Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ One Half-breed and Three Goddesses Part one: Life ❯ Chapter 6

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“You never got over the incident with the skunk did you, urd?” I said while trying not to laugh “you made me stink for a week” she practically screamed at me.
She got up and was about to charge at me when I put my hand out, palm-first and froze her in mid-air.
“Stop this there are more important matters at hand” I said before sensing that someone was coming.
I teleported outside onto the roof. I watched as two men were heading towards the temple.
One was an afro-American male wearing a black trench coat and shades, all while sporting a sword. Blade, the daywalker. The other was a rather old-looking white man clad in casual clothes. Abraham Whistler.
I jumped down off the roof and said “been a while, hasn't it you two?” while walking over to them.
I greeted blade and said in the vampiric tongue “hersaf gensh depaws newsap” I turned to the old man and said “how've you been old man?” he growled and said “for fucks sake Joey, don't call me a godamn old man” blade snapped to attention when the others appeared at the doorway “who are they?” asked skuld pointing to blade and the old man “they are the legendary dark warrior, Blade. And this is his friend and mentor….” “Abraham godamn whistler” he said scowling “Joseph, how about getting to the reason why we're here?” “Yeah alright (I inhale deeply). You all know the legend of the person imprisoned in ice for all eternity, right? (All nod) well that person was my brother (all except peorth look at me, shocked at the news). He was imprisoned in ice following his attempt at destroying earth and the heavens. Because of that and the fact that I had become really powerful I was hunted for 500 years. Now I learn someone has released him which means he is going to try again (I look to the goddess') these three are now in danger as well” urd glared at me and said “why? If this is between you two why are we in danger?” “Because when you three were born I made a blood pact that what ever happens I would keep all three of you safe” “when we were born? That means you must be over 1000 years old?” “1500, actually, although I might say that I look pretty good for someone my age” all of a sudden the wind began to pick up. I could feel a presence I hadn't felt for a while.
I turned to blade and the others “I want all of you inside NOW!” I yelled “no” said blade, grabbing his sword.
I stopped him and said “no, he is too strong for you. You'd die” he put his hand down, nodded and went over to the others.
Peorth came over to me “are you sure you'll be alright?” “Yeah, if anything happens, we'll meet again, someday. Now go inside” I replied motioning her to do it. After they were all safe inside I drew my own sword and said to the approaching figure “you shall not harm them” “yeah? Who's going to stop me dear brother? You? You're pathetic; you couldn't even bring yourself to kill me before,” “I've learnt my lesson, next time I won't hesitate to kill you” “if you say so” he said grabbing his own sword from its sheath. I jumped up and dived at him, sword first. He dodged and tried to swing at me, but I dodged and sliced at him. He dodged and swung at me. I raised my sword up and blocked it, but both swords went flying. “Ah well, guess we have to do it the old fashioned way then” I ran up and landed a flying kick to his head.