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The Weight On His Shoulder
Dimensions: 894x1204 pixels, 158 Kb
The Weight On His Shoulder by lil6ter
Artwork uploaded on Aug 6 7:15:27 PDT 2007, since then it was viewed 1662 times and reviewed 13 times.
Artist's Commentary
This is my first picture posted on anything. I posted this picture for, and because of, Animelover4ever. Check out some of her fanfics too. i also posted this for my 4 best friends. you know who you are, and encouraged me to draw him as well as lent me your hands so i could do his. anyway, she wanted me to post it, and I thought that this would make it easier for her to contact me. I drew this picture because I was inspired by a similar one of Sesshomaru somewhere out there in lala land ^_^. I drew Inuyasha by hand, and then I scaned him into the computer. It took me awhile to come up with the style that I wanted to use…but I am happy with how it came out. I used corel paint for this. i tired useing layers but...lets just say that it got realy hectic. after layer 30...i just didn't know what was what so i merged them into a jepeg and stared over with only 1 layer. Thanks also to my wonderful sister for getting a drawing pad for me! It helped out A LOT! Please review! I wanna improve on my techniques. tell me if you guys want me to post my original black and white. also, if you like this, then check out the cover art i posted for my fanfic which will be posted on halloween. I didn't get any other names then this. so here he is, with the weight on his shoulder! (IMPORTANT) i have posted a fanfiction by the same name writen by me and inspired by this picture. i have been told that it is very fluffy.

The Weight On His Shoulder (Black And White) »