Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ One Half-breed and Three Goddesses Part one: Life ❯ Chapter 10

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

(a\n: I must stress that a scene portrayed in this chapter is pretty gruesome. Don't like it? Then Piss off)
The next morning….
I woke up and noticed Peorth wasn't there next to me, until I heard the shower running. I got up and went over to the bar and pulled out a bottle of Jack Daniels. I went over to my jacket and pulled out a packet of smokes. I left them on the bed and went into the bathroom, quietly. I snuck in and noticed my goddess there, in all her splendour. I opened the shower door and got in behind her. I surprised her by grabbing her breast and kissing her. She jumped and noticed I was there. “God, you're beautiful” I said while kissing her. “I know” she said, kissing me back. Half an hour later we arrived back at the temple. It was dark. “Stay here” I whispered silently, un-holstering my customised berretta 914fsd. I had it trained on anything that moved.
A gethas demon jumped out of the wall and grabbed me. I head butted it. I stuck both thumbs in its eyes, rolled over, pulled up my pistol and planted a bullet in its sorry excuse for a head, killing it instantly.
I then heard an ear-splitting scream. It was Belldandy. I ran as hard and as fast as I could. I got to the door and kicked it in.
what I saw was horrifying to mortals. Skuld was laying on a table, her internal organs now her external organs.
As soon as I went in the door slammed shut behind me. “Hello brother dear” said a sickly voice.
It was my brother.
I turned, but not before he cast a spell on me. “That's better, brother. Now kill them” I could do nothing as I pulled a knife out from my pocket.
I grabbed Belldandy by the neck and was about to stab her when she yelled at me “what is your mission?” I jerked for a moment and said “to ensure the survival of the three goddesses” she started crying as she said “YOU ARE ABOUT TO FAIL YOUR MISSION” I stopped for a moment and dug the blade into the bed next to her head.
I could feel the demonic energy as I began to transform into my true half-breed form.
I yelled in pain as my devil wings began to grow from out of my back. Two giant horns grew from out my skull.
I turned to the ex god and hit him, sending him flying.
I immediately transformed back into my human form and passed out for a second. I woke back up and ran out to the main temple room. Peorth was waiting there for me “what happened?” she asked right before she put her hand on my face. “Oh no” she said, starting to cry. She rested her head on my chest as I as I said “shhhh, it's alright, let it all out” “Peorth” she turned her head up to me “whatever happens it'll be alright” I let her go and went over to the phone. “Who are you calling?” “An old friend of mine”.