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Vash kneeling
Dimensions: 600x943 pixels, 152 Kb
Vash kneeling by Jenny Bird
Artwork uploaded on Dec 31 5:43:33 PST 2002, since then it was viewed 1363 times and reviewed 2 times.
Artist's Commentary
Leather. Yum. And such an evil evil thing to color.. >.ODrawn for no other reason than I was bored one night during work when no one was showing up for help. Let it be known once and for all... Vash's bodysuit is EVIl to draw - we NEVER see it fully enough. >< ::makes another note to get the Trigun artbook::
This has a desktop image with a Bryce background so the context of the pose will make more sense.. ^^;; Actually, it's sort of done already, but it seems like it's missing something, so I'll keep beating my head over it until something dawns..

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