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Title: Being Human Really Sucks [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: InuyashaGirl2610
Uploaded On: Sep 20 6:19:04 2004
Charcters: Original Character
Description: Another pic of human Inukigo. WAY better than the other pics I've done of her in that form. Oh, in case nobody knows, the change in the clothes and the hair happens in my new fic 'All Things Come Full Circle', in the second chapter.
Image Properties: 700x809 123.53 kb
Title: Inukigo [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: InuyashaGirl2610
Uploaded On: Sep 20 6:15:29 2004
Charcters: Original Character
Description: I seem to draw a lot of pictures with Inukigo in them. I guess it's because she's not really a character, so I want to see her in a bunch of situations.
Image Properties: 700x782 111.11 kb
Title: Ying yang [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: KML
Uploaded On: Sep 19 17:04:23 2004
Image Properties: 300x370 46.52 kb
Title: Days of Tranquillity [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: Ikiwi
Uploaded On: Sep 19 13:39:13 2004
Charcters: Yunalesca
Description: This is a picture I drew of Yunalesca... I think it turned out quite well. It is when she was younger, without the worries of being a summoner and before she defeated Sin. Please review & tell me what you think!
Image Properties: 920x564 214.78 kb
Title: Blue Eyes [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: LadyWolf 85
Uploaded On: Sep 19 12:43:45 2004
Description: I tried to draw blue eyes and did a fairly good job.
Image Properties: 1662x1630 292.84 kb
Title: Adm. Hayase Takashi 2 [ Anime/Manga :: Macross ] By: Shinto Red
Uploaded On: Sep 19 6:09:06 2004
Charcters: Admiral Hayase/Town Leader, Admiral Hayes
Description: Another Adm. Hayase sketch. Profile.
Image Properties: 612x791 53.89 kb
Title: Adm. Hayase Takashi [ Anime/Manga :: Macross ] By: Shinto Red
Uploaded On: Sep 19 6:05:14 2004
Charcters: Admiral Hayase/Town Leader, Admiral Hayes
Description: Sketch of Hayase Takashi ( Adm. Hayes)
Image Properties: 644x832 54.88 kb
Title: Better to Burn Out... [ Miscellaneous :: Music/Musicians ] By: Jurei-chan
Uploaded On: Sep 18 15:02:34 2004
Description: ..than fade away. A line taken from his suicide note. Basically, this is a dirty sketch of the famous "soul-eyes" picture. Enjoy! ~Jurei^6
Image Properties: 656x855 52.88 kb
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Title: +Harvester of Sorrows+ [ Miscellaneous :: Medieval ] By: Jurei-chan
Uploaded On: Sep 18 14:58:38 2004
Description: Well...there's no category for visual representation of song lyrics, so this is the next best thing. ^^;; Taken from the Metallica song "Harvester of Sorrows" off of the 1988 "...And Justice for All" album. enjoy! ~Jurei^6
Image Properties: 701x937 349.83 kb
Title: +Sally+ [ TV Series/Movie :: The Nightmare Before Christmas ] By: Jurei-chan
Uploaded On: Sep 18 14:26:02 2004
Charcters: Sally
Description: A simple sketch of Sally, drawn anime-style. I like the later versions better, but could never re-create the border...^^;; enjoy! ~Jurei^6
Image Properties: 768x1020 343.15 kb
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Title: Jet Enduro [ Computer/Video Game :: Wild ARMs ] By: Jurei-chan
Uploaded On: Sep 18 14:22:05 2004
Description: Another old pic. This one I did for myseld after starting a WildARMS Advanced 3rd file with my friend. Jet is just too awesome... *sighs* enjoy! ~Jurei^6
Image Properties: 618x818 33.76 kb
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Title: Protector [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Jurei-chan
Uploaded On: Sep 18 14:19:22 2004
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: Hnn...this is pretty old. Most of my updated stuff is on deviantart, or my website. Anyways, it's a pencil sketch of inu that I did for a friend. enjoy!^^ ~Jurei^6
Image Properties: 392x516 21.33 kb
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Title: Elevator [ TV Series/Movie :: Daria ] By: Shinto Red
Uploaded On: Sep 18 10:56:14 2004
Charcters: Jane
Description: Daria Fanart. Inspired by Mike Yamiolkoski's fanfic "Outage". Originally under the penname S.Red.
Image Properties: 501x852 35.99 kb
Title: AniME [ Miscellaneous :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Emmi-sama
Uploaded On: Sep 17 20:31:36 2004
Description: This is me, anime style! Get it... aniME... ha! Anyway, didn't know where exactly to put this one, so it's going here... feel free to comment on my poor artistic abilities!
Image Properties: 958x1018 70.9 kb
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Title: Tatitas [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: legnanoom
Uploaded On: Sep 17 10:15:39 2004
Description: my version Anime of me!Or the frustrate attempt... ^-^
Image Properties: 1200x1733 394.32 kb
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