Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ moons hopes ❯ unnnamed ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Breathing heavily from her run to the explosion site, a tall brunette in a
fuku raced across buildings. she saw what looked like uranus's power source.
But what caused her to use so much power? she dropped down to the ground and
peered around a corner. She quietly took in the situation at hand. On her
right some woman with a sword was fighting two blue daimons and was holding
her own despite not having landed a blow. Looking to her left she saw a
taller woman with sandy blonde hair in a fuku, along with a really handsome
boy fight some blue-haired woman. Said woman was slinging beams of water at
them. The boy's shirt and pants were torn, but he seemed fine. The brunette
ran towards the fight jumping to a nearby lampost just in time to see another
of the blue daimons appear behind the woman with the sword, preparing for the
final blow. Sailor Jupiter was not going to let an innocent be killed. She
jumped while charging an attack that should take out all three youmas

"Jupiter oak evolution!!"


i dont own noone dont sue.


Haruka stood with her back against a big oak tree. She peered out from behind
the tree and looked at the Saotomes. She knew Ranma could fight somewhat..
but she was worried about Ms Masaki. She often carried around that blade but
Haruka wasn't sure she could do anything with it. She pulled out her henshin
rod and held it in the air.

"Uranus star power makeup!!!" A colorful brief naked scene later Sailor
Uranus stood. The pretty suited soldier ran towards the fray watching Ranma
take on Undine her mouth opened in awe. His mother unsheathed the sword and
started to cleave into the monsters. Uranus ran to help the Masaki matriarch
when she slid to a halt. Nodoka was moving as fast as a scout and handled the
sword with such proficancy that the monsters could not touch her.
Unfourtunatly she wasnt doing any damage. The parts which she had cut started
to reform into liquid hands and appendages. Uranus knew that sooner or later
Nodoka would run ot of things to attack. She hoped it would be the later. She
briefly turned her head to glance at Ranma. And she once again was slackjawed
at his skill. He was dancing around Undine and her aqua beams. As if playing
hopscotch. And he was smiling. Undine's natural blue skin was turning an
unnatural red. 'Wait if she's made of water and she's getting hot...'

"Ranma watch out!!" Uranus called out.

Ranma of course looked at Uranus wondering how she knew him. That distraction
caused him to take a blow to the chest of hot water. The blast sent him
through several buildings and finally he impacted on a parked gas truck
exploding on impact.

Uranus fell to one knee. Tears stinging her eyes as she watched the smoke
rise with flames lighting the sky. As good as Ranma was in the art, he was
done for. She cried for all of three seconds, summoning her rage qnd stength
she held her palms toward the ground. Sucking the mana from the earth.


"WORLD DEVASTATION!!" she arched her hands downward sending energy that she
gathered back into the floor suddenly a column of light appeared bathing
Undine in it Uranus did a series of hand movements. *(think trunks)* and
fired off several small green world shakings. All which connected with the
light making it orange finally she shot off one big red ball of mana at the
orange containment which detonated it leaving it in a white glow. Anyone
watching from a distance and didn't know about Jubann would have thought that
WWIII had broken out. As it looked like twenty thousand nuclear hydrogen atom
bombs. (oh yeah, power trip.)

Uranus smiled at the damage she knew she dealt to the element. She fell to
the floor exhausted mentally and physically. Her best friend just died and
she could not do anything. She lookd up at the tell-tale sounds of sword
hitting claw and stared at Ms. Misaki. How could she tell her that her only
son was just killed? She was about to stand and toss a couple of world
shakings at the demons when she was tackled from behind. She heard a sound of
ice covering the area where she just was. She turned to look at her savior.
Her heart soared. She wanted to hug and kiss him on the spot. Ranma stood
there with his cocky smirk. His shirt torn and battered not barely covering
his chest. He flipped up right taking her for the ride.

"Sailor Neptune are you alright?" he asked sincerely.

"Uranus." she stated. "Yes I'm fine."


She checked him once over making him blush. She had to admit even as a
lesbian Ranma looked very handsome. She may be able to convince Michuru to
let him in on one of their sessions. Ranma looked serious suddenly knocking
Uranus out of her stupor. He grabbed her spinning like a top, and landed
tossing small Mouko Takabisha's at air. Much to haruka's surprise.

"So you found me." Undine wavering image like water appeared. Suddenly she
frowned. "How did you survive that blast?!" she yelled.

"Got me." Ranma said taking a slow stance. "How did you?"

"Ice clone at the last second I teleported to get away. Hurt much?"

"Nah, but beside that the ringing in my ear still hurts a bit. Shall we go

Undine was about to respond when she saw another senshi wearing green shoot
lightning. Then the woman blurred and the demons were gone.

"Chikuso, soon we will finish this." she said while disappearing.

"Hey get back here!!" Uranus yelled.

"Damn!" Ranma yelled. Then turned to look at Uranus. He looked at her
curiously then looked to be concentrating. He looked at her eyes and smiled.

"What do I have something on my face?" she asked.

"Um excuse me did you see a girl about your height and hair color anywhere?"
Ranma asked.

"Uh.. yes I saw her run to a phone booth maybe she called the police."

"Oh okay I'll just talk to her later." he said the last part directed at her.
She picked up on it. He turned to walk to his mother and noticed she was
bowing deeply at the senshi in green. He moved along faster not wanting to
have to deal with any girl problems this time.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~

"Juptier oak evolution!!!" the senshi of wood and lightning called. She
expected the monsters to be dust. But she didnt expect the lady with the
sword to hold her sword at the lightning. 'Wait a minute, that sword is

"Lady what are you doing?!" she yelled.

Nodoka either didn't hear the shout or wasn't paying attention. Using her chi
she absorbed the lighting into her sword. The sword was now crackling and
swirling with electrical energy. She arched an eyebrow at the monsters and
gave of the patented Ranma smirk. She dashed forward becoming a blur. Jupiter
couldn't follow her moves anymore. When nodoka reapearred she turned her
blade upwards releasing the electric energy into the sky. When she lowered
her blade, the monsters weren't there anymore. The dust blew in the wind was
the only reminder of the attack.

Jupiter's mouth was hung wide open.

Nodoka smiled at the young woman. And looked towards her son's battle. She
frowned when she saw him get flung through a couple of buildings, but she
knew her son was a manly man and couldn't be hurt by such attacks. The
brunette senshi ran forward to help her teammate but was held back by an arm.

"Watch." Nodoka simply said. At first Jupiter thought the woman was crazy!
She just saw her son get killed and she didn't want to do anything. But then
Jupiter looked into her eyes and saw admiration? Jupiter nodded. She didn't
want to upset the lady. After all she could absorb her attacks and was way
faster. What could she possibly do to harm this woman?

Minutes later Uranus shot off an attack which sent debri everywhere. Jupiter
thought that she was gonna die then she saw a truck come at her. She couldn't
hit it with magic, it would explode killing both of them. Suddenly the woman
in front of her sliced the truck in two. Leaving two seperate pieces on
either side of her exploding. Jupiter really needed to asess this woman more
carefully. Returning her attention back to the fight she was surprised to see
that the boy was there and he saved Uranus! She looked him over.

'What a hunk!' suddenly the blue woman looked in their direction. She then
disappeared. She looked at the woman with the sword noticing that her clothes
were repaired and her hair in place she also had her sword wrapped. She bowed
deeply to Jupiter.

"Domo arigato Jupiter-chan." Nodoka said sincerly.

"Ano.. it's no problem.. miss. after all you are a beautiful young lady, and
I'm a hero." she said noticing that the boy was walking their way. She might
as well get in good with his mother.

"My what a polite young woman. And cute too! Tell me do you have a
boyfriend?" she turned her head when she heard Ranma sneeze.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

"Achoo!" Ranma shook his head. "Aww man I knew it." he walked next to his
mother. He smiled at the two women, making his mother smile back and the girl
next to her blush.

"So what's up ma?" he said casually as if there wasn't a fight.

"Ranma do you know where Haruka-chan is?" Nodoka asked. Ignoring the his

Ranma looked at Uranus and then at his mother. "Uh yeah she'll see us
tommorow. That's what she said right?" he asked Uranus.

"That's what she told me." Uranus said nervously.

Ranma looked at Haruka's car it was decimated in Uranus's attack. He decided
it would be a good thing to leave before she noticed it.

"Uh come on mom we hafta get going." Ranma said.

"Be polite Ranma dear." she said while bowing to the senshi in turn. Ranma
waved as he grabbed his stuff and grabbed his mother; jumping into the air
landing on the roof and ran toward his house. "Oh Ranma, make sure your
presentible for the surprise."

Both senshi looked at what just happened and decided that a meeting would be
in their best interest. Then Haruka got a look at her car.

"That box he was holding looks like the one Usagi has." she said aloud. 'He
looks like my old sempai.' she thought.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~
The next morning Ranma was walking down the stairs. He paused as he looked
to the mirror. He didn't have to wear a uniform. His mother made arrangements
with some lady named Meiou or something.. He could wear his usual shirt. But
his mother told him that he would soon be going shopping for more of a
variety. He kept wondering what his mother's surprise was. Then he remebered
what school he was going to, Juuban High. Maybe he'd see his Us-chan. He
smiled, that would probably be the best thing about school. He'd be with
Usagi. He hadn't seen her in over 6 years. Physically anyway. He always felt
good around his Usa. Ever since they were kids they would hang out. Of course
his cousin would say that he and her were being naughty and stuff but he
didn't remember any of it. And besides why would he? Usagi was his friend.
He went to the kitchen grabbed his lunch and then walked out he door. He
absently wondered where his mother was.

Across town another girl was up early. She got dressed and ran into the
kitchen grabbed her lunch and with a wail of: "Wahhhhh I'm late!!" She was
off. Not realizing that she was very early for a change.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
Sailor Pluto smiled as she watched from the time gates.
"Two of three." as she started to walk away she murmed.

"Now to get the other one to meet and all will be well." she disappeared. If
she had stayed just a little lobger she would have seen an unknown factor
make himself present.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
Mamoru sighed as his plane entered Juuban airspace. How would he tell Usagi
the news? He would have to tell her nicely. After all she was the Moon
Princess and future Queen of Neo Tokyo. He sighed again. It was a good thing
Usagi was so forgiving. Otherwise he would have lost her years ago. His
sudden trip to the Artic was very unexpected. But he felt he needed to be
away from Usagi. And he needed to be there...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
Ranma sighed as he strolled through Juuban High. It wasn't as big as Furinkan
but he expected it to be a lot more sane. Unfortunatly he was wrong. Some
weirdo wearing glasses as thick as Mousse's was following him. He didn't want
to do anything wierd like jump on the roof of the school cause he didn't want
Nabiki to find where he went. He figured a normal kid, Ranma Masaki would be
harder to find than a super powered martial artist Ranma Saotome. He didn't
need Shampoo and Kodachi following him. So he put up with it. He thought he
saw one of his old friends Naru. But Naru had red hair not orange red hair.
He passed by noticing the boy stopped to talk with the girl.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
"Hey Umino-kun!!" Naru said excitedly.

"Oh Naru-chan do you know who that is?" Umino asked. He had been digging up
info on the guy but all his resources turned up negetive.

"He looks really familiar, like I know him from somewhere. I grew up with a
kid that looks a lot like him. His name was Ranma Saotome. He usually kept
his hair in a ponytail like his cousin. That guy has a pigtail. Though he
really looks cute." Naru said absently.

"Hey!!" Umino said feeling jealous.

"But not as cute as you." Naru said making Umino blush. "Wow!! Is that Usagi
here early?"

Umino looked at the gate where sure enough Usagi was running in at her usual
I'm late speed. Naru looked downcast. Ever since those girls came, Usagi
didn't spend anymore time with her orignal friends.

Umino missed this. He was still looking at the boy with the pigtail.

"I will find out who he is!!" Umino yelled. Naru grew a sweatdrop. Her
boyfriend could be so embarassing.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
Ranma big sweated when he heard the guy's proclomation.

He was passing a group of girls when he noticed one of his friends waving at

"Hey Ranma-kun!!" Haruka yelled. Waving him over. Ranma was happy that there
was someone he knew at this school. He'd been all over the school and didn't
see Usagi. She was never late before. Him, Naru and his cousin all were early
risers. When ranma got up he and the two girls would train with him and his
cousin. Much to the fathers displeasure. As he made his made his way he
noticed the brunette. She was the same one from the last night. As he stared
at the girls in turn he could feel their power they were all strong. He
wondered why such powerful girls hung out killing monsters and such.

"Yo!" was his casual response. Haruka stood up and hugged him. He blushed and
hugged back. In a low voice he looked at Haruka. "Yo, you alright? You looked
pretty tired last night." Haruka paled but then figured that after what she
saw last night she could belive that he knew what he knew. No sense in hiding
it. Might as well ask how.

"Dont worry Ranma they're in the same buisness." Haruka said. Earning her a
glare from some and confused looks from others.

"Uh okay." Ranma said sheepishly. "So I was right about you." he said
pointing at the brunette. "You're Sailor Jupiter right?" Ranma said smiling.
Makoto paled nervously, how'd he know?

Ami spoke up. "How do you know this?" Rei got mad.

"Ami why'd you do that?" then she paled. "Y.. you're the one from my vision!"
she blurted out. She had been really frustrated trying to find out who this
son-in-law is and now he just strolled up and.. wait his name is Ranma?! Wild
horse. "There are so many things I have to know about you." Rei said while
making Ranma back up a little.

"Ano who are you?" he said.

"Oh I'm sorry." Haruka said. "The brunette is Kino Makoto." she said moving
along the girls. "The blonde is Aino Minako, the cute green haired one is
Kaioh Michiru, the raven haired one is Rei, the sky blue haired one is Mizuno

"Oh Mizuno-san, my mother works with yours doesn't she?" Ranma interjected.

"Why yes Saotome-san, your mother is a doctor at Huuban hospital as well."
Ami said.

"Plese I dont deserve that much respect just call me Ranma."

"Only if you call me Ami."

"No problem Ami-chan." Ranma said. 'Amazing how much she looks like Akane.'
he steered his thoughts away from that area. He didn't want to be depressed
like Ryoga used to be all the time.

"I'm sorry but could you tell us how you beat those monsters?" said Makoto.

"And why a spirit keeps calling you son-in-law?"

Ranma sighed. Now what did Genma do? Sell me off to another fiance to keep
his rotten soul. "Well as for the first that's martial arts. I've studied for
years to be that good. I even taught three people in Juuban one was Haruka
here, the other was my good friend Naru and my best friend Usagi. As for the
last I don't know any spirits that would call me son-in-law... unless it was
an old mummy on a stick."

"I knew it you leaned from him no wonder you're a little better than me."
Makoto said pointing at Haruka accusingly.

"Actually for a time it was... but did you just say that the other two people
you taught were Naru and a girl named Usagi?" Rei said.

"Yes, you see Usagi and Naru were my best friends while I used to live here.
Usagi and I were born on the same day and have known each other cause our
parents were best friends. Naru came later. Why?"

"Does Naru have redish orange hair?" Ami asked.

"Nah she has red hair." Ranma said.

"What does Usagi look like?" Rei asked.

"She has the same eye color as me. And she has long blonde hair that is in a
funky ponytail design that I told her would look better than the one she was
gonna wear. She has a really neat voice. Very graceful and ya always felt at
peace around her. She's the only person who I taught the Saotome eating
technique to. So she should eat as bout as much as me."

"That sounds a little like our Usagi." Michiru said.

"Yeah except meatball-heads usually late very clumsy, has a very annoying
voice never pays attention and and.." Rei said growing aggitated.

"O..k" Ranma said. "Again why?"

"Oh well there's a girl over there with Umino the kid with thick glasses
who's name is Naru. And she used to hang out with Usagi alot before we became
senshi." Makoto said. "Oh here's Usagi now! She's early!"

Ranma turned to look at a dust cloud forming at the gates people were moving
quickly out of the way. They knew what happened when people got hit with the
semi-truck known as Usagi. But today one kid didn't get out of the way
everyone cringed waiting for the kid to pay the price for his
absentmindedness. Ranma stepped forward smiled and yelled.

"Gooie gooie kablooie shift!!" Suddenly he ran forward matching Usagi's

"That maniac's gonna plow Usagi!!" Rei screamed getting up to run but someone
held her back, she looked up to see Naru.

"Watch this." Naru said. Once she heard the call she knew that, that was
Ranma. She tensed up.

Ranma ran and dove forward towards Usagi's legs feet first. Usagi jumped 10
feet into the air spinning into a half layout flip. Ranma kickupped to his
feet did a series of backflips and landed right under Usagi. Usagi used Ranma
as a landingpad/spring board and did another flip spinning like a gryoscope.
Naru ran from Rei's side and did three cartwheels to a roundabout to a one
hand stand to a frontflip to a spring board sommersault over Ranma's head and
under Usagi's flip, Ranma smiled once more did seventeen flips in place very
fast. When he finished he landed on his knee at the same time Naru and Usagi
landed next to him. Usagi on his left Naru on his right. They in turned
bowed. Suddenly everyone on the school grounds applauded. The senshi were
astounded, thoughts of who is this boy ran through their minds. Actually
everyone except Minako and Makoto who wanted him diffrently.

"How'd di.." Rei said.

"Don't ask Rei, with Ranma it's best not to ask." Haruka said equally
stunned. Who knew the princess was so agile.

"Naru-chan!!" Ranma exclamed. as he scooped up his old friend. "How've you
been?" Naru blushed. Ranma was very handsome.

"Fine Ranma-kun. I'm so glad to see you! Are you here to stay this time?"

"Yes. I'm no longer training." he said as he noticed a light rapping on his

"Hey Ran-kun" Usagi said seductivly. Ranma paled.

"Ha ha! Us-chan. I ain't 6 no more." Ranma remembered when his mother caught
them in the bathroom. Together. Ranma as asking Usagi why girls didn't have
the things boys have. Apparently Usagi dragged Ranma into the bathroom
because she was afraid of lightning and didn't want to use it alone. Then
Ranma had to use the bathroom.

flash back

"Hey Us what's that?" a little Ranma asked Usagi as she was pulling up her

"Uh.. what do you mean? I thought you had that too." Usagi said while
pointing at Ranma's pants.

"Iie I have a winky. That's what Pop says, he says manly men need it." Ranma
proclamed proudly. He pulled his pants down to pee. Usagi stared at it.

"why's it so big?" Usagi said curiously.

"Oh Pop says that guys should be well endowed. And he says that the kami have
blessed me. Or somethin." Ranma said.

"Can I touch it?" Usagi said wide-eyed with innocence.

"Only if i can touch yours." ranma said with the same innocence.

"okay." usagi said cheerfully.

and that's how Naru and Ms. Tsukino found them.. 'touching.'

A stern lesson and spanking later. The two kids were trying to find out why
it was so bad when Ms. saotome told them why they have them.

"To make babies," she said.

Usagi-chan thought that she would want a baby.
Ranma-kun thought that it was cool and he wouldn't mind having a baby to
teach the art to.

Nodoka saw the looks in their eyes and knew her son would be manly. She
didn't mind the two of them getting married later, but for now she had to
dispel such ideas. She didn't want them to be like Happosai. She shuddered.

"Actually Ranma do you remember what you saw at grandpa's house?" Nodoka

Ranma's face grew green. His grandfather was chasing tenchi around. Then his
grandfather's clothes somehow got ripped. Some guys who were at the shrine
were kissing cause of it. Ranma didn't like that. He vowed never to like
guys. It was sick.

Usagi didn't know that but she knew from the feeling she got from him it was
bad. Nodoka walked away. She didn't tell Usagi anything because she knew
Ranma had a strong will. He wouldn't give in to anything Usagi did.

When Nodoka left Usagi turned to Ranma seductivly. "Ranma-kun... let's make
babies!" Ranma ran frightened with Usagi hot on his heals. Naru watched from
her window laughing as she saw Usagi chase Ranma down the block.

end flashback.

"Although if you want a baby I'll give him to you." Ranma said winking.

Usagi and Naru blushed.

"Stop teasing." Usagi said in mock anger.

Ranma picked up on it and went to tickle her. She flipped over his head and
landed away from him. He disappeared and reappeared next to her he wrapped
his arms around her. Suddenly they looked at each other. They moved in and
kissed deeply. Much to the scouts suprise. Naru didn't seem all to surprised.
She remebered that when Ranma was 12 and he just came back with a okoniyaki
cart. He was passing through on his way to China. As soon as Ranma and Usagi
meet they ignored everyone and started to kiss not as passionate as now but
it surprised her and Ranma's cousin tenchi. She wondered if Usagi told her
new friends about Ranma.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
Mamoru Chiba was mad. There was some youma trying to kill Usagi. And the
scouts were just sitting there. Maybe they can't change. He thought. As he
transformed to Tuxedo Mask he didn't see the pair joking. When the
transformation was complete he saw Usagi get mad and then the boy...kissed
her! He would put a stop to this before it was too late. He took out a rose.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
When Ranma and Usagi broke their kiss they just stared at each other.
Suddenly Ranma pushed Usagi back and caught something that most monsters
never see coming. He held it up.

"A rose?" he said, wondering why a thrown rose would remind him of something
from the past.

"A woman's purity is something that is sacred. And a monster like you will
never be able to take away such purity. In the name of love.." he stopped his
speech when he saw the boy laughing his ass off.

"Heh heh heh w..womans pu..pu-purity.." he broke off into another fit of
laughter. As he held his side rolling on the floor. " i..in th-the name of
love... who're you? 'dressed to kill?'" he started to laugh. By now all of
the kids on the school ground was laughing. Even some of the senshi were
laughing. Tuxedo Kamen was furious. If he turned to see Usagi he would have
seen her red face. Not from embarrassment, but because she didn't want to
laugh at her Mamo-chan. "N-no let me guess you're James Bond, no no you throw
roses.. you're the gardener!" Txedo Kamen had enough. He took out his cane
and started to attack Ranma.

Ranma was having the time of his life. It was even more fun when the gardener
took out a cane. "Hey I know you're the monopoly man. Or Mr. Peanut." he said
while casually dodging blows that occasionally made near sonic boom sounds.
Ranma was laughing so hard that Tuxedo Kamen let loose an anger aura. Ranma's
eyes flashed "Hiryu shoten ha!!" Tuxedo Kamen flew into the air. Ranma cursed
at himself. He shouldn't have done that. He might hafta transfer schools now.
He looked up and stepped to the left. Throwing out one arm he casually caught
Kamen and put him down slowly. The others rushed towards him. By now the
school bell rang and everyone save the senshi and Ranma left. Naru was pulled
inside by Umino who was pressing her for answers.

"Ranma you didn't hurt him did you?" Usagi asked. While casually smacking him
in the head.

"Nah that was a weak one. He isn't strong enough to make a big one. But he
asked for it. Why'd he attack in the first place?"

"Probably cause you and Usagi was kissing." Minako said pouting. She wanted
to be the one who was kissing him.

"No we wasn't... was we?" Usagi said. The others nodded. Usagi thought about
it. She could always taste his breath after they meet. Even Naru and Ranma's
cousin said that they did it. But it wasn't true, at least that's what she
wanted to believe. But now Tuxedo Kamen and her friends say so... she might
as well belive. Then she saw Kamen stir.

"Usako, how could you?" he said. "It was our destiny to be together." he sat
up. "I know I was wrong for cheating on you with that girl but she...." he
stopped, why was he telling the truth? He saw a glimmer of crystal shine.
Apparently the crystal was making him tell the truth.

"M..mamoru." Usagi said tearfully. At least it was her best friend she
kissed. Kissed that's it, but this.. this was way diffrent. "I never want to
see you again. You are no longer Tuxedo Kamen." her crystal glowed as she
spoke, taking his costume off. "Leave. And never return to me." she said in
her Serenity voice. Mamoru tried to speak but there were so many hateful
glances sent his way. He looked at Ranma who had a face similar to Usagi's.
He thought that it was fitting somehow. He left. At least he had the other
girl. He could still love her. She would take him back after all he did make
her pregnant.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
Usagi weeped and cried. She held onto Ranma like a life preserver. Suddenly
Pluto appeared.

"Usagi we should have a meeting, the shrine. Ranma please come with us."

"Hey you're the time lady." Ranma exclaimed.

Pluto's eye twitched. She teleported away. In the shadows a wizened figure
smiled. The senshi would be gone soon. His fun would begin.

Ranma looked up into the sky his eyes distant. "What's that?"

The girls looked up. "Huh?"

"Nothing, let's go." he said getting up and walking away.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
Hiwaka shrine.

"Okay we're here." Haruka said. "Hey where's Ranma?" she said looking around.

"Don't worry about him worry about this." a soft voice said. Suddenly all
seven girls were hurled upwards and forwards. They were slammed into the wall
surronding the temple. As each girl groaned, they opened their eyes. Above
them was a woman she was wearing a jean jacket with torn jean shorts she had
on a black hello kitty tanktop while wearing black spanex under her shorts.
On her shoulder was an element marker.

"I am Vortexia. You girls have caused us much problems. You will be dealt
with." she held out her hand open palmed. "DIE! TWIN WIND VACCUM NEEDLES" Out
of her hand several barely visible needles came out of her hand she was
aiming at Usagi. Suddenly light flared and when it was over a man stood in
front of Usagi.

"Nah I don't think so." Everyone gasped. The man was wearing a spandex-
leotard number,(uhh this is kinda hard to explain... so think of sheiks
outfit from legend of zelda ocarina of time. Except instead of sheika writing
on his chest it is the symbol of sol.) He has twin katanas on his side. And
his face was covered from the nose down.

"who are you?" she yelled.

"My name is Maverick. Cool huh? But now I gotta give ya the rays of the sun."

Suddenly Pluto and Saturn came out of the shrine Pluto carrying the ki stone.
"Do it now Saturn!!" Pluto yelled.

"SILENCE ENCASE!!" suddenly individual silence walls cloaked all of the non
transformed senshi.

"For trying to harm my princess you will pay." he flew into the air.

"SOLAR FLARE!!" he yelled suddenly the world went white. When it was over
only the clear blue sky was seen. saturn dropped her encase spell. They were
looking for Usagi when they saw her cradling someone. It was ranma. He was
dressed like Maverick.

"Ranma's Maverick? Cool!" Makoto said. It was always good to have a powerful
ally. And this guy was power. She even felt power around him. As the girls
sluggishly moved closer they noticed that Usagi was crying. Then they heard
Ranma speak.

"I'm sorry Us-chan. I didn't mean ta scare ya." he said. He was hurting but
he didn't know why.

"Setsuna what happened to Ranma?" Rei asked.

"The attack Solar Flare generally kills everything in the area. If your a
first time user; including the user. But Maverick is the only person to have
mastered the attack. He just becomes incredibly weak. His other attacks are
worse." Pluto said putting the ki crystal in his lap.

"How much worse?" Haruka asked.

"Oh let's say about death reborn revolution times worse. Nine times over in
the case of nova or super nova. But he never used them.. even in training."

"But how did he master it if he would have died the first time using it?" Ami

"It's a secret." Setsuna said. Stoiclly. Everyone moaned and murmered
something about Slayers and too much free time.

"Hey did he get her?" Minako asked.

"Nah she teleported away." Ranma said not moving from Usagi's lap.

"Hotaru please go to Ranma's side and hold his hand." Pluto asked.

"Hai." Saturn moved next to Ranma and held his hand. Suddenly there was a
flash. The crystal flared. And everything went white.

to be continued...

my notes..

Gomen, I've been training a lot to become a martial arts teacher so it's hard
to sit and write this. I didn't get to give it to any pre-readers this time
so please give me feed back. I paired this with chapter 4 so it should be
out. anyways... I would like to thank Bambi-sama. Without her, I would be
nothing... but the best martial artist.

Until next time ja ne.

If you park dont drink, accidents cause people.