Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ moons hopes ❯ ??? ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
moons hopes
by archranma or shadow the god of chaos(whatever you like)
originally last hope... now the new hope begins.

You're giving me too many things Lately you're all I need You smiled at
me and said, Don't get me wrong I love you But does that mean I have to
meet your father? When we are older you'll understand What I meant when
I said "No, I don't think life is quite that simple" * When you walk
away You don't hear me say please Oh baby, don't go Simple and clean is
the way that you're making me feel tonight It's hard to let it go The
daily things that keep us all busy Are confusing me That's when you came
to me and said, Wish I could prove I love you But does that mean I have
to walk on water? When we are older you'll understand It's enough when I
say so And maybe some things are that simple repeat * ** Hold me
Whatever lies beyond this morning Is a little later on Regardless of
warnings the future doesn't scare me at all Nothing's like before
moons hopes chapter 5 true lies

He showed himself to be impressive. dispatching undine. he was good.
he must have incredible strength. she knew him somewhere. she scanned
towards todays events.
she sent gnome this time. she needed to know her advisarys.

She stared at the battle impassivly. The boy was strong. and handsome.
though he was not perfect. he didnt meet her requirements, so he and his
friends must be destroyed. nothing less than perfection.
she looked to her right. The withered stump of a man is perverted
perfection. and a former
god of water. he was successful today.currently he was smoking his pipe.
seemed deep in
thought. she turned her gaze to her other companion. he sat seething. he
was big, even in
hi sitting state he was easily over twenty feet tall. his fur ruffled as
he smelled the
aura around the kids. to his left was another man in a crimson red and
dark black attire.
his youthful face held mischeif and evil on it.he stared at the pool
impassivly. planning
and plooting of his own accord. she then looked towards the four figures
in front of him.
the elements. she smirked. the looked as if the wanted to run.
they had managed to get a sizable amount of ki crystals, mostly from
human warriors of sorts.
but they have failed miserably. failed in killing the boy. she chuckled
to herself. she'd let
them live. but she'd have to teach them a lesson. she waved her hands
once and the pool changed scenes. there were three people. one was a
princess who was wearinig a regal sort of gown. her hair was et iin a
very distinguishable style. she haf a golden crescent moon on her head.
the next was a boy apparently the same age. he was clothed in a full
black outfit.it hugged
itself closley to his body showing off his features. he had the most
beautiful eyes. on his
head was two trianular green dots. next to him was a girl with purple
hair slightly shorter
than the boy. she wore a sailor fuku. purple trimmed and held a wicked
looking weapon at her
side. she had similar markings on her head as the boy. The beast spoke

" they are the ones?" his voice sounded like grating steel against rusty
metal in the street
at 3 in the morning, when you have the flu, and headache and havent
slept in days. His eyes
were a glow with arcaine powers. his teeth snarled and drool hung loosly
from his steel like

" yes they are her children. her and her kind will suffer for what they
did to us.
Especially HIM." she said. her voice drifting melodiously through the
air. making glucose
the second sweetest substance on the earth. Her voice so enticing and
kind that butterflies
and rabbits and the like hopped around, and were quickly devoured by the

" How much longer will we have to wait?" the beast said.

" Not much longer fenris. Not much longer." she said.

"And what do we do with them Pandora?" the third party spoke. His voice
childish and playful." those girls aren't up to the task.," he said
leveling his gaze
at the three girls and guy.

" What indeed Loki? But do not fret. There is a plan already in motion.
Those three will
serve our purpose well." she looked to her left.


The old perverted master looked up. " Yes my queen." he lit his pipe.

" I would like you to take out another school. Furinkan was enough for
the energy,
but there weren't enough pure heart crystals. Try jubann high. With my
plan running
you should have minimal resistance from the sailor scouts."

Happosai raised an eyebrow but didn't comment." you know what I
require." it wasn't a question.

She sighed." yes I do. Take all of the elements panties when you come
back." happosai
didn't stir." oh yes come hither."

Happosai bounced happily to her bosom." how sweet it is!" he said

Pandora twitched.

" Father why must Poseidon do that to lady Pandora?" fenris wolf asked
his father.

" Sigh. It is because of the way gods stranded on earth do. The need
something to recharge
themselves when they loose their mana. Happosai gets a recharge from
groping and panties.
Groping is the best way."

" Kaiki kuso." fenris said wide-eyed. The elements nodded their heads

Happosai was still groping. Pandora twitched some more." happi please I
told you... the
next time wait until we are alone." she said seductively. Happi nodded.
He jumped into a
shadow and disappeared.

"Kaiki kuso." fenris said wide-eyed. Loki nodded rapidly.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"What do ya mean i aint human?" a rough voice said.

" you are what you are my son." a very gentle voice said. "im sorry but
you cannot go back to
her until she ascends herself."

" ta hell with that!" the rough voiced yelled. the other voice winced."
we arent supposed ta lie.
i promised her i'd be there, both of them. you saw what she did to

" i'm sorry you cannot directly interact with those two until the ascend
themselves. go talk to
your other soul mate. her name is urd she'll fill you in on any other
thing you need. to know."

" b-but father.." the rough voice said.

" NO BUTS JOSHUA!! Listen i know you care for her.. but you cannot
directly coe in contact with them
until they ascend is that clear?" the voice said.

" yes father."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"but how are we gods and goddesses?" joshua asked currently edging away
from the goddess first
class who was snuggling up to him.

" urd smiled seductivly. " tsunami and washu are goddeses first class
unlimited." joshua started
to smile and then chuckled. "hey whats so funny?"

"my aunt is a goddess?" joshua said between chuckles.

"dont laugh. she's very powerful just like her other sister tokimi."

"yes well all jurian goddess have their own trees are linked to
yggradsil and technically if you
are directly linked to yggdrasil you are a goddess or god. simply cause
you draw your powers from it
we had some troubles with you and your sister and serenity because you
and your sister have no trees
but tsunami, and all serenitys become goddess. so we decided based on
your attitudes what type
of kami you were. you are the god of chaos. crystal is the goddess of
order and serenity is like
her name sake....

"the goddess of peace.."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"i hate this." Josh said as he stared into the window of the soul. he ws
watching the events of
the moon.

" i know but you know the consequences." urd said. half bored alf

" she hated endymion. she always said it. he infuriated her." josh

" i know i know. i dont understand you sometimes ya know?" urd said
hoping ta change the subject
he's been going on like this for hours.

" huh? whats that supposed ta mean?" josh said.

" im your soul mate too. you should feel happy we are also destined to
be married."

" I-i know i just wish it were with all of us. not just one." he said

" i understand.... say you do know that the one whom marries serenity
has to marry the scouts."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

" i dont like this your majesty."

" i know your concerns artemis you've said so many times." queen seren

" i agree my queen. tampering with your daughters link to make her fall
for endymion is a little
rash.. dont you think?" luna said.

" i believe that was the best course of action. she needed something to
keep her from doing some
thing rash."

" but beryl and pluto.."

" are an unfortunate side affect. i sincerly did not want this to
happen. but it could not be avoided
i hope pluto will forgive me."

" she will because she has undying love for her queen." a new voice
said. all heads turned to see sailor

" i am truly sorry my friend." already serenity could see the new
changes. pluto seemed distant.
cold. unflappabble.

" no apology nessacary."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
" i cant ryoga.. i love the both of you.. i may be pregnant with..." the
door suddenly burst opened.
ranma stepped in battle aura at the ready.

get away from akane pig-boy!!! ranma screemed. he threw ryoga into the
then he was on him punching repeatidly. akane pulled him off.

stop right now please we have to talk. akane pleaded.

no talk you betrayed me. ranma said his tears falling out of his eyes.
ryoga tried to stand.

but you must undertsand...

shut up pig!! this is your fault "Baisuu Supin Handou!" he yelled.
kicking ryoga several times in the head. again akane tried to stop him
from killing ryoga.

ranma in his rage absently hit akane in the chest sending her to her bed
unconsious. he stopped when he noticed what he did. a..akane, he looked
to ryoga then his bloody hand he ran into his room packing his things
crying the whole time. in the next room nabiki stared at her tv screen
having captured it all on tape. her jaw agape.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

usa chan what are you doing i love you were destined to be together.

usagi sneered at mamoru with contempt.

" you disqust me i hope a youma eats you. my true husband is here." she
said as she held ranma close to her

" i knew about your romps to america to be with that bimbo shori. you
are beneath our notice."
she held her crystal out.

"wh-what are you arghhjhhh!!"

" taking away your powers.. painfully. like the way you hurt
me.painfully." the screaming continued
till the powers were gone. he still lay there writhing in agony. "now
begone to the slut you
love so much." she then kicked him hard into the stomach. and kissed
ranma slow and sensious.

" usagi..."

" usagi wasnt that a bit harsh?" makoto asked.

" he got what he did to me so many times... it's only fair." she walked
with ranma away from the
still twitching mamoru chiba.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

whats going on this didnt happen.. who's tampering with our minds!!

" it is the power of the dark box of pandora." a voice came from

" what why's that." ranma's voice said.

" because one of you has touched it all three of your minds have been

" how do we cleanse it from our minds?" usagi asked.

" that is a secret. you'll have to learn how to distinguish things now
till you figure it out.

"who are you?" hotaru said.

" i am called many things. though you can call me..the entitinial." he
said as he appeared.
he was dressed in black jeans and sweater. he had a flowing leather
cape. that seemed endless.

" and you need to wake up. ranma usagi hotaru."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

we will meet again.

to be continued.


it's been a long time coming. thanx for tha reviews. i gotta lot of good
c&c on this. dont worry
i'll still be doing chronicals.
ok one more thing i got this question in the mail. is chronicals a
continuation of moons hopes?"
yes it is of sorts. read on the next chapters or email me for more info.
thats it for now ja ne shaodow saotome kami of chaos 1sy class unlimited
liscence. Kami_of_chaos@yahoo.com "They tricked me into sex while I
wasn't looking..."
if a number 2 pencil is so popular than why is it number 2?
All that is gold does not glitter
Not all those who wander are lost
If I advance, follow me. If I die, avenge me.
If I retreat, Kill me.