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Title: A Soul Wanders Astray [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: Pyrite
Uploaded On: Aug 20 16:42:17 2004
Charcters: Zoisite
Description: This is the second chapter illustration of my Dark Kingdom fanfic, Sweet Dreams. I wanted something nice and dramatic...a little forced perspective with plenty of contrast. The Youma in the back were very fun to do. media: Mechanical Penchil, Photoshop7
Image Properties: 470x648 116.82 kb
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Title: Chibi Sasuke [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: ProdigyBombay
Uploaded On: Aug 20 13:38:38 2004
Charcters: Sasuke, Sasuke Uchiha
Description: *Pinches his cheeks*
Image Properties: 382x410 41.84 kb
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Title: Jack the pumpkin king =3 [ TV Series/Movie :: The Nightmare Before Christmas ] By: kireiaoshinari00
Uploaded On: Aug 20 13:34:43 2004
Charcters: Jack Skellington
Description: um, this is a picture back from summer school. this is what a picture at i dont take time with looks like lol. i have much better ones on my sites -in my profile-
Image Properties: 689x433 239.18 kb
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Title: Suicune's Freedom [ Anime/Manga :: Pokemon ] By: Tori the Hanyou
Uploaded On: Aug 20 12:26:05 2004
Charcters: Espeon, Suicune, Umbreon
Description: This is from the Pokemon Colosseum game, and I figured this is how Suicune would feel once he was freed from the Shadow Spell. It was a spur-of-the-moment drawing, but I'm SO proud of it! Please review!
Image Properties: 636x638 82.17 kb
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Title: solitude [ Miscellaneous :: Nature ] By: mistressKC
Uploaded On: Aug 20 11:26:45 2004
Description: watercolor painting I made during art class... hope you enjoyed! pls. review!
Image Properties: 1026x1590 123.84 kb
Title: Maya [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: mistressKC
Uploaded On: Aug 20 11:06:12 2004
Charcters: Original Character
Description: REPOSTED! The human form of my OC Maya... looks A LOT like her brother Kurama but she's younger. made with pencil colored with clored pencils... hoped you liked it! pls. review! and read my fanfic "A bandit's ways" too! she's in there...
Image Properties: 1060x1662 157.68 kb
Title: Youko Maya [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: mistressKC
Uploaded On: Aug 20 10:57:55 2004
Charcters: Original Character
Description: REPOSTED! mm.org removed it but I don't know why... and I had a review on it too! pencil drawing with watercolor background... didn't color the character to make her stand out... I liked the efect I hope you did too! it's my OC's true (demon) form... in my read more
Image Properties: 1140x1539 137.72 kb
Title: Yugi's Angel [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: emerald_fire2065
Uploaded On: Aug 20 10:46:01 2004
Charcters: Yuugi Mutou
Description: This is one of my latest fanarts that I did purely with Paint - no presketches beforehand. It's not my best work, especially since I'm not good when it comes to the hands (or anything below the neck for that matter) - it's only on rare occasions that I can read more
Image Properties: 320x240 20.68 kb
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Title: Minmay [ Anime/Manga :: Macross ] By: M-X
Uploaded On: Aug 20 8:16:03 2004
Charcters: Lin Minmay
Description: Yes Minmay, that's right, Rick doesn't love you heh heh.
Image Properties: 600x574 47.56 kb
Title: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen - Digimon Style. [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Taichis-Chick
Uploaded On: Aug 20 5:06:32 2004
Charcters: Daisuke/Davis, Fan Created Charecters, Jyou/Joe, Ken, Koushiro/Izzy, Taichi/Tai, Yamato/Matt
Description: This is The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen - Digimon style. Matt is the Rodney Skinner - The Invisable Man - can't see him though. Davis is Alan Quatermaine - The Hunter. Tai is Dorian Grey - The Immortal. (OC) Mena is Mina Harker - The Vampire. Ken is read more
Image Properties: 877x1356 98.12 kb
Title: Strike A Pose [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Kenuyasha
Uploaded On: Aug 19 23:01:48 2004
Description: The famous hanyou strikin' a pose...one of the pics I done at work when I am bored. Drawn in old pencil and ink. Considering finishing on paintshop....let me know what ya think. Author of 'Time Will Tell...Kenuyasha
Image Properties: 1972x2716 469.8 kb
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Title: Lady Wind [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: linxlynks
Uploaded On: Aug 19 20:58:26 2004
Charcters: Kagura
Description: My first attempt to draw Kagura. I hope no one minds that I added the long pieces of hair at the side. I tried to draw her without them, but it just looked weird. I also added some colour to the picture. Aren't you excited? I know I am *sarcastic* So here read more
Image Properties: 233x316 61.03 kb
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Title: Doujinshi- Sesshoumaru: Little Brother(colored) [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Foxy Kurama
Uploaded On: Aug 19 18:10:32 2004
Charcters: Inuyasha, Sesshomaru
Description: This is a doujinshi my friend and I made. This doujinshi is one of a small series, the rest are yet to come. *throws confetti into the air* It's finally colored! hope you like cuz it took me awhile.
Image Properties: 511x703 163.07 kb
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Title: Katt- smexified [ Computer/Video Game :: Breath of Fire ] By: Kaishaku
Uploaded On: Aug 19 17:15:58 2004
Description: Katt from Breath of Fire gameboy game. Smexy, ne? No steal! I spent many long hours creating this. Feel free to comment...I don't bite! Please also view my other pieces, as I need more comments on them as well. Thanks!
Image Properties: 355x525 96.48 kb
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Title: Sparkly Misha from Pita Ten [ Anime/Manga :: Pita Ten ] By: Kathy
Uploaded On: Aug 19 15:46:52 2004
Description: *Sparkly* Misha from the manga / anime Pita-Ten. Sweet enough to rot your teeth XD XD! Hehehehehe~ I love Misha's character design so much T_T!! Sooooo adorable...those little bunny hairthings especially ^_^! Her personality and the way she talks in the ma read more
Image Properties: 622x700 156.5 kb
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