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Title: Son of Fire and Water [ Computer/Video Game :: Kingdom Hearts ] By: AxelIngleson
Uploaded On: Aug 18 5:29:39 2008
Charcters: Original Character
Description: Aquarius. Son of Axel and Demyx.
Image Properties: 600x824 79.51 kb
Title: Son Stephen Goten [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Ravenpan
Uploaded On: Jun 2 8:06:35 2004
Description: Stevie's kind of an original character, but he's Gohan's son in my game, so I thought I'd toss him up here anyhow :) (5/5/2k4)
Image Properties: 341x359 57.42 kb
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Title: Sonamy 4 Always [ Computer/Video Game :: Sonic Series ] By: CJ the Cheetah
Uploaded On: Aug 19 9:25:42 2005
Charcters: Amy Rose, Sonic
Description: I love this couple. I just think they're so cute together so I drew them kissing.
Image Properties: 475x576 72.35 kb
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Title: Song to the Storm [ Miscellaneous :: Nature ] By: Tori the Hanyou
Uploaded On: Nov 25 18:57:32 2004
Description: Inspired by a harsh thunderstorm one night. Tell me, is the wolf really there...or not?
Image Properties: 1200x1000 305.07 kb
Title: Songstress Yuna [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: HanenoSuzaku
Uploaded On: Jan 12 4:40:38 2005
Charcters: Yuna
Description: My first attempt at Songstress Yuna. I plan on adding Songstresses Rikku and Paine to it too, and then a BG. What do you think?
Image Properties: 394x757 38.94 kb
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Title: Sonic and Tails Kiss [ Anime/Manga :: Sonic X ] By: foxkit
Uploaded On: Jun 29 1:02:09 2006
Charcters: Miles Tails Prower, Sonic The Hedgehog
Description: Inspired by my fanfic, "Best Buds". As you can see, it's Sonic kissing Tails (after he's transformed into a girl.) Muahahah!
Image Properties: 1296x1902 215.97 kb
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Title: Sonic Terra Dance [ TV Series/Movie :: Teen Titans ] By: Sonic_The_Titan
Uploaded On: Nov 10 7:54:24 2006
Charcters: Terra
Description: Heres a scene in chapter 17 of " The Love worth Dying for", which I drew a while ago. I'll probably do more pics and scenes from the. I hope you like.^^ I might make a better verson of this pic once I get photo shop.
Image Properties: 878x1175 52.23 kb
Title: Sonic throwing a rock at you [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Sonic the Hedgehog ] By: sonichedgehog2005
Uploaded On: Aug 18 4:40:28 2005
Charcters: Sonic The Hedgehog
Description: This is something I drew a while back, I finally have a scanner now though, so I can submiit art....finally xD
Image Properties: 497x734 34.15 kb
Title: Sons on Nimbus [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: chichiluvr
Uploaded On: Dec 8 13:41:33 2003
Charcters: Gohan, Goku
Description: Again, wanted a nice family pic with Chichi, Goku and chibi Gohan, probably before Radditz came. Done in photoshop.
Image Properties: 792x610 166.54 kb
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Title: Sonya-School and Everday [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Aikutsugan
Uploaded On: Nov 9 17:48:40 2006
Charcters: Bishoujo
Description: This was created in early November of 2006. This is the final concept of a character in "Mechanica", an idea for a manga which I have pushed aside until my art skills are more atoned and better. Her name is Sonya, as the title says, and the first outfit is read more
Image Properties: 609x703 240.29 kb
Title: Soon To Be [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: fluffykagomekawaii
Uploaded On: Jun 18 22:36:21 2005
Charcters: Kagome Higurashi, Sesshomaru
Description: As you can tell, this is Sesshoumaru and Kagome about to close the distance, and while she's all into the moment Sesshoumaru realizes people can see them, thus the slightly annoyed look in his eye ^_^ it was my first attemt at coloring...i usually just sha read more
Image Properties: 547x700 267.52 kb
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Title: Sophitia Alexandra [ Computer/Video Game :: Soul Calibur ] By: Stefanie
Uploaded On: Sep 16 13:43:22 2003
Description: Woooop Sophitia's so cool, so I drew her! befoer I got Soul Blade, just got it today, so more fan art coming!!
Image Properties: 330x633 159.41 kb
Title: Sora [ Computer/Video Game :: Kingdom Hearts ] By: Diablesse
Uploaded On: Oct 9 8:30:15 2003
Charcters: Sora
Description: Oh my God, I haven't posted here in ages. o_o' I had to remove all my old pictures because my account was full! It was horrible. Luckily I saved a couple of the old ones, pfew. Anyway, it's Sora. I like Sora. Riku r0x0r0rx more of course, but Sora is cute read more
Image Properties: 348x757 83.16 kb
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Title: Sora [ Computer/Video Game :: Kingdom Hearts ] By: Love-child of Marluxia
Uploaded On: Oct 2 12:30:48 2006
Charcters: Sora
Description: Yeah, I have a matching doll of Roxas. They're cute as all get-out. Sora's hair was a pain and I wasn't even going to attempt to try and pixel his shoes. O_O
Image Properties: 76x223 4.14 kb
Title: Sora [ Computer/Video Game :: Kingdom Hearts ] By: Stephany
Uploaded On: Dec 25 13:29:45 2002
Charcters: Sora
Description: This is a christmas gift for my friend - the biggest FFmaniac ever :o)
Image Properties: 600x1131 185.87 kb
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