6teen Fan Fiction ❯ 7teen: Super Jonesy ❯ Disaster ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Jonesy had only seen Jude do his work at Stick-It on numerous occasions and thought “How hard could it be?” But that's when Jude's personalized menus took him by surprise.
Jonesy even noticed the back room had loads of supplies, and the freezer was stashed with so many different meats. It was hard to figure out which was which. So he chose one at random. “Hmm… this meat looks, kinda' dark.” So he assumed “It must be chicken.”
He also found frozen vegetables, but didn't bother to let them thaw, or even rinse them in the sinks. “Okay… no sweat. I can handle this.” he said to himself feeling cocky.
He was only really working fast because he had to get over to the ice-rink soon and fire up the Zamboni. It took some struggling, but he seemed to get everything under control… or so he assumed.
“Hmm… let's see…” he said as he read a recipe “One dash of pepper…” so he added the dash of pepper, but because he wasn't watching he accidentally added the dash to the garbage instead of the kebabs.
He also hadn't changed the oil in the deep-fryer or replaced the grill-steels under the hot-lamps where the kebabs had to rest in order to stay fresh. “Hey… this isn't so bad.” he said. Then his watch beeped, “Whoop… gotta' jet.” And he dashed off for the Rink forgetting to close down the stand entirely or even shut the hot-lamps off!
The Zamboni hiccupped a lot as Jonesy tried to master the controls. “Man, how do you drive this thing?” Somehow he got it under control, and was driving much smoothly.
“Well, well… you're actually working decent for once.” said a voice. Jonesy turned and saw Nikki.
“This coming from a chick who'd rather tear down the Khaki-Barn that help bring it up in sales.” he joked at her. His girlfriend smiled as she hopped in beside him. They shared a soft kiss, and Jonesy started the motor. “All aboard… next stop… whatever…”
Nikki sniggled close into Jonesy's arms never knew how relaxing riding on a Zamboni would be. At least she wasn't stuck having to listen to the Clones shout “EEE…” all afternoon.
Sadly, having Nikki there distracted him from keeping the Zamboni straight, dumping the cold water on the ice to even out the grooves, and worse… keep his eye on the time to get back to Stick-It.
Caitlin finally found some time to close the lemon so she could take me up on that drawing lesson I promised her. She even bought a pad of drawing paper and a set of assorted pencils and colored pencils. Then she was off to Comic-Cavern where I was just helping a few customers pay for their items. “Ahh… Mmm-mm. It's hard work but it's well worth it.” I said as I admired how much money I had made that day.
Once the last of the customers had left, I closed the gates of the store, and Caitlin and I headed upstairs to my private sanctuary. “All right Caitlin, go ahead and draw for me.” I told her.
“Huh…?” Caitlin asked. “But you haven't even taught me any tips yet.”
“I know… first I have to see your drawing style and see what needs perfecting.” I replied. “So draw…something for me, anything and let's see how good you are.”
Caitlin decided to try and draw a picture of Hans. She thought of him as hard as she could, and drew her best, but when I got around to looking at it, the sight of such a drawing nearly cracked my shade. His head was narrowed at the top, like a pear. His teeth were all crooked his arms weren't of equal length, and the legs… I hated most of all.
“Well, what do you think?” Caitlin asked.
“Tut-tut-tut… no, no, no… this is no good at all.” I said, and I pointed out all the things wrong with it. Caitlin felt awful. “Oh! What's the use, I'll never get good enough to impress Hans.”
“Oh, sure you will…” I told her. “I already know where most of your problems are already, and I think I can help you.”
Caitlin looked up “Really…?” she asked.
I nodded, and we got down to work.
The first thing I did was put Caitlin through some finger drills; exercises that would relax her fingers and distress any discomfort in them.
I got her to type on my computer without stopping for ten minutes straight. Balancing glasses of cold water and ice on her fingers and keeping still. I even got her to shine the store-gates. “Whew! What's this exercise for again?” she asked.
I looked up from reading the daily newspaper. “Oh, uh… that's to help wear out any calices you may have built up over the years.” When really I sneakily thought to myself, “Those gates were in desperate need of a scrubbing.”
Soon, she was able to crack her knuckles just by pulling on her fingers; just like I could. “Very good…” I said. “Now we're ready for the next bit… clearing the mind.”
Caitlin sighed to herself, but heeding my advice, we went back to my sanctuary where I told her to lay on the couch, and I player her soothing music. The song of healing… gentle romantic angel sounds… load of relaxing tunes.
“Now, don't fall asleep! Just relax.” I told her. “Suspend all stressful thinking out of your mind, and only think calm and cheerful thoughts.”
Caitlin lost all feeling her back, and never felt her head to be so light before. “Wow… this sure is relaxing, but it's so hard to turn off my brain.” she thought to herself.
Jonesy had finally remembered to high tail it back to Stick-it, and he already found a disaster there waiting for him. The kebabs under the hot-lamps were all burned to a crisp. The extra vegetables he had left out were all rotten and moldy, and he had customers complaining at him that their Stick-it's tasted terrible.
“This is veal, you creep.” Growled at a girl. “I'm a vegetarian.”
“Yo' why does this chicken have little bits of oil-crumbs stuck to it.” snarled a dude.
Jonesy was demanded refund, after refund until he was back to a total zero.
Wyatt, Jen, and Nikki came along. “I can't believe that just happened to you.” Wyatt said. “Don't you know how to cook things?”
“Are you kidding…? He can't even make PB and J and home without making it into a disaster.”
“Hey…!” her step-brother snapped “You promised you'd never mention that.”
“She never needed to; we all knew the whole time.” Nikki said.
Jonesy sighed. “There's way too many things to take care of and put together. How does Jude do it?” Then he checked his watch. “Oh man… I gotta get back to the ice-rink.”
The other three never thought they'd think of it before, but they were all thinking that Jonesy was pushing himself too hard. Yet along their way back down the mall they saw Jonesy running from a mob of angry skaters.
Then they saw why… the whole rink was a disaster. Some bits of the ice were smooth and yet they had rough and bumpy sections across. Cracks and grooves were tripping the skaters as they passed, and a few fell down. This raised many complaints towards the rink and Ron wasn't pleased when he read them.
“That's it! Until you can get this ice in working order, I'm closing it to all customers.” he growled and he hung up his yellow-tape warning the shoppers to keep away.
Jonesy was really upset with himself now.