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Title: Tomoyo [ Anime/Manga :: Card Captor Sakura ] By: Vilani
Uploaded On: Oct 8 14:27:49 2004
Charcters: Tomoyo
Description: Tomoyo, from Card Captor Sakura
Image Properties: 564x800 95.24 kb
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Title: Li and Kero-chan [ Anime/Manga :: Card Captor Sakura ] By: Vilani
Uploaded On: Oct 8 14:25:11 2004
Charcters: Kero-chan, Li Syaoran
Description: Li and Kero-chan fanart, from Card Captor Sakura.
Image Properties: 450x800 69.64 kb
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Title: Sakura again [ Anime/Manga :: Card Captor Sakura ] By: Vilani
Uploaded On: Oct 8 14:23:05 2004
Charcters: Sakura
Description: Again, Sakura, form Card Captor Sakura
Image Properties: 411x639 29.49 kb
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Title: Sakura [ Anime/Manga :: Card Captor Sakura ] By: Vilani
Uploaded On: Oct 8 14:20:48 2004
Charcters: Sakura
Description: A lil Fanart from Sakura, from card Captor Sakura ^^
Image Properties: 582x800 95.97 kb
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Title: Kiss me [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Vilani
Uploaded On: Oct 8 14:16:15 2004
Description: Wheee, you may wonder what those ears are... o.o Akita and Rei have 3 different forms: human, half-animal (this one) and Furries. Anyway, it's Akita and Rei again :3
Image Properties: 327x400 39.54 kb
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Title: French Kiss [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Vilani
Uploaded On: Oct 8 14:14:17 2004
Description: Again Akita and rei... and that lil animal in the conner is... em o.o Heh ^.^;;;;;;;
Image Properties: 900x600 92.51 kb
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Title: My love [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Vilani
Uploaded On: Oct 8 14:09:27 2004
Description: Two charcaters of Mine, Akita (the one is short hair) and rei (the one with the long hair), both males and both in love ^^ I didn't check the adult thing, since you can't actually see much, even thouh they are naked o.o But ifd anyone wishes, i'll change t read more
Image Properties: 900x577 81.94 kb
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Title: Not just Sugar and Spice [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: mysticalwings
Uploaded On: Oct 7 15:47:29 2004
Description: this is a biker girl i drew for my 2D design class. she turned out really cool so i kept her in my sketch pad. i may put her in one of my fanfics later on. i love the look on her face, its not innocent but not angry either. it just says, 'watch yourself ar read more
Image Properties: 400x790 38.12 kb
Title: Athrun [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam SEED ] By: Kurama Fangirl 4ever
Uploaded On: Oct 7 15:40:04 2004
Charcters: Athrun Zala
Description: this is my favorite ZAFT pilot!! ATHRUN!!!*pause* yeah... i had too many oreos... ~Sakura
Image Properties: 324x385 10.5 kb
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Title: Angered Stare [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: mysticalwings
Uploaded On: Oct 7 15:39:42 2004
Charcters: Trunks
Description: this is a pic i did WAY back when i was still starting out. the jacket colllar is kinda messed up, i never figure out how to fix it. but love the way his hair looks. an dhey it TRUNKS, he never looks bad! (bishy love :drool: ) R&R! hope its okay dipsit read more
Image Properties: 690x654 76.78 kb
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Title: l4rg0 [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: mysticalwings
Uploaded On: Oct 7 15:34:37 2004
Description: yet another megatokyo pic. this is a sketch of largo during his zombie obsession. he just can't seem to tell reality from video game. although miho is kinda scary, so i guess you can't blame him. but his obsession with beer is just permanent there's anyone read more
Image Properties: 500x688 42.39 kb
Title: Goth Chick Kikira [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: mysticalwings
Uploaded On: Oct 7 15:22:21 2004
Description: this is just a sketch i did during my megatokyo kraze. this was slight inspired by piro, but with a bit of miho in her as well. i love the megatokyo style, its just so new and freshing and really unique. this was done one sketch w/graphite pencils
Image Properties: 526x724 64.34 kb
Title: Forever Divided [ Mythological :: Winged Beings ] By: mysticalwings
Uploaded On: Oct 7 15:16:37 2004
Description: i did this pic for the halloween contest. i like creature with wings a lot, just cuz they're so much fun to draw and think about. this is one of my more freakish drawing, and i like that way. it's nice to be weird once in a while. this pic was drawing on s read more
Image Properties: 705x512 42.92 kb
Title: REBD vs. Kaiba [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Sisco
Uploaded On: Oct 7 14:27:19 2004
Charcters: Kaiba Seto, Red-Eyes Black Dragon
Description: This is a pic for a fic(ryhmes!) I'll be posting up soon. So, basically, it's a spoiler, but that's okay. The story is called Lethal Wish.
Image Properties: 1253x1521 279.27 kb
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Title: Mizu Ryu Hime [ Computer/Video Game :: Ragnarok OnLine ] By: kaorubattoushin
Uploaded On: Oct 7 6:36:19 2004
Description: This is a fanart of my character Mizu Ryu Hime... i scketched this one on a pad paper our if boredom and it ended up looking kinda cute so.. there! =P
Image Properties: 840x1125 385.57 kb
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