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Title: Meet us in the Ring [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: tamako
Uploaded On: May 20 19:24:49 2005
Charcters: Cell
Description: Cell and Rain in Cell's arena. It's one of my favorite.
Image Properties: 300x350 97.6 kb
Title: David [ Miscellaneous :: Realism ] By: oishii
Uploaded On: May 20 16:42:59 2005
Description: David's a good kid :D i drew him cuz he asked ^_^
Image Properties: 439x357 45.1 kb
Title: 15-Year-Old Naruto [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: kitsuneluvuh
Uploaded On: May 19 18:47:20 2005
Charcters: Naruto
Description: Okay, I'm seriously thinking of starting a gallery called, "Things I do in the English Classroom." I actually did this during the MCAS, but it still counts as English because that's my homeroom. Anyway, I was reading a story (YYH/N) and Kurama forced Narut read more
Image Properties: 640x882 55.56 kb
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Title: Cole [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: foamyfan15010
Uploaded On: May 19 16:52:05 2005
Description: This is a picture of Cole, again drawn by Lacey Barsottini. The flowers surrounding him are Forget Me Nots, commonly associated with true love and remembrance. Picture is property of Mother's of Gir productions.
Image Properties: 1000x768 454.81 kb
Title: One Day [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Kagomesunni
Uploaded On: May 19 15:38:12 2005
Description: It's another one of my sucky Kagome/Gaara images....I have a Gaa/Kag fanfic at ff.net ( Kurama Kagome FOREVER is my penname) can you PLEASE review for it?
Image Properties: 611x497 142.64 kb
Title: Pheonix [ Mythological :: Phoenix ] By: Wild Nymph
Uploaded On: May 19 15:06:48 2005
Description: Colored version of my firebird. Hehe... pain in the tooshie to post because I couldn't get it into the right format.
Image Properties: 463x632 21.75 kb
Title: My character Talon Morasky [ Miscellaneous :: Harry Potter ] By: renee_dmrs
Uploaded On: May 19 12:39:09 2005
Description: Just an OC of mine... Done in colored pencil originally, but colored the shirt in Paint. Her skin is actually darker but turned out like this... Goofed on poportioning if anyone would give me a hint on that it would be much appritiated.
Image Properties: 512x613 89.35 kb
Title: Eternal Scars [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Naomitinuveil
Uploaded On: May 19 6:28:30 2005
Description: Naomi bearing her eternal unhealing scars. (Pyro Mechanica) ~Naomitinuveil
Image Properties: 816x1102 166.38 kb
View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: Naomi Kuiveya [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Naomitinuveil
Uploaded On: May 19 6:22:33 2005
Description: Naomi Kuiveya An emotionally wrecked, angst ridden half mecha. Trying to find out if she exists, and where she came from. (Pyro Mechanica) ~Naomitinuveil
Image Properties: 811x1097 144.34 kb
Title: Sarie [ Mythological :: Beast/Beasts ] By: Wild Nymph
Uploaded On: May 18 20:25:38 2005
Description: Sarie is a mount of the Forgotten People in one of my original stories yet to be released. I though she turned out decently but as you can see I had issues with one of her feet.
Image Properties: 718x813 102.16 kb
Title: Life [ Miscellaneous :: Abstract Art ] By: Wild Nymph
Uploaded On: May 18 20:23:01 2005
Description: Seikatsu, means Life (or so I believe). An early drawing from when I was working on identifying designs for the characters of my original stories.
Image Properties: 311x311 28.74 kb
Title: Gardevoir [ Anime/Manga :: Pokemon ] By: Wild Nymph
Uploaded On: May 18 20:19:07 2005
Charcters: Missing Character-Pokemon
Description: I had to look it up but it's Gardevoir. I thought it was an interesting creature, and had to try my hand at it.
Image Properties: 779x872 127.53 kb
Title: Star Twirl2 [ Miscellaneous :: Abstract Art ] By: Wild Nymph
Uploaded On: May 18 20:17:05 2005
Description: I seem to have to much fun with this symbol. Hope you like it. ^_~
Image Properties: 600x849 121.34 kb
Title: Star_twirl [ Miscellaneous :: Abstract Art ] By: Wild Nymph
Uploaded On: May 18 20:15:03 2005
Description: I was bored in class and had this come to my mind. Enjoy, and review if you like. ^_^
Image Properties: 712x764 112.66 kb
Title: Fire Bird [ Mythological :: Phoenix ] By: Wild Nymph
Uploaded On: May 18 20:12:21 2005
Description: A small treasure from my hand to your eye, and one of the best I've done if you ask me. Still not finished with fixing it up, but I couldn't resist.
Image Properties: 536x652 60.28 kb
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