Ai No Kusabi Fan Fiction ❯ New Dawn On Amoi ❯ Lamentations ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter Two: Lamentations

Written by Aiisa

Historical Fanfic - Jupiter's rise to power.
Based on the world created by Yoshihara Rieko.
Disclaimer: Amoi and Jupiter were both created by Yoshihara Rieko.
I am only borrowing them. I do not make any profit from this.

Kaine sat alone in his office, glancing occasionally at the clock on the wall. Jason was late for their appointment, almost half an hour late. Kaine sighed softly and took out a cigarette. He hated having to wait, but then he knew Jason would turn up eventually. Hiroshi was probably using the young man in the lab. Jupiter had not yet responded to the final programming, so Hiroshi and his team, with Jason's help, were going back through all the codes in search of even one error that could have caused the problem. Kaine had been keeping a close eye on Jason over the last three days. He could see the young man was slowly wearing thin.

Kaine leaned back in his chair, drawing on his cigarette and pushing his red hair absently out of his eyes, lost in thought.

Jason was a puzzle to Kaine. He was the one Genesis boy, Kaine always kept an eye on. He doubted the other scientists even realized that the Genesis group had a leader, let alone that it was Jason. Kaine had seen the way the others deferred to Jason. At first he had been wary of this, thinking Jason might become something of a tyrant towards the others, but instead Jason had taken to the role of leader well, being fair and understanding. Kaine thought perhaps it was due to Hiroshi's influence as well as Jason's own even-temperedness. It appeared that the Genesis group had chosen well. Kaine had to admit that, seeing this, he, too, had a great deal of respect for the young man.

Still, there were a other things about Jason that set him apart from the others, and intrigued the young psychologist. Jason had a tendency to display more emotion than any of the others. He expressed annoyance and anger far more often than any of the others did in their meetings with Kaine.

Jason, more so than any of the others, also kept his appearance pristine,his hair always perfect, his clothing never wrinkled. Kaine had first thought that Jason was being vain, but there seemed to be more to it than that. Kaine had observed the boy for sometime before he realized it was actually because of Hiroshi. The scientist's appearance was always scrupulous, and it seemed that he expected the same from Jason. Kaine had come to understand that Hiroshi and Jason had kept in closer contact than most of the other boys and Guardians. Still, that left Kaine wondering why Jason wouldn't talk about Hiroshi very much. Kaine had never once heard Jason compliment his Guardian, except on Hiroshi's political actions. Every other comment the young man made was decidedly neutral. Jason, therefore, obviously did not care much for Hiroshi, so then why keep in contact? Why did Jason always obey Hiroshi's wishes? Kaine had a feeling there was something more going on between those two , but Jason's unwillingness to discuss things in depth made it difficult to determine just what.

Kaine had a feeling he should find out. He was also beginning to realize, he wouldn't like what he found.

He kept digging at Jason a little at a time, but without much success. He watched Hiroshi as well, but saw little there that could explain Jason's reticience. Like his young protege, Hiroshi appeared as a charismatic and intelligent leader. His opinions and judgements were usually well founded. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

Kaine took another long drag. 'Perhaps if I had been on this project from the beginnning,' he thought to himself. Kaine was the newest and youngest scientist on the Genesis project. He had replaced the former psychologist only a little over a year before when the old man had suddenly collapsed from a heart attack. Kaine had only just finished school when the job had been offered to him by Hiroshi. He had been surprised, but had accepted the position without hesitation. For half his life he had heard about the Genesis project, to be part of it had been a dream of his.


The sound of his office door sliding open startled Kaine out of his musings. He looked up and saw Jason standing there. Stamping the butt of his cigarette out in the ashtray, he stood up and motioned the boy in. Jason entered slowly and sat down across from the psychologist in a large leather covered chair. Kaine sank back into his, studying the young man. Jason looked exhausted, his eyes slightly blood shot as he looked at Kaine. Jason rested his head against the back of the chair and sighed softly.

"I am sorry, Sensei. Hiroshi only just released me from the lab." His voice sounded flat as he spoke quietly.

Kaine leaned forward, resting his hands on his desk. "That's alright, Jason. I thought that might be the case. How are things going?"

"They still can not find the problem. Hiroshi is furious. They have been through everything twice over but the programming seems perfect. Even I can't see anything wrong." Jason half shrugged, as if it was all he had the energy to do.

Kaine nodded in understanding. Hiroshi would be angry. Jupiter was his project, after all. "So what do you think it is?"

"I..." Jason paused, stifling a yawn, "I think perhaps Jupiter is taking Her time before responding. She may be trying to understand what She wants to do before She does it."

"Have you told Hiroshi this?"

"Yes," Jason's voice changed tone, sounding slightly annoyed, "He didn't agree."

"So, why do you think this?"

Jason shrugged again, "She feels different to me," he brushed one hand elegantly across his forehead, "in here. I think Hiroshi expected a perfect and near instant response."

"Hiroshi always expects this though, doesn't he?" Kaine asked, arching an eyebrow.

Jason shrugged, "Perhaps."

Kaine frowned as Jason yawned again.

"Sensei, could we postpone this for a couple days? Hiroshi told me to go rest so I could get back in the lab if they need me."

Sighing, Kaine leaned back and looked Jason over. He really wanted to keep the young man talking, but Jason really looked like he could use the rest. "I suppose so. But only for a couple days. It's been a while since you've been to see me. This really shouldn't fall behind."

Jason nodded and stood up. "Thank you." He gave Kaine a slight bow and left, walking with slow, careful steps.

Kaine watched him leave in silence, before getting out another cigarette. He lit it and sat back down in his chair, slightly annoyed with Hiroshi for wearing the young man out. He had been looking forward to their appointment today.


Jason walked along the well-lit corridors of the Central Complex, trying not to weave as he walked. It was hard to keep his eyes open. Hiroshi had had him in the labs from early morning until well past dinner time, going over Jupiter's programming. Jason was not used to spending all day interfaced with Her. Add to that Hiroshi's anger, and the last three days had been difficult. At least he had been able to sleep all night for three straight nights. Otherwise he would have been in far worse shape.

The Dormitory was quiet as he entered. All the others were off at dinner, Jason decided. Jason would have gone but he had no appetite to speak of. All he wanted was sleep. He opened the door to his room and stripped out of his uniform, leaving it in a pile on the floor. A couple stumbling steps brought him to his bed and he fell into it. Sleep took him almost instantly, drowning out the persistent buzzing that had plagued him for four days.


The insistent buzzing of his intercom pulled Jason out of his deep sleep. A glance at the clock showed it to be midnight, nearly eight hours since he had passed out. He hesistated before answering, but after a moment he reached out and clicked the respond button.

"Jason, it is about time. Meet me in my apartment in half an hour. We are just finishing up here, finally. I want to discuss the last three days with you over dinner. I know you didn't eat today." Hiroshi voice sounded relaxed at least. Perhaps they had gotten a response.

Jason sat up. "Yes, sir. I'll be there."

"Good, I may be a few minutes late so wait for me." Hiroshi's voice cut off as he hung up.

Jason stared at the wall blankly for several minutes before he started moving. He opened the door to the shower and, adjusting the temperature, he stepped under it. Washing quickly , he pulled out his usual casual attire and got dressed. He dried his hair most of the way and brushed it out until it hung perfectly. Ready, he sat down in his chair for a few minutes, confused by Hiroshi's invitation. The Doctor had never invited him up for a meal before, with the exception of one political conference that Hiroshi had taken him to six months ago. He rubbed his wrists nervously and stared at the wall. Then after several minutes, he stood and left the room on his way to Hiroshi's.

The Dormitory was quiet tonight, everyone else having gone to bed a couple hours before. Jason felt very alone as he made his way through the building. Even the buzzing in his mind was gone. His footsteps echoed down the halls, half lit for the night. For some reason the trip up to Hiroshi's seemed to be taking forever, though he couldn't say why. The elevators seemed slow to arrive when he called them and the ride in them seemed to crawl. Despite all that, Jason actually beat Hiroshi there.


He entered the apartment and the lights came on slowly. Walking through the office Jason sat down in the next room on one of the couches to wait. Hiroshi arrived only moments later, bearing two trays of food. They smelled delicious and Jason realized that he was starving. He followed Hiroshi to the table in the next room, not saying a word as Hiroshi set a tray in front of him and then sat down at the other end.

"We think we know what is wrong with Jupiter. We hope to have a positive response from it tommorrow." Hiroshi said after a moment.

Jason paused with his fork in mid-air. "That's good, Sensei. What is it?"

"Jupiter has been processing at a high rate. I believe the new programming has worked and that it is just adjusting to it. So it appears you were right." Hiroshi smiled slightly, but it didn't really show in his eyes.

Jason nodded slightly back and continued to eat. It felt very stange to be having a conversation with Hiroshi at this hour. "Why did you decide that?" he asked after a long silent moment.

"After you left today, we had a long discussion and decided to trust the information you were getting from your mind link. We had finished the checks on the programming and nothing was wrong. It is perfect." Hiroshi's eyes seemed to burn for a second. "So therefore, the program must be running. We ran some tests and decided that Jupiter will probably respond tommorrow, the day after at the latest."

Jason nodded again, secretly thrilled at the idea of Jupiter's response. Hiroshi watched him closely for a moment, a strange look in his eyes. "I thought you would want to know."

"Thank you, Sensei." Jason finished eating the light meal Hiroshi had brought, almost wishing there was more. The fact that he had been right explained why Hiroshi had invited him for dinner. Hiroshi was always one who rewarded good work. He sat waiting for Hiroshi to finish, sleepiness creeping back up on him. He debated asking to leave, but he didn't think he would be allowed to, though he wished Hiroshi would just let him go. He leaned back in his chair and looked around the room, fighting against the desire to sleep.


Jason woke up slowly, the room around him was dark, the only light was the light of the twin moons coming in the window. His hands were bound above his head, the ties on his wrists bit into the flesh. He realized where he was right off, of course. The silken sheets of Hiroshi's bed lay half across his naked body. He twisted his wrists but as usual, Hiroshi had tied them too well. Anger welled up within him, but fear did as well. Hiroshi had never bothered to drug him before. Jason had never given him a reason. He turned his head as far as possible in either direction but Hiroshi was not in the room. The air conditioning in the room was too cool, but Jason couldn't pull the blanket over him.

The door across the room opened and Hiroshi came in, still wet from the shower. He shed his robe as he crossed the room and sat down next to his captive, his hand trailing along Jason's side and wandering idly across his chest. "I hope you didn't think dinner was the only thing I wanted from you." Hiroshi whispered.

Jason turned his head way, he opened his mouth to answer but a flash of pain burned through his body. He gasped and barely managed not to cry out. Hiroshi chuckled. "A slight side affect, I'm told. The lab has been trying to get rid it, but I think it has its uses." He bent down to kiss Jason, burying his head in the young man's neck. Jason gasped again as Hiroshi bit down just enough to hurt, but not to draw blood. A second wave of pain hit him only an instant after that, and this time he did cry out. He clamped his lips together as Hiroshi chuckled again. "I don't know where you got your stubborness, but you do amuse me so when you fight, Jason. Always trying to hold it in."

Jason turned his head away, closing his eyes.

"I am told it will get worse before the effects fade. I guess we will find out." He reached out and pinched each of Jason's nipples, causing Jason to wince. The drug's aftereffect was beginning to burn through him and he felt like he was on fire.

Hiroshi smiled at Jason's reaction and bent down to kiss him harshly, pulling the blanket off of him and throwing it to the floor. He ran his hand down along Jason's side, then up along the soft inside of the younger man's thigh. Jason tried to pull away but the straps on his wrists prevented him from going very far. Hiroshi forced Jason's mouth open with his tongue and he began to work his hand slowly up and down along Jason's penis. It grew hard beneath his practiced fingers. He felt Jason tense up, trying to resist as he always did, but the effects of the drug was making it difficult. Hiroshi smiled inwardly. He would have to use this again.

After a few minutes, Hiroshi began to kiss his way down the side of Jason's neck. The young man was shuddering slightly beneath him, gasping occasionally from pain or pleasure. Hiroshi didn't know which, and didn't really care. It was all music to his ears. Kneeling over his captive, he kissed his way across Jason's chest, biting briefly on each nipple, before bending down to take Jason's cock into his mouth. He worked along it with his tongue. sucking at the tip and sliding his lips down its length, as Jason writhed beneath him. The young man was moaning audibly now, his usual control burned away by the drug he had taken. Hiroshi carressed between Jason's legs with one hand before sliding it back to penetrate the young man with his fingers. After several minutes of this, Jason gasped and arched beneath him, climaxing.

Hiroshi released Jason for a minute as he reached to pull the cord holding the young man's wrists to the bed loose. He pulled Jason up and brought his own stiff cock to Jason's mouth, pressing it in as the young man gasped. Jason nearly gagged as it was forced between his lips but, with the weight of Hiroshi's hand tangled in his hair, guiding him, he moved his mouth along the shaft. Tears stung his eyes, and his body was shaking from the damned drug. Hatred burned within him but it was impossible to think clearly.

Finally, Hiroshi pulled him away and hooked the cord back up. He positioned himself between Jason's legs and drove himself into the younger man with hard deep thrusts. Jason gasped in pain with each one, body on fire. Hiroshi was moaning as well, his nails digging into Jason's shoulders. His thrusts grew harder and faster until finally he came in an explosion of liquid fire inside the young man, and collapsed on top of him. Jason lay gasping under the weight of Hiroshi, tears running down his cheeks, body trembling.

After a few moments Hiroshi withdrew, rolling off to lay beside Jason. His hands still wandered idly over Jason's perfect body and Jason trembled. The drug was still affecting him, and it made Hiroshi's hands burn like fire over his now cooled flesh. Hiroshi chuckled, a dark laugh, "So unusual to see you this excited, Jason. Don't worry, I am not quite done yet. You know me," he said softly, his voice cruelly seductive. He reached down again to fondle Jason's penis, playing with the younger man, stroking the inside of his thighs. After a moment he rolled Jason on to his side and pulled him close. Hiroshi had grown hard again and he forced himself back into the young man. His thrusts were slower this time, driving in deeper as he worked his hand along Jason's cock. Jason moaned softly, the straps on his wrists dug in painfully as his arms were pulled with the rhythm of Hiroshi's thrusts. The effects of the drugs had finally begun to wear off, the painful fire it had caused lessening.

They came together after a few moments, Hiroshi gasping loudly in Jason's ear. He held Jason to him tightly for several minutes, kissing along his neck, and nibbling at his ear before pulling away and climbing off the bed.

Hiroshi left Jason bound as he went to take another shower. Jason lay unmoving as the fire inside died out completely, leaving behind an ache that ran all through his body. Five minutes later, Hiroshi returned and unbound him. His hands were numb, so he flexed them trying to work some feeling back into them. The straps had left welts around both wrists and one was cut and bleeding sluggishly. Hiroshi looked it over as Jason watched indifferently. "Your clothes are in the bathroom. Clean this up and bandage it, then get dressed and get out of here. Wear long sleeves until these heal, if they get the chance to heal, that is," Hiroshi smiled wickedly, and Jason winced. "I'll see you in the lab at nine. Don't be late." He pulled Jason up and propelled him to towards the bathroom.

"Yes, Sensei."


Back out in the hallway, Jason moved slowly to the elevator. He called it up, stepping in when its doors opened before him. The tears started falling as he rode the elevator down. He hurt. More than he could ever remember hurting before. Whatever drug Hiroshi had given him had certainly done its job. He wiped the tears on his sleeve and walked down the hall, past the labs. As he approached the next set of elevators, he stopped and sat down looking out one of the windows over the city. There he sat until the tears passed.


Kaine shut down the terminal in his office and stepped out into the hallway. Unable to sleep, he had returned to his office and had stayed late updating his files. Kaine had a residence in the building, down near the Dormitory, so he began to walk towards the elevators. The sound of someone ahead made him pause for a second. Jason came around the corner of the hall and froze when he saw Kaine. The young man was a disheveled mess, his hair tangled and his face bore the mark of tears. Kaine walked up to him slowly. "Jason, what happened?"

"Nothing. I have to get back." Jason tried to turn away. Kaine caught his wrist and the boy gasped in pain and fell to the floor. Kaine pulled his hand away, then reached down and pushed Jason's sleeve up to reveal the cruel purple bruises. Jason tore his arm away and tried to stand, but sudden dizziness made him stay on the floor. "I have to go." he said flatly.

"You need help. Tell me what happened." Kaine lifted Jason back to his feet and the boy hissed at the pain.

"Nothing happened. If I were you, I'd forget you saw me tonight." Jason's voice was glacial, as were his eyes. He tried to walk away but Kaine held him back.

"It's Hiroshi, isn't it? What did he do?"

"The same thing he's done every night for most of the last ten years, Sensei," Jason said softly, "Now if I were you, I'd forget and not say a word, or you'll end up as dead as the one before you did." He gazed evenly into Kaine's golden brown eyes. "It is for your own good ,Sensei. I would hate to see anything happen to you over something so unimportant."

"How can you call this unimportant?" Kaine was shocked. He helped Jason along the corridor and into the elevator, though the young man struggled to get there on his own.

"You forget, Sensei, I am only important as far as the Genesis Experiment goes. Androids are not human, don't have the same rights as humans, and certainly do not fall under the same consideration as humans. Therefore, it is unimportant. As far as Hiroshi, or any of the others are concerned, we are all just property."

"I don't see you that way." Kaine said, meeting Jason's eyes.

"I know. We all do. That is why I'm telling you this. Forget about tonight. I'll take care of it myself." Jason stepped off the elevator. "Trust me, Sensei. It will be soon." He turned and walked into the Dormitory, head high despite the obvious pain.

Kaine stared after him as the doors slid shut. Now he knew the secret that set Jason apart and he knew he should do something about it. But for some reason, he knew he would listen to Jason and do nothing. He walked down to his apartment and opened a bottle of liquor. He took a long drink and lit a cigarette. He smoked it quickly and lit another one. It was going to be a long night, and an even longer day. He was suddenly not sure if he'd be able to get through it. He wondered how Jason managed each day.


From infinite places She watched and learned. She was awake, alive and She understood what that meant. She had seen and She had made Her decision. The time to act was nearly at hand.

As the sun rose slowly over Tanagura, She opened all-seeing eyes and looked out over the city.


To Be Continued...


Hiroshi didn't actually start out to be this kind of character. To be honest, I am not sure how it happened, but, well, he is a sadistic bastard now. It seems to suit him. Personally, I hate him. If I ever knew someone who was doing what he was, I would probably hurt him very badly, if I didn't kill him. Anyway, I won't say that I hope you enjoyed this, but I hope it was interesting enough that you want to read the next two chapters. As always, if you have any comments or questions please email me. I'll be more than happy to answer.

~ Aiisa