Abeloris [ Anime/Manga :: Beyblade ] By: Heinell no Miko
Uploaded On: May 28 20:35:32 2005
Charcters: Max
Description: And yet another. Juicily orange, huh?
Image Properties: 421x548 27.72 kb
Title: Kobu Uniform: Dranzer Alexia [ Anime/Manga :: Beyblade ] By: Heinell no Miko
Uploaded On: May 28 20:33:55 2005
Charcters: Kai
Description: Yet another ^_^
Image Properties: 416x548 30.32 kb
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Title: Kobu Uniform:Dragoon Athelia [ Anime/Manga :: Beyblade ] By: Heinell no Miko
Uploaded On: May 28 20:31:43 2005
Charcters: Takao, Tyson
Description: Good old Takao-kun in a Kobu uniform.
Image Properties: 384x548 32.43 kb
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Title: ST Zero One Main Cast [ Anime/Manga :: Beyblade ] By: Heinell no Miko
Uploaded On: May 28 20:27:39 2005
Description: llustration for my Fic. Too many characters to enumerate ^_^;;
Image Properties: 758x571 77.09 kb
Title: haruno sakura [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: darkdragon91
Uploaded On: May 28 19:54:21 2005
Charcters: Sakura
Description: didnt really like sakura at the begining, but i think she proved herself, so yeah a crappy pic i did wen i was as bored as hell. colored with color pencils and sharpies. not comp. graphics since i dont no how to use it yet
Image Properties: 708x954 56.72 kb
Title: snow harpy [ Mythological :: Winged Beings ] By: strange_undead
Uploaded On: May 28 16:14:09 2005
Description: This my idea of a harpy I plan to make few other harpies.please coment
Image Properties: 1120x1648 119.85 kb
Title: metal dragon [ Mythological :: Dragon/Dragons ] By: strange_undead
Uploaded On: May 28 15:20:19 2005
Description: it looks cool when it's small.I hate that.please comment
Image Properties: 1650x1232 81.79 kb
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Title: Koumi [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Risu-chan
Uploaded On: May 28 13:54:00 2005
Charcters: Koushiro/Izzy, Mimi
Description: Koumi is my favorite Digimon couple. I love my shading on this picture, although the background leaves much to be desired (-_-) Anywho, don't ask me why I like this couple...the Japanese fanart for it is cute, so that's all that matters.
Image Properties: 421x434 144.26 kb
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Title: Raw Sorrow [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Shinsei Kokoro
Uploaded On: May 28 4:57:29 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi
Description: Pretend they are in a drastic situation where she's on the brink of death and he's helplessly trying to keep her alive. And tada! You get a smooch! Drawn by hand and scanned. P.S It's also a scene in a fic I'm hoping to write soon.
Image Properties: 300x425 38.91 kb
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Title: Man Handler [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Shinsei Kokoro
Uploaded On: May 28 4:51:56 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: Right out the bad boy. Didn't have any problem with him really. Drew it and scanned it.
Image Properties: 300x425 37.09 kb
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Title: InuYasha and the Goshinboku Tree [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Scorpia250
Uploaded On: May 27 23:41:37 2005
Description: Um this is only the third time I have tried to draw Inu Yasha *blushes* I"m sorry it stinks *hangs head still blushing*
Image Properties: 265x540 32.43 kb
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Title: Broken Hearted Yami [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Scorpia250
Uploaded On: May 27 23:38:01 2005
Description: Um this is my favorite drawing. Um yeah *blushes* I like this because it shows Yami having something else besides that constant frown and blank look when duelling. *blushes again* I um hope you all like. #^_^#
Image Properties: 445x375 26.21 kb
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Title: Dressing Up [ Anime/Manga :: Beyblade ] By: Shadow Fire
Uploaded On: May 27 21:50:54 2005
Charcters: Fan Created Character
Description: Somethimg I drew up for a fanfic. There was a comic that I drew up for it, but I'm to lazy to add it... It was, originally, part of a double image, but I put so much work into each sepeate image that I decided to save them seperate.
Image Properties: 750x731 365.34 kb
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