Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ One Half-breed and Three Goddesses Part one: Life ❯ Chapter 11

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

(a\n: this chapter and the following ones contain a cameo from hellboy, the demon allied with the humans)
About half an hour later, I was laying on the couch with Peorth sleeping soundly when there was an almighty knock on the door. I picked Peorth up and laid her on the couch gently, so she stayed asleep. I went over to the door, grabbed my pistol and asked who it was, “it's me pal, I'm freezing my ass off here” I opened it and there stood in all his red glory HELLBOY “c'mon you coming in or not” I said motioning for him to come inside. We sat down at the table as I grabbed two bottles of beer.
“What happened Joey?” he asked noticing my discomfort “one of the goddesses is dead” his face dropped then he said “this is not good Joey, if those two die; all our work will be for squat” “yeah I already know that”. “Matthowus” said a voice quietly from the door.
I turned and saw that it was Peorth “what's up?” I asked her before HB moved over to her “hello there, you must be…?” “Peorth and I'm with him” she said, walking over to me and planting a kiss on my lips.
Hb smiled and said “Joey, you old dog” he said “how'd you land this catch?” “Long story. Peorth this is hellboy, hellboy this is Peorth” “alright Joey you got me here for a reason so what is it?” “I am going to kill my brother once and for all. What I need you to do is help me get in and take care of the people that might try to attack me” “sure, when do we leave?” “10 minutes. Peorth?” “Yes?” “just so you know, when I kill him 2 things will happen, 1st being everything he's done will be undone, meaning Skuld and any others he's killed will be brought back to life, so you will see her again. Secondly, and this is a possibility, I could die. If I do I want you to know that I always loved you” “I know” “I will see you again, I promise” “alright you to lovebirds, we've got some matters to attend to, so if its alright…?” “Oh sorry `bout that Hb. Peorth, I'll see you shortly”. Peorth left the room as we discussed our battle plan. 5 minutes later we were gearing up when Hb asked me “are you willing to die for her?” “You better believe it” “alright” he said, loading up his six shot pistol while I was loading shells into my shotgun. I slung it over my shoulder and sheathed my sword.
“You ready to do this hellboy?” “As ready as I'm gonna get” “alright lets go” I said putting on my leather coat.
I opened the door and we entered the main room containing belldandy, Urd and Peorth. All three came up to us and said “be careful you two” “we will” Hb said walking out the front door.
Peorth turned to walk away as I grabbed her arm and turned her back to me. I kissed her and said “I will see you again, I promise” she kissed me back and said “go kick his ass” which kind of surprised me for the fact that I never heard her say that before.
I regained my composure, nodded and said “I love you” “I know” she replied with a grin as we left.