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Title: the demon within [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: inuyashathedemonkiller
Uploaded On: Aug 30 1:01:46 2004
Charcters: Sesshomaru
Description: I dont want to mug him *_*
Image Properties: 803x553 32.17 kb
View (6) Visitor Reviews
Title: My Hero [ Computer/Video Game :: Pokemon ] By: ObsidianOrikalSSD
Uploaded On: Aug 30 0:49:27 2004
Description: A picture I drew for the TPT GPAwards, this image connects to my fanfic, Ambushed. It's basically just the scene in which Houndoom starts to fight Rhydon, and took about three hours to complete. ^^'
Image Properties: 799x600 196.52 kb
Title: Mana [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Yaoi_Anime_FanGurl
Uploaded On: Aug 29 21:10:09 2004
Charcters: Dark Magician Girl
Description: This is Mana. She is the holder of the Dark Magician Girls sprit deally. Lol anyways it took me around 2-3 days to get this all done. Plz tell me how I did.
Image Properties: 467x796 38.05 kb
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Title: Author ID [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: Xacani
Uploaded On: Aug 29 19:02:41 2004
Description: I was bored as hell, so I whipped this up. It's an ID with an anime version of me. No serious shading done because I don't do shading. Also, ignore my bad math on the height.
Image Properties: 429x632 36.18 kb
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Title: Fly away [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Niffe_24
Uploaded On: Aug 29 18:12:25 2004
Image Properties: 413x600 53.57 kb
Title: Nate [ Miscellaneous :: Gaia Online ] By: Niffe_24
Uploaded On: Aug 29 18:00:51 2004
Image Properties: 518x648 91.15 kb
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Title: Request [ Miscellaneous :: Gaia Online ] By: Niffe_24
Uploaded On: Aug 29 17:48:51 2004
Image Properties: 334x495 22.34 kb
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Title: Kawaii [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Niffe_24
Uploaded On: Aug 29 17:46:32 2004
Charcters: Ryou Bakura, Yami Malik
Description: Isn't it Kawaii?
Image Properties: 600x591 70.93 kb
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Title: Chobit Yamis [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Niffe_24
Uploaded On: Aug 29 17:39:12 2004
Charcters: Yami Bakura, Yami Malik, Yami Yugi
Description: It's Chobit Yamis!!!^___________^
Image Properties: 556x596 70.62 kb
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Title: Sailor Moon... RUN AWAY [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: sesshomaru_is_hott
Uploaded On: Aug 29 15:40:55 2004
Charcters: Sailor Moon
Description: I had to draw sailor moon fan art.. I don't know why.
Image Properties: 600x893 105.55 kb
Title: Green - Neko [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: mistylesca
Uploaded On: Aug 28 18:29:28 2004
Description: Wh00t! It looks decent! I know I could have worked harder on this one, but I was kinda rushed toward the end. I like the eyes and the hair best, and I could have done the back and the ears better. A friend of mine theought that she was facing the front XDD read more
Image Properties: 300x400 96.09 kb
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Title: Remember Me? [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: xDarkhopex
Uploaded On: Aug 27 16:43:49 2004
Charcters: Jounouchi Katsuya
Description: My Joey drawing! I was inspired to draw this when I saw the Mai Vs. Marik episodes. This was when Joey was trying to get Mai to remember him because she had lost her memories. He looked all determined, so I decided to draw it. Sorry it's not colored in... read more
Image Properties: 1275x1147 254.47 kb
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Title: Yami & Ryou [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Niffe_24
Uploaded On: Aug 27 16:00:04 2004
Charcters: Ryou Bakura, Yami Yugi
Description: It's a proud father and mother (sort of)
Image Properties: 322x599 129.5 kb
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Title: Nate&Toshi&Troden [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Niffe_24
Uploaded On: Aug 27 15:58:14 2004
Description: This is a piccy I drew and coloured.
Image Properties: 768x591 168.59 kb
Title: Waiting for Scorpio [ Mythological :: Mermaid/Merfolk ] By: MystifyingDamsel
Uploaded On: Aug 27 12:18:27 2004
Description: Just finished this today... I like it but I messed up on the eyes and also on the scales BIG TIME. Heh... though, I think it still looks good. PLEASE comment... because well, I have NEVER gotten a comment and YES I am desperate now :-P hehe
Image Properties: 1168x942 128.52 kb
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