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Dissilation: GWSTT Illustration
Dimensions: 600x1073 pixels, 159 Kb
Dissilation: GWSTT Illustration by Jenny Bird
Artwork uploaded on Nov 6 18:07:40 PST 2002, since then it was viewed 1785 times and reviewed 1 times.
Artist's Commentary
We love Angel Vash, yes we do..
Here's a bigger, cleaner version of just Vash and Meryl from the wallpaper illustration I already did. ^_^ See that one for more details on media used, etc. .... And drawing two people standing in the same spot at the same time on different planes of existance that are being merged is UTTERLY EVIL AND RESULTING IN ARTIST INSANITY! ...But fun. ^^
And, once again, if you haven't read Lynda-chan's Gossamer Wings and Sweet Tasting Things... Go to FFN and DO SO NOW!! ::smiles sweetly::

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