Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ moons hopes ❯ hmmm ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
moons hopes chapter 6
by me of course.
http//ww.standard disclaimer.i dont own nobody but a few

It's too late to cry I love you.
The wind still blowing, my heart still aching

One side of my eyes see tomorrow,
And the other one see yesterday
I hope I could sleep in the cradle of your love, again

Cry for me, somebody, with dry eyes

The real folk blues
I just want to feel a real sorrow
It's not bad a life in the muddy river
If life is once

Hopeless hope, and the chance with traps
What is right, or wrong
It's like a both side of a coin

How long I must live till I release?

The real folk blues
I just want to feel a real pleasure
All that glitters is not gold

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" soon they will see the real power. it seems that pandora's ready to
make her move. i wonder what will
loki do.. knowing his nature he might betray them all and call down
ragnorok before i do.
that cant do.. i need more time. time, for time is all i have left and
soon ranma, i will get my revenge for what you did to me all those years
ago. now my friend find johnathon his blade will be useful.
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a figure walked outside the cherry hill shrine his cloak flowing in the
wind. his mysterious posture was finished as soon as he tripped on his
"ite.." picking himself up he walked casually to the door and knocked.
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"Princess i dont understand why you have to be so difficult. Prince
Endymion is waiting for you in the grand hall."

" I-I dont think i can do it.. somethings not right.. im forgetting
something important to me.. close to my heart. something that i long for
dearly Luna." the advasor turned cat looked toward the sky suddenly.
"i am.. missing something. arent i Luna? Tell me what it is it?" the
princess demanded. suddenly she felt a presence behind her. she turned
suddenly. standing in the window was one of her senshi. the senshi of
death and destrucion. sailor saturn.

" youre damn right princess." the senshi spat angrily. " you're actually
going to marry that creep. i know he was the one to do it, him and
beryl." she said walking toward the princess menancingly. " but tell me
something, how come you've forgotten?" she spared a glance towards
luna." what happened to her damn you!"

Luna looked away before sighing. " My queen asks that you make haste to
the ball room your highness."
luna then turned and walked away from the curious princess and the angry
senshi. she knew that the senshi of destruction would not hurt her
princess. but she was afraid for her own safety. she knew of the bond
the three shared. and of the pain the princess of saturn and moon have
faired against. saturn loss of her brother and mother and aunt have left
her lonely. after blowing up the planet vulcan the other senshi were
cold and distant. "All because of one boy. how one boy could cause so
much chaos is beyond me. Still im almost glad the queen had princess
serenity's memory of that bit erased. she seems more happy now then back

" oh now i see." came a voice from behind. luna paled when she
recocgnized the voice of saturns princess.
she turned and became even whiter when she witnessed the moon princess
looking at her with a hurt expression.

" you must understand, your majesty asked me and artemis our advise she
tried to help.. she only wanted what was in your best interest." she
stated while the senshi followed a hurrying princess to the throne room
where her mother would be preparing for tonights ball. in a small
whispered apology luna ran after her charge, hoping to stop any
________________________________________________ __________________________________
"how do we keep ending up in this situation?" ranma asked as he watched
his 'sister' and mate wake up in the black limbo of dreams they found
themselves in before.

" i wonder who the entitinial is." said usagi scrathing her head.

" all i remeber about the battle was some weird attack.

hotaru moaned before answering." i dont even wanna know how you got us
all with that attack."

usagi looked sheepishly." i kinda had something to do with that. i
wanted to make sure that you were safe after that attack and i kinda
made use of some technique i sorta took from you and hotaru."

" attack what attack?" hotaru asked searching her memory. "woah cool i
dint know we knew so many attacks!!" she and ranma said simultaneously.

"whats chaos's end?" usagi asked peering into ranma's head.

" uhh-woah dont ever try to use that attack. it destroys several small
planets. like a concussion bomb or something."

"why would you have an attack like that?" usagi asked.shocked that he
would have an attack that would wipe out whole planets, several

" well sis has the d. r. r. so i would have ta have something equally as
powerful or moreso to use right?"

" um if you say so" usagi said trying to figure out the logic in that

" usagi, nii'san, what are you gonna do about the hallucinations?"
hotaru asked suddenly.

"hmm i dont know. we could ask the old crone." ranma said earning him a
bop on the head.


"hush, well we could just ask setsuna. but what really freaks me out are
the marks on our faces."

"yeah i remember something about us being gods and such."

"god for you maybe. were goddesses." said hotaru with a smirk of

" oh sorry megami-sama please forgive me." he said bowing before her.
they all laughed a bit.

" so how long have we been out?" ranma asked.

" i dont know, but i hope that nothings happened." usagi said.

" why dont we try to will ourselves outta here." hotaru suggested.

and so they did...
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masaki shrine

sasami paled suddenly. she felt two prescences that she hadnt felt in a
long time. she dropped her dishes suddenly. washu who was nearby rushed
into the kitchen.

" sasami whats wrong!!" she asked.

sasami looked toward the red head scientist." washu my children are

washu looked confused, it wasnt genetically possible for sasami to have
kids. but tsunami.. " sasami do you mean you or tsunami?"

"we are soon to be one and the same. so as i said you can call us sasami
or tsunami it doesnt matter either way. it doesnt matter, my children
are back. i must make preparations to go to them. you'll gather the
others sister the children would want to see their aunt.

"i dont understand what aunt who?.."

" shh dont worry sis gather everyone i'll explain later. there is much
you need to know.. and remeber."
------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
asgard yggradsil kami sama's desk

kami-sama smiled a brief smile. but sighed. he hadnt been able to find
out any information on the trouble that was happining on earth. though
he knew the outcome in all directions it just always relyed on the
humans to make that path for him to see and judge. he smiled briefly
again. the chance earth has now is reliant on 3 people and three roads.
now two roads led to a good end the third ragnorok, one of the two
choices would definatly lead to multiple deaths, but a good ending.
he updated his records on the indivduals. he knew some people will be
real happy with this devolepment.
---------------------------------------------------------- -------------
earth kyoto mall

" urd oneesan look look." skuld said while showing her sister her labtop

urd sighed deep she for some reason didnt care about much these days.
she knew why, she missed her josh. he left and disappeared. so part of
her soul disappeared. she decided to entertain herself on earth to rid
herself of these thoughts. if she could get her sister and keiichi
together then every thing would be fine. she walked to her sister hiding
her pain as she always did. " whats up squirt."

" there are three new deitys."

" an acencion huh?" she didnt care much either way.

" yeah level ones classes unlimited alla them." this got urds attention.

" whats there names?" she said holding up a ice cream cone to sway her
sister from what it was that was bothering her.

she didnt even bat an eye at it. skuld brought up the profile of hotaru
tomoe usagi tsukino and ranma saotome. urd dropped the ice cream and ran
for the nearest tv store he was alive she had to see him.

skuld notice was only on the ice cream on the floor.

"ice cream."
--------------------------------------------------------------- --------
"look theyre waking up." a voice called from the left.

ranma looked at the ceiling and felt his sister and life mate wake
beside him. he looked over and saw the nerima wrecking crew. he
groaned, he had lots of explaining to do. he saw a face he didnt
recognize and suddenly the tv glowed and out popped a woman with
platinum hair. she grabbed him in a fierce amazon hug. and kissed him
passionatly. when they came up he was borne witness to a many angry
women directing glares at him and the girl.

" yup lots to explain." his sister said smugly.

"ohhh..." ranma sighed.

to be continued.