Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ moons hopes ❯ ...... ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Moon's Hope

a ranma sailormoon crossover.
by lasthope ranma.

Chapter 4 - reawaking memories.pt 1

Silver millienum

"Wahhh!!! I'm gonna be late!!" a young man screamed as he ran down the hall.
Beside him was a young girl with long dark hair.

"This wouldn't keep happining if you would stop fighting that Endymion
oniisan." she said while keeping up with him easily. The boy moved his long
hair away from his eyes and tied it into a pony tail. Showing his identical
features to that of the girl.

"Well he deserves it. What kind of real man would choose rose gardeing over
ruling his country. That and he really keeps pissin me off what with that
noble always following him around, Pluto-san has a crush on him and he thinks
he's so high an mighty.." he continued muttering bad things under his breath
as he raced through the hallways to his destination.

"Oh Washu-sensei is gonna kill us!! You know how she feels about us missing
her science lessons." the girl said breaking the boy out of his musings. They
reached their class to find it empty.

"Huh!?" the both said simultaneously.

"Ahh so glad that you two finally made it." a serene sounding voice called
out from behind them. They paled that wasn't Washu-sensei, that voice was
worse. They turned around.

"Good moring pluto-san." they both chorused.

"Joshua and Crystal, I would think that royalty would know how to be on
time." she said while looking at the clock what looked like some kind of

Crystal looked at the time guardian funnily, then smirked. "Oniisan looks
like she finally told a joke."

"Huh?!" the other boy said confused.

Crystal sighed. Her brother was sooo dense. "She's the guardian of time yet
she made a joke about us being on time."

"That's not very funny Crys."

"I know but at least she tried." Crystal reasoned getting a skeptical look
from Joshua. "Ok so it coulda been better." She was stopped by a polite cough
coming from behind.

"Prince and Princess, I did not come here on a social call. I came here to
tell you that Queen serenity is sending her daughter to be taught her by
Washu-san. As she always says she is the greatest scientific genious in the
universe. And she wants her daughter to learn from her. The sailor senshi
will be here too." At the news Crystal looked down a bit. No one knew except
her brother, Queen Serenity, Princess Serenity and Pluto, that she was Sailor
Saturn the Sailor of silence, and her brother was the Knight of Sol the
secret guardian of the house of Serenity and Jurai. Not even the Sailor
Senshi knew. The twin siblings were too powerful for people to know about
them. In their own right the two of them had enough power alone to sit around
black holes for fun not to mention their constant trips to the center of the
sun and back.

"Pluto-san, will I have to show people who I am?" Crystal asked. She was very
popular among her friends, and she didn't want to loose them.

Pluto looked at the pair critically. "No but if the time arises you and your
brother will have to, to protect the princess. In fact the Sailor Senshi will
not be transformed either. They insisted that they didn't need the attention.
Besides the class is filled with royalty and they are Princesses
respectively, so it won't look odd for them to come in with the Princess."

"Oh! So when do they get here?" Joshua said. Pluto smiled evilly.

"They are already here. By the way you are late." she said as the world went
white and the pair found themselves in front of a full class and a annoyed

(If you two are quite finished talking to Pluto we will begin.) Washu said to
them telepathically. She decided to give them a break. After all Pluto said
she needed to talk to them. She'll punish them tommorow when they show up
late. She pointed to their seats.

Joshua and Crystal took their seats and looked around the room spotting five
new students.

The first one had long blond hair that reached the bottom of her chair which
was tied in a red bow. She had blue eyes that were the color of the sky. She
looked around lazily at most of the Princes in the class, then she turned her
gaze on Joshua. And smiled at him.

Crystal knew THAT smile, it was the smile what said you have been labled
grade A and are ready for consumption. Of course Josh didnt know that and he
smiled right back. Making the girl blush deep red like the bow on her head.

The second girl had long dark hair and black eyes she looked around the room
wildly never sparing a glance at one place for to long. She looked at the
back of the room and spotted the late comers and smiled a bit before going
back to whatever it was she was looking for.

The third had long brown hair tied up in a pony tail. Even with her hair in
that style it still reached the bottom of her chair. She had been staring at
Joshua since he walked in the door. He was perfect to her nice body cute as
hell and great butt now if he knew how to fight she would be in heaven.
Crystal sighed as she looked at her brother somehow the boy always got more
than one girl flocking after him. It was bad enough all of the girls in class
have been secretly plotting to get him alone and in bed, but now two of the
Sailor Scouts. Oh well there isn't any law about marrying more than three

The fourth girl had dark blue hair that was shoulder length and held in a
neat little pony tail. She was immersed into her book which was a manga of
some sort. She turned to the siblings and smiled at them and went back to
reading. Crystal saw a Mecurian pocket knife flash on her side.

The final girl had long blonde hair that was done in a wierd sort of odango
pattern, her hair dropping from them like ponytails on either side of her
head. The hair still dropped pass her chair just missing the floor. Her eyes
were the exact same color as the sky on earth. And she held a peaceful
regalness about her. On her head a crescent moon adorned, her regal stature
was shattered when it was found that she was sleeping. Joshua looked intently
at her blushing furiously. She was so beautiful. Just then 7 buckets and a
tunuki statue fell from nowhere and landed on all of their heads the statue
landed with the bucket on Joshua's head.

"Pay attention!!" washu scolded them and went on with her lesson. An hour
later the final bell rang and Washu bolted out of the door. Everyone sweat
dropped. On the board where there was just notes and equations stated 'class
dismissed.' Everyone facefalted.

As they were leaving the five girls approached the twins.

"Hello my name is Okanim." the blonde stated.

"I am Raiya." the raven haired one spoke next.

"Lita." the brunette said smiling fiercely.

"Amanda." the blue haired one said bowing politely.

They all turned to the blonde who was staring at Joshua intently. Joshua was
staring at her just as intense. They moved just a few feet apart and bowed
slightly, "I am Prince Joshua of Sol." he said never taking his eyes off of
her. "I am Princess Serenity of the Moon." Crystal sighed they did this too
when they first met. She hoped that they would finally get the kissing on so
they wouldn't be mesmorized everytime they saw each other.

The five other girls looked on with curiosity, Crystal feeling left out spoke

"Hey I'm Crystal." she said bowing to the four girls. The girls bowed back
and their attention was soon caught by something fast flowing through the air
heading towards Joshua. Joshua snatched the thing out of the air without even
looking away from Serenity. The girls gasped and Crystal sighed, once she got
a look at what he caught.

"Joshua for what you did to my roses I challange you!!" said a voice from
behind them. The girls went to reach for their transformation wands when
Joshua stepped though them. He held up the rose in front of him.

"Endymion." he said in spite. "You almost hit Princess Serenity. That
wouldn't be smart, ya know killing the daughter of Serenity. It would have
started a war between earth and the moon. And seein how I'm from the sun I'd
hafta side with the moon cause I jus dont like you."

Finally a boy around Joshua's height appeared he had on the royal Earth armor
and was followed by a woman as tall as the brunette. The woman had red eyes
and red hair. Crystal and Serenity did not like her one bit.

"Joshua I said I.." he narrowed his eyes suddenly at the Princess of the
Moon. "I am sorry my lady I did not mean to scare you like that. I am
Endymion Prince of Earth." he said with a bow earning him a glare from all
the scouts and Joshua. "the pleasure is.."

"All yours I'm sure.." the princess sighed, curtsying.

"Yes.. this lovely companion with me is noble Beryl." Beryl smiled and looked
at Joshua and Crystal respectivly.

"Cousin." the twins stated simply. The others looked on in shock. Beryl came
from nemisis, how could those two be her cousin?

"Good day Joshua-kun, Crystal-chan." Beryl said politly. Giving the Moon
Princess a evil glare.

"We were just on our way to have an audiance with the Queen. Beryl has much
to discuss before the ball next month." Endymion said looking at the Princess
longinhly. Much to Joshua's displeasure.

"Oh I'm sure my mother must be expecting you, please do not keep her
waiting." Serenity bowed.

"But of course, however I would like an escort for me and my companion here.
of course you would be a most pleasurable accompanise."

"I'm sorry as I have other engagements to tend to but my one of my guardians
will escort you. Pluto!" on her command the Sailor of Time appeared and bowed
in front of Serenity. Beryl stared at her hard. "Pluto-chan I would like you
to escort Prince Endymion to my mother's hall if you would."

Pluto bowed and nodded. "It would be my pleasure, my lady." Pluto stared at
Endymion longinly. Endymion gave her a small smile. 'He's so cute.'

"Thank you Princess. And farewell to you ladies, Joshua." he said the last
with a bit of an edge to his voice. Beryl nodded and followed Pluto, she
didn't like the way Pluto was staring at her Endymion.

Once the trio had left Crystal sneered. "I hate her." Joshua nodded. Then he
turned back to the princess.

"Serenity-chan I must take my leave from you as well. I hafta go an train
with um... some of the guards."

Crystal sighed. Joshua was a terrible liar. They were supposed to see Kagato
and Washu at the lab to get some tests on. Apparently the way the other girls
were just staring at the area Beryl was at they didn't notice. Serenity did.

giggle. "Of course Joshua-kun." Then they moved in to kiss they stayed that
way for awhile. That shocked the senshi. Most of their thoughts of taking the
guy for their own vanished, that kind of kiss was reserved for lovers and
definately not friendly. Crystal sighed.

"Finally at least they'll act normal again." the senshi looked at her
questionally. She decided to explain. "It happened the first time we came to
the moon. As you know all citizens on the day of solitiousa must be checked
for viruses and martian diseases. Professer Washu is our aunt. Which is why
if you ever see us get punsihed we get it the worst. Anyways, Washu and the
Queen are all buddy buddy I guess and there were these three goddesses there.
Verandi, Skuld and Urd I think... Washu insisted that we meet the queen...

FLASHBACK 3 years ago

In a man hall of a really regal lookin place, a woman sat on her throne, her
eyes silver shown with widsom and a bit of sadness. She looked to be very
tired, maybe of life, or who knows. Her long silver blonde hair was done into
a odango ponytail style that touched the floor on two sides. She wore a
silver silk dress that sparkled in the darkened room her head adorned a tiara
made of the finest jewels in the kingdom. Under the tiara on her forehead was
a crecent moon symbol. Next to her a girl of similar features sat next to
her. Instead of silver blonde the girl was a full blonde with blue-silver
eyes that shone with innocence. She appeared troubled as well. She looked at
her mother who appeared to be thinking of something before a loud voice was
rang throughout the empty chamber.

"In here.. in here hurry Serenity-dono will be waiting for us" a voice said.

"Aww why dya hafta dragg me along with ya? I was fine waitin at the trainin
hall." another ruff voice called.

"Calm down onniisan, you'll make a bad impression on the Queen." a softer
voice said.

Princess Serenity chuckled. To her self, whatever was making her sad vanished
suddenly as she heard the commotion. The Queen saw this and cheered up. Her
daughter was happy now, she was happy. She looked over to where the voices
originated from and giggled herself. The boy apparantly got wet somehow. She
figured it was Washu. The Boy was very handsome and slightly built. His eyes
were brownish blue. He had long black hair tied up in a bizarre ponytail. He
wore the martian style combat shirt. Red silk with white buttons. He wore
black pants and black foot slippers. Over his shirt he wore a gold sash and
the kanji for Sol was visibly seen. He approached her very gracefully and

The girl next to him looked exactly like the boy except she let her hair
down. The only other noticable diffrence was the eyes and clothes. Her eyes
were brownish purple. Her choice of clothes were a skin tight training suit
that those warrior bred battle monkey's often wore. It was dark blue, the
suit showing off her detailed muscles. Not unpleasent looking, more like a
well toned gymnyst. She wore a white silk sleeveless vest which was open
showing no cleavage, but the skin tight suit showed how healthy she really
was. Over her shoulder a redish orange sash was seen. On it the kanji for Sol
was seen as well. She strode gracefully behind her brother and bowed.

"You may rise my friends as we are all royalty here."

"All except the pink hared maniac." the boy muttered. Suddenly a bucket
appeared out of subspace and fell on him. Water spilling all over him again.
The Princess giggled openly. Earning a mock glare from her mother.

The boy put his hand behind his head making him look even cuter. "Ano.. my
name is Prince Joshua of Sol, sorry bout this."

The girl moved next to him and elbowed him in the ribs.

"Princess Crystal of Sol." she bowed once again.

"Are these the two?" another voice called out.

"Yes Pluto these are the two." Washu said. Out of the shadows a tall green
haired woman came walking towards the group. She bowed to the Queen and
Princess respectivly then turned to the twins. She went to touch Joshua on
his forehead but he swatted it away.

"Waddya think ya doing?" he said annoyed.

"He's got spunk." Sailor Pluto said. "Tell me Prince, Princess I see you two
have learned different combat skills from diffrent areas I would like to see
how strong you are." The twins looked at the Queen and she nodded they then
looked at Washu and she smiled eagerly and nodded.

"Are we ta go all out or just a light spar?" Crystal asked while taking a
loose stance.

"Humor me." Pluto said simply with a smirk on her face. She turned to regard
the boy Joshua but noticed he hadn't moved from his spot next to the Princess
and the Princess was locked in a trance with him. Crystal noticed that Pluto
wasn't focused and followed her gaze.

"Oh that from what I can tell from our link he's in love with her bad, and
uh... she's in love with him? That doesn't make since... why do I know that?"
she shook her head clear and dashed at the Sailor of Time.

Pluto was thrown clear from her shock and thrown clear across the room. She
teleported next to Crystal and swung her staff in a wide arc aiming high at
her head, Crystal ducked and swept at her feet. Pluto jumped and arched a
high axe kick toward Crystal's open head. To her amazement Crystal blurred
and appeared under Pluto's leg. Her leg now atop Crystal's shoulder, her
standing position putting them in a compromising position. Pluto blushed a
bit while Crystal looked nonplussed. Crystal opened her palm and shot a black
sphere of energy sending Pluto to the wall again. Crystal huffed a sigh and
dusted herself off. Putting on a cocky smirk. Her smirk faded however when
she saw a energy blast swirl from Pluto's time staff and head for her.

"Dead Scream!!" Not knowing that the Guardian of Time had magic Crystal was
caught unawarse as the magic blast headed her way, then it connected leaving
a cloud of smoke. Pluto stood up and smirked dusting herself off. "I figured
out where I saw your type of fighting it is mostly Earth and Juparitan. I
guess that master Ton-bery didn't teach you enough. You shouldn't have let
your guard down." she said with a smirk. As the dust cleared she saw Joshua
with his hand out obviously dispeling the Dead Scream. His face was a mask of

"Nah." he said waving a finger at her in a no-no manner. He dashed at her
moving in at an un-human speed atttacking her from all sides never missing
but not putting enough power into his blows to seriously damage her. He
jumped back to his sister's side and smirked his well known cocky smirk.
Pluto stood up.

"That barely hurt... what are you smiling at?" she looked at the twins and
washu and even the Princess and Queen they all seem to be smiling at her.. no
laughing at her why? She looked at Joshua again and noticed that he was
holding a dark green skirt and a bow and her garnet rod and her tiara.....
WHAT!!! She looked at herself and noticed that she was only wearing the body
suit and not the rest of the senshi body armor. She pointed a finger at the

"Y, you!? how?"

Joshua vanished and reapearred next to his sister again. Pluto noticed that
she was dressed again.

"My sis here was holding back. You never stated the rules for tha match so I
did what I wanted ta. Ya also said ya wanted both of us at one time, so I
waited in good company till my sister slipped, but I figured she woulda
finished you a long time ago." Joshua said cockily.

"So it's true then?" Pluto asked of Washu. "These two are your.."

"Nephew and niece." she replied happily.

"So that means they are Tsunami's... "

"Children." washu stated happily.

"And what about the fact that they have dark energy around them?"

"They are nemisian as well." Washu stated. The Queen was wide eyed. As well
as Pluto. "They are half breeds Jurian and Nemisian."

"But how did they become Prince and Princess of the sun?" the Queen asked.

"Well that's easy for a genious like me!! I imbedded sol cels into both their
DNA as well as Saturn DNA into them as well. Because their father is nemisain
he also is the King of Solaris. And their mother is a Goddess of Jurai and
she currently rules Saturn they are also the Prince and Princess of Saturn.
Their very existence is a balance chaos, constintally contridicting itself.
They are almost perfect. Joshua representing chaos and order, Crystal life
and death. They need one more piece to the triangle love and peace. But
because they are t'skn re'rar that is almost impossible... until now."

"You mean those two are telepathic siblings?" pluto asked incredliously. "But
that's impossible the t'skn re'rar are a myth... they transend normal

"That's right they are empathic telepathic and bonded on a magical mental and
soul level. However to be complete they need a third person for the final
relay of mind. Normally they can just talk thorugh their minds and on rare
occasions feel what the other feels. So long as they have had contact with
each other." Washu stated.

"And it seems my daughter is the last." Queen Serenity spoke finally.

"Your majesty?" Pluto asked.

"Though Washu is clever I know her it is not love and peace, but love and
serenity." She said pointing to Joshua and her daughter who seemed to be
engaged in their staring contest.

"Serenity-dono please... call me Washu-chan!" Washu yelled. Serenity

"Crystal-chan what feelings are you getting from them?" Washu asked of her

"Nice but weird, they are in love and their thoughts are..." she stopped
blushing. "Let's say I think that I need to learn how to block THEIR thoughts
out. But why are they starin like that?"

"In order to complete the triangle one of the two has to be in love on all
levels of the link... as they get older they will need to do diffrent things
of intimacy to satisfy the link so to speak. Once they have a baby they will
be normal always. But for now they need at least a touch of hands to be
normal. Every year the intimacy must be diffrent. A kiss a stronger kiss a
more INTIMATE KISS, then you know the rest." Serenity nodded on all parts not
missing the intimate part of the last kiss. Apparently the two were holding
hands and staring at each other longingly. They started walking towards the
group and blushed when they noticed them.

"Ano is their something on our face?" Joshua asked. Everyone facefaults
although the Queen does it more diginified.

"I'm sorry but we must finish this.." Washu stated.

"???" the twins and the Princess looked at Washu.

"Are they worthy my friend?" the Queen asked Pluto.

"Very." she stated. "But you do know that they will be more powerful than the
silver crystal and you and at least 17 goddesses." it wasn't a question.

"Of course who better than them to protect us." again the trio was left

"Ano.. whats goin on?" Crystal asked.

"Joshua of Sol, Crystal of Saturn we would like to ask you to be Sailor
senshi." the Queen stated.

"As all but Pluto, Uranus and Neptune have seniors neither will you. We have
the younger scouts protecting my daughter and the senior scouts training and
protecting all. You will be a senior scout. Do you accept?"

"Um we wanna know what planet we will be representing?" Crystal asked eyeing
her brother.

"Joshua will be representing Sol. He will be the nexus of power for the
scouts. Being as powerful as he is and plus the thousand fold extra power
that he had been given he can heal, attack and power the senshi to their
golden eternal forms.." she stopped talking when she saw Washu mouth you
don't know how powerful they are. " ...you Crystal will be the Senshi of
Saturn. You already possess amazing healing power and it will be powered up
thousand fold as well, as your other powers." Pluto had her eyes wide open
these two already powerful kids will be owners of powerful...uh powers.

"Wait you want us to take up Saturn the sailor of silence and destruction and
Sol the Sailor of Life and Death?" Crystal asked getting annoyed. She glanced
at her brother who didn't say anything in the whole exchange. She was about
to read his mind. When the queen spoke.

"We know that you two are very powerful and we recognize that you can wield
such power and not be evil. We respect that, so we want you two herald the
two powerful planets."

"You want us to herald the two planets that people fear the most!! We'll be
outcasts.. no one will like us, we'll be feared... and alone." Crystal said
that last part shuddering.

"Please I ask this cause the Planet Wars are nearing. Those who follow that
short tyrant in white will one day come to destroy all we have created. As
long as we are safe and my daughter is safe then no one will know that you
are the two most powerful senshi."

"Hell no!!" Joshua finally spoke anger clear on his face. His anger however
was unintentinally making his tele-mates angry at the Queen as well. "I ain't
wearin no skirt!!" Everyone facefaulted.

"I..is that your only concern?" Pluto asked.

"That an the name... I ain't no girl so I aint gonna be called Sailor Sol. It
sounds gay. Other than that I would have accepted just to be near the
Princess, to protect her as well. But I ain't wearing a skirt an I ain't bein
named Sol."

"But you will be a scout... you will have to be named Sailor Sol."

"No!! it's too gay sounding." he said it with such finality even Pluto backed
down. "My name will be Maverick the Knight of the Sun."



When crystal finished her edited story, leaving out the part about their
heritage and the scout part the senshi looked at each other. Their Princess
was a t'skn re'rar she could be more powerful than she already was. They
watched as she broke her kiss. And twirled a hand in his hair. "I'll see ya
later love." she said bowing. They all bowed in turn as the twins went to
meet their aunt and her student.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Washu's lab- Soja

In the lab there were four tubes in one tube there was a boy with long black
hair. The next tube was a girl a little shorter with the same hair. In the
next tube was a girl with cyan hair about the same size as the boy. The last
tube was a little girl with the same colored hair as the girl next to her,
the fact that they were all naked didn't bother them at all what bothered
them was that Washu had that mad glint in her eyes.

"Joshua son of two powerful beings able to make the Light Hawk Wings, and
power incarnate, Crystal also able to make the Light Hawk Wings also power
incarnate, meet your cousins who have equal if not a little less power...
Ryoko who is my daughter has 3 gems which make her as powerful as you... and
she can also create the Light Hawk Wings. Minagi however cannot but is as
powerful as Ryoko. You all are my new guinea pigs.. heh hehe heh."

Kagato looked around nervously. His teacher was very weird.. he still thought
Ryoko should have been a rock.. but this form was pleasing to him. And if
what Washu said was true the Soja is almost as powerful as Tsunami with Ryoko
and that other space ship he can gain control of Jurai. He began making
preparations in his head. He knew just the person. But he also needed to get
rid of those two..ah that will work nicely.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
Impirium Palace. The Moon

"So you see the Prince loves Serenity not you." a voice said.

"That can't be true.." another voice said. "Endy-sama loves only me."

"No no I heard it myself." we find that the voice belonged to Kagato.

"B,but why?" Beryl's voice.

"He wishes to one-up his rival Joshua and he will do anything to do it. Since
Joshua and the Princess are deeply in love he looks to sever that. I will
help you get back what you want." he said watching her cry.

"Oh and how's that?" she asked through her tears.

"Release Metallia from her prison and you will have the power nessacary to
kill the Princess and her Queen and the boy. And Endymion will fall for you.
All over again." he said with a smile. "And this.." he handed her some type
of device. "Will allow you to kill the Prince of Sol. Do it tonight. He will
be at the palace training hall. The ball is next week Endymion will console
the Princess and they will fall in love, you can see for yourself what
betrayal has occurred."

Beryl nodded and stormed out to fufil her misson. She would make them all
pay.. she had minions of dark in the negaverse.. with Metallia's help she
will be able to gain even more power and destroy them all no one will be with
her Endy-sama. No one.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~
Soja- innersubspace

Kagato laughed and laughed and laughed. Beryl was easy to trick... that fool
Endymion loved her with his heart, though Endymion wanted to kill Josh he
never would stoop that low. Jealousy makes you do stupid things. Washu was
equally stupid. Now he had Ryoko, Ryo-ohki and Minagi. Washu was trapped and
he had complete control over the Soja. Soon it will begin now he had to build
a rep..but first he would complete his bargain with Yakage the man who wanted
Nagi. And he would get that organ he wanted... a small price to pay. He
laughed again taking Soja to the far reaches of space.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
Moon palace training hall.

Joshua was practicing using his Sol powers out of costume that he didn't
notice Beryl he also didn't notice the antimagic knife she held.

With a shriek of rage and jealousy she plunged the knife through his heart.
Without his magic to keep him immortal he wouldn't be able to heal and he
would die within minutes. He turned to face his attacker fury on his face.
And fell lifelessly to the floor his blood turning the clear white marble to
red. She laughed as she teleported to the negaverse for stage two.

Across the palace two seperate screams could be heard. The sailor senshi
arrived at both Crystal's quarters and the Princess' quarters. The Princess
was in the bed crying her eyes out as she pushed passed her guardians and ran
toward the training hall. Crystal wasn't in her room as she teleported
straight to the training room. As the Senshi made their way to the room the
stopped suddenly when they saw the Princess cradling a body. Her white silk
nightgown a pure red that soaked all the way through. They were alerted to
another presence as Crystal teleported in. She stopped directly by her
brothers corpse. Tears streaming down her face she screamed to the heavens
waking everyone in the castle.

Unconsciously she transformed to Sailor Saturn and started to try and heal
her brother ignoring the stares and comments made by the senshi and other
onlookers. She pushed her magic to their very limits but couldn't do it. She
fell to the floor sobbing. Her tears mixing with her brother's blood. Queen
Serenity walked into the hall. And her eyes widened. There beneath her
daughter and soon to be daughter was Joshua still bleeding although slowly.
His face pale from the loss of blood. Queen Serenity walked over to the two
girls her face that of sympathy she tried to get her daughter away from the
body but she wouldn't let go. When she tried again, slowly the body slipped
and disappeared leaving only blood and many fairy-like lights. she grabbed
onto her mother like a lifeline, as did crystal crying their eyes out. The
younger senshi cried too. They only knew Joshua for a little while but they
could fell the pain of loss on their Princess's face.

"Hey what's going on?" a familar voice rang out. The crowd parted and then
Endymion waltzed through. Casually. He was also smiling. A lot.

That's when Sailor Saturn saw him. '..sitting there smiling. No laughing,
laughing at me at the princess.... he did it!!' Sailor Saturn pulled away
from serenity. "YOU!!" she stated her voice hard as diamond. "YOU DID THIS!!"
She said pointing at where her brothers corpse was a puddle of blood now

"Huh did what?" Endymion asked still smiling.

KILLED MY BROTHER!!" She stated charging at him at full speed. suddenly she
was blasted back by an unseen force. She sat up to see what and saw four men
dressed in the royal terra guard uniform.

"You must be Sailor Saturn." the long blonde said. Still holding his hand up
while the smoke left.

"Sailor Saturn? The sailor of Silence and destruction?" Senior Jupiter said

"Hmm if you're Sailor Saturn and your brother is dead that means that...
Josh..." Endymion said as realization hit.

"That's right you bastard an I will take his death out of your hide..."
Saturn said as her glave appeared in her hand. "And nobody I mean nobody will
stop me!!" she yelled while charging at the guardians her anger clouding her
battle skills she didn't notice the senior senshi charging up her attacks
from behind. So when she was blasted she looked behind her feeling betrayed
yelled making the senshi look down.

"I assure you I was no where near here..." Endymion argued in his defense and
backed down from the glare that the younger senshi were giving him.

"He is correct." a tall gentle looking man with white hair and terra armor
said. Standing next to Endymion he put his hand on his shoulder. "He was with
us training on the far side of the moon."

"Although my rival, I would never kill him in cold blood... we are warriors I
would fight him to the death. That looks like an attack that I could not hope
to produce by hand or rose. And look at my sword no blood anywhere. As for
these men I never introduced... my father sent them here.. The tall guy with
short blonde hair is Jedite, the woman next to him with long blonde hair is
Zoicite, the auburn haired one is Nephrite, and the siver white-ish hair one
is Malachite."

Each guardian bowed in turn of their names. Saturn stood. Snarled angrily and
walked toward the Queen bowed and looked up.

"Your majesty I cannot protect your daughter here anymore as I do not trust
the people in the palace." she stood up and started to hug the Princess and
whispered something in her ear. The Princess nodded and kissed her on her
forehead. Her mother could swear that she heard Saturn call her 'neechan.'
Saturn turned to the Queen and looked at her with little tears in her eyes
she was going to say something when the building shook. A small man in a
white cape came.

"Serenity its the negaverse!!" he shouted. He pointed to the planet Vulcan as
the older senshi left in a hurry while the younger stayed with their Queen
and daughter. The older senshi teleported and disappear to Vulcan.

Sailor Saturn was quiet she was in pain she was crying. She was angry she
needed release. She teleported away as the Queen ran to the window to see a
purple streak speed toward Vulcan. She prayed for their safety.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
Vulcan battle site.

Metallia stood triamphently as she gazed at the fallen senshi she left
suddenly when she felt a tremendous power of Saturn heading her way.

Saturn landed and searched the area for a battle. When she didn't hear the
telltale signs of battle she ran. She found some of the senshi dead or dying.
Even she couldn't heal them. The planet stunk with death she hated the smell.
The planet was dead. There was no need for it anymore as a couple of monsters
appeared she stared at them they were weak. She would take them out too.

She gathered her powers into her staff. The Queen paled.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
Then the revolution began.

"Death reborn revolution!!"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
On the moon everyone gasped as they saw the death r.r. from the moon. The
silence. No one talked.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
"My god." Pluto said as she watched from the time gates. With tears in her
eyes. She tried searching for Washu but the time gates forbode it. If only
Washu wasn't a goddess.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
Beryl laughed as she captured the last of the four guardians Malachite.

"I will never serve you even in death I'll oppose y.. urk....."

Beryl's evil laughed rang through the silence.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
Tsunami yelled in pain as a energy lance killed her. Ryoko smiled evilly.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
Suddenly as quickly as it came the revolution was over.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
3 months later...

The moon was far from normal as everyone lived in fear of the negaverse or
Saturn attack. But Pluto assured everyone that Saturn was dangerous, she was
insanely loyal to the throne and queen. Queen Serenity postponed the ball
till tommorow. Washu wasn't seen from again. The space pirate Ryoko was
attacking multiple planets. She seemed to be headed in the Jurai area.

Endymion asked Princess Serenity to the ball. The two became real close
around the second month. And beryl saw it all. She would attack tommorow.

As Endymion approached Serenity he hugged her close. He then gave her
something he found a little after Joshua's death. To use in his advantage he
said that Josh gave it to him earlier, saying if something did happen to
watch out for her. She looked at it. It was a brooch that played the moon
melody. It had a holographic image of Joshua and Serenity at first but he
reprogrammed it to be him and Serenity. "Tommorow's the ball." he said

Serenity nodded. She loved Endymion but it wasn't the same. When Josh died so
did a chunk of her soul. So to please the populus she agreed to marry the
Prince of Earth not out of love but to please the populus. love came alittle
later. He gave her companionship. So long as he didn't go she could be brave.
She would be brave and strong.

Queen serenity looked to her daughter and Endymion. She sighed as her two
advisors came next to her in their second forms.

"You know she still hurts Serenity-sama." A english like voice said on her

"And she may get over it but we'll never know who did it." another voice.

"No artemis she will never get over her soul being ripped out. I'm afraid my
daughter will be sad in this lifetime." she sighed. "Yet maybe she'll be
happy tommorow. Let us go." she stopped somewhere close by. "Oh it's you..
yes what is it?"

"We have to talk my queen."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
That day of the ball the scouts and Queen and Princess fell to the negaverse.
But the Queen used a last minute defense and sent everyone all the scouts and
many of her court into the future.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
On planet Jurai a little girl fell and cracked her skull during an attack. A
goddess appeared.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
'Remember' a white glow said.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~
A great warrior chased after a space pirate hoping never to return.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
Many years later.

Three babies are born on the same day. A gruff looking man sat next to a man
with glasses and ponytail. Next to him sat an older man with glasses and
graying ponytail. Next to him sat a younger man. All three were smiling
widely. "Great day to be alive eh Saotome?" the first man with a ponytail
said. "That it is Misaki that it is... I finally got an heir to the school.
What about you Tsukino?" the other young man nodded. He was feeling very very
nervous. The older man stood.

"Something wrong Grandpa Katsuhito?" the younger man said. The older just
shook his head. A nurse broke thorugh the door. Followed by three ladies in
wheel chairs. The nurse spoke up. "Genma Saotome, Nobiyuki Masaki, Albert
Tsukino?" 'I swear I'll change my name one of these days.' he thought. "You
are the proud fathers of Ranma Saotome, Tenchi Masaki and Usagi Tsukino." The
older man regarded the two boys who looked exactly alike. "It's no wonder
they're cousins." then he laughed. The women looked at the man quzzzically.
"nothing nothing."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
'Remember' the voice said again.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~
A great warrior chased after a space pirate hoping never to return.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
many years later.

Two figures battled out in the Artic their powers clashing.

"My friends I won't let them down." one by one her friends revived and helped
her to defeat... Beryl.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~
At the same time

A boy was fighting an amazon woman and beat her.

He suddenly felt empty.'Us-chan... what's wrong?' he then was kissed on the
cheek. "Gahhhh!"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
Years later

A girl with funny odangos fought against a tree that refused to die.
"Everyone must have love!!" she used her powers to beat it to the ground.
Turning it into a seed of hope.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~
At the same time.

A young man was fighting another man with chopsticks. "Now hiryu shoten
ha!!!" the tower exploded with hot water and power.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sailor Moon stood with her daughter in between the Sailor Senshi. Both had
their Crystals out. "Moon crystal power." The Wiseman shot off his beam and
the two powers collided on force. "for the universe!" the girls turned
princesses blew away Wiseman killing him.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Ranma punched the boy in front of him grabbing for his iinazuke. He fell when
he regained his footing he stopped the moving train car with his feet. He
dropped to catch her upon catching her he decides that he likes his girls,
whole girls, than man girls. "I gotta blow it up."

"Mouko takabisha!!!"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sailor Moon was dancing around lighting bolts of dark energy. "I will not
allow you to take Hotaru's life!!" Behind her Sailor Senshi stood in awe. As
Sailor Moon moved into the energy and grabbed the grail.

"Moon crisis power!!" In the end light flashed and Sailor Moon came out
battered and injured. She held a baby in her hand.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ranma looked at Herb he would pay for what he did. He charged up his ki he
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sailor Moon looked at Galaxia she would not loose she needed to be with
him... no not Mamoru, someone else. Someone she promised to love. She would.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
Tenchi pulled the Light Hawk Sword out and cut Kagato in half. "I see
Tsunami, Tenchi the same name as the master key. Tenchi can't be copied...
you've won boy."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
Ranma stared at Saffron he hurt Akane that bastard hurt Akane he'll pay.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
Suddenly the room flared and Saturn, Ranma and Moon found themselves in a

"Where are we?" Ranma asked suddenly feeling like Ryoga. In front of them a
small figure appeared. On a stick?!

"Hello son-in-law, Hotaru-chan Usagi-sama." Colonge said.

"Ol..old ghoul." Ranma said silently.

whapp!! "Even in my afterlife you still have no respect."

"Ouch I'm sorry honored elder." Colonge's eyes widened.

"Are we dead?" Hotaru asked. Colonge shook her head.


"Oh so why are we here?"

"Listen to me. You three have a bond that cannot be broken. Not even in
death. Now you must know all of your memories have returned. And that a new
evil has returned as well."

"Um but if she's returned and evil then she's not really a new evil is she."
Hotaru said.

Colonge facefaulted. Then stood. "Listen to me you three are the most
powerful. So then you must stop her." She looked around the room at the three
respectivly to she got to Usagi who was blushing.

"I'm sorry, I don't believe we did that Ran." usagi said giving him a
telelpathic message. Hotaru saw it too. And blushed. "Oniisan, oneechan,
please don't do that." she said blushing.

"Oh yeah sorry Hotaru-chan I forgot you can see it too." Usagi said blushing

Ranma had a nosebleed. Colonge laughed. "I presume it was a nice experience."
all three blushed at it. "Anyways you three must unite.. and beat her. err..
I'm sorry that I cannot tell you anymore as it is not within my power at the


"I am using a lot of power to stretch myself to all three of you. It is very
taxing. I'm afraid my ki crystal is running out of power. Ranma I want you to
keep an eye out for my granddaughter, she may try something stupid. I have
save enough energy to give her a message take the ki crystal to her."

"Um obasan, if you didn't have that much power why didn't you just give one
of us our memory back.. the link woulda given us them all anyways." Ranma
asked. Colonge sweatdropped.

"Um.... anyways go and seek out Shampoo. And above all don't let anyone but
you three touch those boxes. I must go." She turned and walked away.

"Wait!!" Colonge stopped. "Uh um th..thanks granny for everything."

"Hah ha haha, boy it's you who I should thank. You made this old woman's life
very happy now you make your princess and sister happy or I'll come and haunt
you." Usagi and Hotaru were blushing.

Ranma blushed a bit too. "Sayoonara honored elder."

"Sayoonara Ranma Saotome."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
Then they woke up. To pairs of curious eyes.

"Guys we have to talk." Sailor Moon said softly.

"I'll say we do." said a new voice. "Hello and goodbye from Pandora."

"EARTH SHAKER!" suddenly they were airborne and landed hard.

"Ouch. Who are you?" Ranma said staring at the cute girl in green. With a elf

"I am Gnome." she bowed. "I am here to kill you. Earth demons!!"

Then fifteen earth demons came out of the floor. They were just like the
others except they looked like stone golems. "Take their crystals and kill
them all!!" the girls tried to transform but they were to weak to move from
the previous fight. Ranma stood up. I won't loose.

"BAKSAI TENKETSU!!" 3 demons exploded. With the sound Ranma looked around to
see Ryoga smirking at him. Ranma felt anger and yet alittle relived. "Rock
huh? My specalty...uhng.." Ryoga was blasted away.

"RYOGA!!" Ranma screamed as the sigil appeared on his head. His aura flared
as his eyes went pupiless. He flew into the sky. At the girl who attacked. He
then exploded with power. As the white light absorbed the sky and land Sailor
Moon shielded her eyes. And stood firm. She wouldn't loose him again.


to be continued.

ha ha ha! do ya like it? im trying to fill some holes that both storys were
lacking. i decided to throw tenchi in there but he wont be there for a while
till later. maybe like chapter 6 or 7. i'll introduce more stuff later.. lots
more. see ya later.