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Title: Rei [ Anime/Manga :: Cowboy Bebop ] By: ghost writer
Uploaded On: Oct 17 22:33:01 2004
Charcters: Faye Valentine
Description: Rei is a blond version of Faye Valentine... Date drawn: Oct. 18, 2004 Medium: Adobe Photoshop 7.0 artist: GW aka MoN If u think it is nice, please mail the artist... at cute_catgirl_04@yahoo.com
Image Properties: 197x233 26.53 kb
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Title: Always there [ Anime/Manga :: Pretear ] By: Hikari Angel 426
Uploaded On: Oct 17 19:29:47 2004
Description: Hayate and Himone....MediaMiner doesn't have names for this so...Yeah...thats about it total time: 15m
Image Properties: 1260x1609 158.77 kb
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Title: Atemu and Slifer [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Hikari Angel 426
Uploaded On: Oct 17 19:13:05 2004
Charcters: Yami, Yami Yugi
Description: I was bored one day and...this was the result, most of the art I have here can be found on Deviant Art, under the same name. Slifer is in the backround, and Atemu in front....yep. Total Time: 3h 15m
Image Properties: 1260x1642 226.37 kb
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Title: Brianag Doileag [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Wild Wind
Uploaded On: Oct 17 15:30:56 2004
Charcters: Original Character
Description: This is one of my characters, Brianag Doileag. Pronunciation: Bri-uh-nak Dol-ak... Race: Half elf, Half shapeshifter demon... Age: Appears 14 (really 682 years old)... Occupation: Assasin for Koenma
Image Properties: 300x300 118.59 kb
Title: The Death of a Friend [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: hosi-ni-onegai
Uploaded On: Oct 17 13:12:04 2004
Charcters: Hojou
Description: I drew this about a day after I wrote the chapter 'Him' for my Inuyasha fanfiction "Remembering You." It's the part where Kagome finds Hojo decapitated head nailed to the wall and the words "Your soul will be mine" painted on the walls with blood. I think read more
Image Properties: 1034x964 125.09 kb
Title: Quite a Success [ Miscellaneous :: Horror ] By: Angel Dragoon
Uploaded On: Oct 17 11:45:58 2004
Description: Uploaded this for the Halloween fanart contest. Drawn with mechanical pensil, words added in paint. Kinda one of those 'experimented on, went insane, vengeful' type characters...^_^'
Image Properties: 752x1000 94.5 kb
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Title: no title [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: crazyamzy
Uploaded On: Oct 17 11:43:35 2004
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: Inuyasha in human form, ^.^ I always liked him better this way. Outline done in Paint and colored in photoshop. The upload made the image grainy, sorry about that! Plz tell me if anyone knows how to fix it.
Image Properties: 453x448 30.01 kb
Title: Forever Walking [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: Kitsy
Uploaded On: Oct 17 8:17:30 2004
Description: Umm...I not really a good artist. I mean really most people laugh at my stick figures so I'm pretty proud of this one. It's completely hand drawn with crayons and color pencils. As of 7/27 - If you don't like my artwork plz don't post about it. I know abou read more
Image Properties: 797x1021 296.11 kb
View (4) Visitor Reviews
Title: Dream [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: solo-angel
Uploaded On: Oct 17 7:17:20 2004
Charcters: Tidus, Yuna
Description: from the dream cutscene in ffx-2, coloring done in a photoshop wanna-be program :(
Image Properties: 1000x750 158.04 kb
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Title: Kissy-kiss [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: MelCynt
Uploaded On: Oct 17 5:23:11 2004
Charcters: Duo Maxwell, Heero
Description: This was my first GW fanart *ever*. Yeah, I know, first fanart, and they're already kissing. Hey, I just happen to like them that way.
Image Properties: 650x475 149.66 kb
Title: Fire Kitten [ Anime/Manga :: Gensomaden Saiyuki ] By: Illianaka
Uploaded On: Oct 16 21:06:47 2004
Charcters: Lirin
Description: My first serious try at her without a reference. Messed up her shirt, but I think most everything else came out okay.
Image Properties: 550x714 63.16 kb
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Title: The Cast [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: EvilAngel69
Uploaded On: Oct 16 21:00:33 2004
Description: this is actually my friend's sketch from her original story (not here). She asked me to put it up for her, b/c she can't use a computer to save her life.
Image Properties: 300x304 132.83 kb
Title: Come Baaaaaack [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: sesshygirl3
Uploaded On: Oct 16 12:19:34 2004
Description: come baaaaaack colored, i hope you still like it.
Image Properties: 450x405 253.24 kb
Title: Lucca's New Look [ Computer/Video Game :: Chrono Trigger ] By: zipis1
Uploaded On: Oct 16 11:13:14 2004
Charcters: Lucca, Magus
Description: Based off of Rhianwen's "Generic Anime: Chrono Trigger Style", on fanfiction.net. Lucca is trying to be a villianess, with Magus as her mentor, but she's not very good at it. Check out the story sometime!!
Image Properties: 1696x2176 205.44 kb
Title: Chibi Daisuke Head [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Faded Jae
Uploaded On: Oct 16 9:19:37 2004
Charcters: Daisuke/Davis
Description: An old pic of mine which I still love.
Image Properties: 192x213 9.95 kb
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