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Title: Stupid Fangirls [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: Rurouni Linda
Uploaded On: May 2 21:28:55 2005
Charcters: Sasuke
Description: Eh...
Image Properties: 429x295 20.37 kb
Title: Lynn Minmay Cell [ Anime/Manga :: Macross ] By: Lacus Klein
Uploaded On: May 2 18:28:19 2005
Charcters: Lin Minmay
Description: Done on a cell. Drawn and painted.
Image Properties: 960x1504 146.78 kb
Title: Bijou [ Anime/Manga :: Hamtaro ] By: Lacus Klein
Uploaded On: May 2 18:25:25 2005
Charcters: Bijuo
Description: Just a cute little doodle I did a while back and thought I'd post...
Image Properties: 1200x1440 85.09 kb
Title: Shigure ^-^ [ Anime/Manga :: Fruits Basket ] By: Yami's Girl710
Uploaded On: May 2 13:16:00 2005
Charcters: Shigure Soma
Description: Hmm~. I like how this pic turned out. I drew it a little while back. It's Shigure in both his human and dog form. Done in MSPaint.
Image Properties: 282x318 9.66 kb
Title: Sanada Ryo [ Anime/Manga :: Ronin Warriors ] By: megalotro
Uploaded On: May 2 11:50:26 2005
Charcters: Ryo
Description: Yep, Ryo >P lazy colouring~
Image Properties: 689x492 239.07 kb
Title: Ichigo [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Crejz Ann
Uploaded On: May 1 23:32:09 2005
Description: a fanart from a manga called Ichigo100% done using adobe photoshop cs.
Image Properties: 601x620 167.55 kb
Title: Arou [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Crejz Ann
Uploaded On: May 1 23:20:30 2005
Description: A fanart for my favorite manga mekakushi no kuni. done using Adobe photoshop cs.
Image Properties: 650x950 174.38 kb
Title: Bridget Wolf of Heal Me, I'm Heartsick [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: angel_indigo
Uploaded On: May 1 19:30:49 2005
Charcters: Original Character
Description: My OC character from my fan fic, Heal Me, I'm Heartsick, and the sequel, Wolf's Last Cry. Her name is Bri Wolf and she eventually becomes Kurama's once-girlfriend...I hate straight romance, so it doesn't work out. ^^;; The full story is already up on Fan F read more
Image Properties: 378x542 57.35 kb
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Title: First painting [ Anime/Manga :: Fushigi Yuugi ] By: Lovegeta
Uploaded On: May 1 13:21:36 2005
Charcters: Nuriko
Description: OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S GOTTEN SO SMALL!!! well, this is my first try with real paint 0_0 and I'm so happy you can even see a face in it! First I thought the whole thing was f*cked-up but it's turned out pretty cool don't you think? maybe I will do the re read more
Image Properties: 230x220 13.78 kb
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Title: Older Yuki [ Anime/Manga :: Fruits Basket ] By: Yami's Girl710
Uploaded On: Apr 30 21:17:28 2005
Charcters: Yuki Soma
Description: "It was a man; and a fairly tall one at that, the long thin legs encased in tight faded blue jeans, a casual yet stylish suede hanging jacket open over a pale blue button-down shirt. Long wisps of the man's greyish hair hung around his face and down pas read more
Image Properties: 282x383 9.44 kb
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Title: Her Blood (Close Up) [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: razorbladesinner
Uploaded On: Apr 30 20:36:57 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: Like I said in the far away shot, this is another Drawing by my friend Chris, I colored it using Pencil Crayons while watching an Inuyasha DVD...it's for my story "The Reason", want to know who the "Her" is? Well, you'll find out in a future chapter that I read more
Image Properties: 992x744 136.61 kb
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Title: Her Blood [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: razorbladesinner
Uploaded On: Apr 30 20:34:01 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: Yet another drawing by Chris, but I colored this one in using pencil crayons while watching an InuYasha DVD. Unfortunately I don't have a scanner so this was taken with my Dig-Cam on the floor of my kitchen, I'm going to post a close up as well where I use read more
Image Properties: 992x744 99.94 kb
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Title: El principe de las tinieblas, Ren Tao [ Anime/Manga :: Shaman King ] By: Girl Magic del Anime
Uploaded On: Apr 30 15:56:23 2005
Charcters: Ren Tao
Description: It is seen very pretty as vampire!!, like estaria a bitten of him? XD, good the technique is pastel pencil for Ren, although has some touches of the program, like corrar some filth, etc. But very good. tambien the effect of the rain. in short I believe qeu read more
Image Properties: 800x600 71.08 kb
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Title: Gojyo Wallpaper [ Anime/Manga :: Gensomaden Saiyuki ] By: Lady Sai
Uploaded On: Apr 30 14:59:50 2005
Charcters: Gojyo
Description: This was first done is watercolors then fixed on computer. So, those of you who like this as your wallpaper please leave me a review and feel free to save it for your desktop.
Image Properties: 800x576 214.76 kb
Title: MYHi [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: Myhi
Uploaded On: Apr 30 11:50:44 2005
Description: What do you think? Too long and thin I think... ^_^;
Image Properties: 272x400 28.64 kb
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