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Title: Sirius Black [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Harry Potter ] By: Rowein
Uploaded On: Aug 31 14:46:16 2004
Charcters: Sirius Black
Description: Sirius Black, from Harry Potter
Image Properties: 670x635 53.15 kb
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Title: Sirius Black [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Harry Potter ] By: chihaya
Uploaded On: Oct 4 23:00:08 2002
Charcters: Sirius Black
Description: March 2002. Painter 7.0My design of Sirius-chan after book 4. After he escape from Azkaban, i think he coud use a hair cut XD!
Image Properties: 400x596 50.86 kb
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Title: Sirius Black [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Harry Potter ] By: Zoutou
Uploaded On: Apr 15 17:40:20 2005
Charcters: Sirius Black
Description: Ah, for a new fanfiction i'm currently writing (at fanfiction.net/~zoutou )
Image Properties: 300x360 41.95 kb
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Title: Sirius Blue [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Harry Potter ] By: Rowein
Uploaded On: Sep 30 19:58:13 2005
Charcters: Sirius Black
Description: Sirius Black. An old one, but I think this draw is very popular :)
Image Properties: 388x466 55.11 kb
Title: sirocco [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: shinigami_shadow
Uploaded On: Jun 15 9:24:03 2003
Description: Well, Sirocco was my first test used on adobe. I think he turned out... ok i guess. I still like him. Sirocco's a real clueless fox who will do anytihng for food. I just drew the smirky side of him. I think i could do better, =^_^=
Image Properties: 535x787 80.21 kb
Title: Sirona Amethyst [ Mythological :: Goddesses ] By: DivaSiren
Uploaded On: May 4 12:31:51 2004
Description: My personal made up Goddess - she's the guardian of all unicorns and I finally decided on taking the advice of 2 reviewers about the name. This is my first completely done on the computer piece and I really like it ^_^. Made in about 15 hours with PaintSho read more
Image Properties: 800x729 67.22 kb
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Title: sirus being sirius [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Harry Potter ] By: wildchibisattack
Uploaded On: Feb 11 14:48:50 2008
Charcters: Remus Lupin, Sirius Black
Description: sirius just being his dumb self
Image Properties: 640x480 92.64 kb
Title: Sirus with her knife [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Scorpia250
Uploaded On: Jun 4 0:46:40 2005
Charcters: Original Character
Description: um this is my own charecter from one of my fanfics on fanfiction.net um I would really love it if you to go check it out. the title is called Yugi and the Thief and i still have the same username over there. the story behind this is about a girl thi read more
Image Properties: 782x1541 65.13 kb
Title: Sistas in Crime...Fer Lyfe [ Miscellaneous :: Abstract Art ] By: Silent Miko
Uploaded On: May 24 17:50:09 2004
Description: I know this might seem random to you but this is a picture of my Gaian sisters and I on Gaiaonline.com, and as the Art by thingy states Dyamond Jewel, that is my Gaian Username, so I did not steal this from nobody. And feel free to check out gaiaonline ne? read more
Image Properties: 451x447 28.3 kb
Title: Sister-in-Laws [ Anime/Manga :: SD Gundam ] By: May-VeggieGirl1
Uploaded On: Sep 19 6:44:38 2007
Description: My half of an art trade with Charon! Aneko, Bakunetsumaru's older sister, and Moriko, my original character from Tenmei: Hinomoto Botsu. :3 Enjoy the cuteness~
Image Properties: 450x300 36.53 kb
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Title: Sisterly [ Anime/Manga :: Ah My Goddess ] By: tienfong
Uploaded On: Jul 17 3:48:01 2005
Charcters: Belldandy, Skuld
Description: Belldandy (belledandy) and skuld...the pic. is kinda light but you could still see them..drawn 2002.
Image Properties: 637x825 77.01 kb
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Title: Sit [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: DiamondCrypt
Uploaded On: Dec 6 20:12:01 2005
Description: Oh man. I don't usually love my pictures, but this one..Two days. :D I worked so hard on it, though. Z0mg!! I've been told the feet need work, but I hate feet anyways, so foo that. >_> xD Comments pur-leez!! :D
Image Properties: 600x800 112.8 kb
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Title: Sit Boy [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Animegurl002
Uploaded On: Mar 30 11:24:31 2005
Charcters: Kagome Higurashi
Description: Since my friends say everything I even think about drawing sux, I've decided to work hard and learn to draw better. This is a pic I copied freehand, and I know it's not the greatest, but I'm still trying. Please give constructive criticism to help m read more
Image Properties: 862x1139 42.14 kb
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Title: Sit Boy! [ Anime/Manga :: Tenchi Muyo ] By: buggyness
Uploaded On: Feb 11 15:08:05 2003
Charcters: Ryoko
Description: Well, a cross over with Inuyasha. Foreground characters drawn and colored in Photoshop.
Image Properties: 575x587 93.09 kb
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Title: sit with me [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: shawnamm1
Uploaded On: Aug 4 18:18:03 2007
Description: just a pic i did on the way home from Nevada. done in pencil and permanent marker
Image Properties: 1600x1200 161.29 kb
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