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Title: sol badguy [ Computer/Video Game :: Gulty Gear ] By: shootershaw
Uploaded On: Sep 8 6:15:20 2002
Image Properties: 400x746 42.06 kb
View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: sol badguy (again) [ Computer/Video Game :: Gulty Gear ] By: shootershaw
Uploaded On: Oct 6 23:46:36 2002
Description: made with ink 'n' photoshop'nuff said
Image Properties: 600x627 41.91 kb
View (3) Visitor Reviews
Title: Solace [ Miscellaneous :: Romance ] By: Sionnac
Uploaded On: Dec 2 13:12:03 2004
Description: Wow. This one was a royal pain from the first minute on. Scanned sketch colored in Photoshop 6. Still not sure I'm happy with the background but I finally figured out a good way to do hair.
Image Properties: 420x1140 75.09 kb
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Title: Solace [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Original ] By: Misaki Kaibutsu
Uploaded On: Mar 30 17:18:13 2005
Description: Sabia (lady in the swirly dress) comforting her SON, Aidan. --;; Because Aidan was a depressed little eight-year old.
Image Properties: 176x257 44.61 kb
Title: Solace [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Girliegirl
Uploaded On: Nov 14 13:37:33 2002
Description: Long time no upload. ^^ Well, anyways, this piece is done for a contest i'm entering for school... winner gets 1 grand prize money. XD Dont think i'd win though... im experiencing the same problems that used to plague me too... which is, not enough contras read more
Image Properties: 750x533 79.78 kb
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Title: Solace [ Anime/Manga :: Fullmetal Alchemist ] By: talxthorn
Uploaded On: Sep 6 5:12:56 2005
Charcters: Roy Mustang
Description: Before ambition took it over, Roy's heart belonged to one man.
Image Properties: 75x98 3.83 kb
Title: Soldier's Pride [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: Juu-Chan
Uploaded On: Sep 10 6:27:10 2002
Charcters: Sephiroth
Description: It's everyone's favourite General! YAY! I absolutely love this guy, thought I'd draw him again. Kinda relaxed, ne? Anyway, tell me if you like it!
Image Properties: 659x549 35.54 kb
View (4) Visitor Reviews
Title: solitude [ Miscellaneous :: Nature ] By: mistressKC
Uploaded On: Aug 20 11:26:45 2004
Description: watercolor painting I made during art class... hope you enjoyed! pls. review!
Image Properties: 1026x1590 123.84 kb
Title: Soma Cruz [ Computer/Video Game :: Castlevania ] By: JenFoxworth
Uploaded On: Jan 28 10:45:44 2008
Charcters: Soma Cruz
Description: Yes, tis my first pic of the great Soma.
Image Properties: 600x777 93.48 kb
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Title: Somber Kurosu [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Hineko
Uploaded On: Oct 31 19:08:29 2002
Description: me again, and i'm bored... and i do look like that now... just sittin' in Photoshop and staring at YOU! bwaahahahaa!! [stops cackling and walks off]
Image Properties: 400x450 27.09 kb
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Title: Some doodle... [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Shade Zephyr
Uploaded On: Oct 12 6:53:40 2002
Description: Well pplz, this is just another pathetic attempt at drawing guyz... ;_;
well one I was too lazy to clean it up on PS and two I drew it wid a really really blunt pencil and lastly it scanned funni, so yeh. ^_^;;
Image Properties: 720x1014 112.62 kb
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Title: Some girl. [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: frozen_in_shadow
Uploaded On: Sep 10 19:19:25 2004
Description: This was just a random drawing. I just drew it yesterday. I messed up just a bit. I love her hair though! It's so cool! I want her hair! I think i might color it. *shrug* dunno. But I might.
Image Properties: 713x1774 193.28 kb
Title: Some Guy [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: Kaze13
Uploaded On: May 9 18:54:02 2006
Description: Please i need any pointers at all i really really really need to get good at drawing!!!
Image Properties: 782x774 68.22 kb
Title: Someday! [ Miscellaneous :: Animal(s) ] By: Tifa H.
Uploaded On: Oct 1 13:47:29 2002
Description: This is a drawing of a horse that I would like to have. I made long legs, and a strong back with the warmblood look. Someday I'll have my grand prix jumper!
Image Properties: 576x471 30.75 kb
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Title: Someday... [ Anime/Manga :: Pokemon ] By: InuRanma07
Uploaded On: Jan 30 5:50:31 2007
Charcters: Ash, Misty
Description: This was a picture found in thepokemontower.com and I had re-made the pic to look this way. So I hope you enjoy it, many people from Deviantart love this pic! ^__^
Image Properties: 300x418 32.36 kb
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