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Title: Human InuYasha [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Stargaziey
Uploaded On: May 20 22:27:09 2004
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: Human InuYasha...with short hair. ^_^ Notice the tooth from his rosary on the necklace.
Image Properties: 400x400 130.89 kb
Title: Just a little lick.... [ Anime/Manga :: Chrono Crusade ] By: Shiari
Uploaded On: May 20 17:25:31 2004
Description: uhmmm... ignore the bad drawing of the dragon and focus on the cuteness that is the chrno chibi! 10 minute drawing spurred on by watching a 12 ep marathon of Chrno Crusade and the fact that... well... I wanna lick him! But in an *entirely* non-sexual way.. read more
Image Properties: 912x688 176.93 kb
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Title: Mikage-Human [ Anime/Manga :: Sonic X ] By: _UsagiGirl_
Uploaded On: May 20 16:22:56 2004
Description: This is a pic of Mikage, my origional character, as a human, obviously. (She doesn't normally look like this, I just thought it'd be fun to draw her as a human.) I have a bunch of pics as her regularly (as a hedgehog), but they're re-colorings which aren't read more
Image Properties: 921x1508 293.32 kb
Title: Kiba as Human [ Anime/Manga :: Wolf's Rain. ] By: Draco MalfoyGirl 16
Uploaded On: May 20 14:02:18 2004
Charcters: Kiba
Description: Ok this one i did Kiba in human form. I kinda messed up on the eyes part, but i still think it looks like him. I hope that you like this one and i will be doing more soon.
Image Properties: 640x480 18.57 kb
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Title: Skeren Dalren of "Reservations for Sanity" [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: Skeren Dreamera
Uploaded On: May 20 3:58:37 2004
Charcters: Origional Character
Description: This is an original character from "Reservations for Sanity" She's one of three, being my namesake. The other two do not have pictures so far, but I might get to that. I hope you enjoy, this is the best I could do for her in paint.
Image Properties: 380x501 25.4 kb
Title: Ryuuka [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: padfootop
Uploaded On: May 19 11:56:28 2004
Charcters: Original Character
Description: This is my first pic colored on the computer... I'm sorry if the colors are screwed up.
Image Properties: 918x1202 73.74 kb
Title: Freya and Elda [ Anime/Manga :: Chobits ] By: The Crazed Canadien
Uploaded On: May 19 11:33:51 2004
Charcters: Chi, Chii
Description: Freya and Chi. A B-day pic for my best friend ^^
Image Properties: 253x557 28.64 kb
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Title: Red Dragon [ Mythological :: Dragon/Dragons ] By: Lur
Uploaded On: May 19 8:55:52 2004
Charcters: Western Dragons
Description: Well, just a dragon, duh. After much thinking I decided to do it red, because I´m soooo original... xD
Image Properties: 910x780 198.53 kb
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Title: Litle Uni [ Mythological :: Unicorn/Pegasus ] By: Lur
Uploaded On: May 19 8:53:28 2004
Description: I wasn´t planed to finish this, but I was just too bored ^^; The background took ages compared with the rest of the picture, but it look more or less like I wanted to, so it´s ok. Lots of anatomical problems (that damn neck!), but that´s read more
Image Properties: 1070x770 200.74 kb
Title: RO Swordie [ Computer/Video Game :: Ragnarok OnLine ] By: Lur
Uploaded On: May 19 8:51:49 2004
Description: Friend´s character in the Ragnarok Online game, a swordman. Done by request.
Image Properties: 483x577 95.31 kb
Title: Random Priest [ Computer/Video Game :: Ragnarok OnLine ] By: Lur
Uploaded On: May 19 8:50:06 2004
Description: A priest from the Ragnarok Online game... I finally colored this sketch, just to practice with OC. Don´t really like it, but being the first one it can´t be otherwise ^^;
Image Properties: 529x594 124.88 kb
Title: THe Pic Of the 4 Girls From Dimension Swappers [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: kishanta
Uploaded On: May 18 19:19:37 2004
Description: this is a pic i drew for my stoty the story of yugi and the dimensionswappers it was drawn a while ago but still good i think for a first try.
Image Properties: 1275x1755 253.97 kb
Title: Original Character for JessiRae [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: kuramarose8888
Uploaded On: May 18 11:54:18 2004
Charcters: Original Character
Description: Here you are Jessi, the picture that you wanted. For all that do not know, Jessi asked me to draw a charater from her stories and I did and this is it and all that jazz and *gasp*, thats it. Kitty
Image Properties: 248x260 12.25 kb
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Title: Renkotsu in a Dress [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Vile Deadboss
Uploaded On: May 18 7:42:49 2004
Description: I have four of the seven in dresses but only allowed to show one. Renkotsu in a dress. >D
Image Properties: 276x616 41.98 kb
Title: Inuyasha and Kagome kiss [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: InuyashaGirl2610
Uploaded On: May 17 23:18:58 2004
Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi
Description: Umm...I don't really know why I drew this. It's actually the first pic I've ever done with a naked - yet covered up character. I think that I just got an idea in my head and had to get it out of my system. I really like it though. I don't think that it's a read more
Image Properties: 750x785 75.52 kb
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