Angelic Layer Fan Fiction ❯ Sweet Hush ❯ Waking to ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sweet Hush

By: Haruka-chan

Waking to...Chapter 2

She woke to find herself in a beautiful room with paintings of goddess, angels, and fairies on the ceiling, the sun made the beautiful chandelier sparkle and glow. She felt the silk sheets around her body. She looked around the large room. It was painted a cream color with windows every where, ahead of her she saw a door that lead to the balcony, the sheer white curtains that covered it flying as the wind came in. The room was elegant, just like the one back at her grandparent's palace. She sat up and looked around.

"Your awake" said someone.

She looked for the voice and found a woman walking towards her. She had short red hair, and was dressed in a gown of brilliant red, she was also decorated in beautiful jewelry not too much, but enough to show her stature.

"Yes where am I?" she asked.

"In Fahren" said the woman.

"What?!" Misaki asked.

The woman in red smiled and nodded. "Yes, you were bought here last night" she said.

"Hey you were the one who gave me that Sleep potion last night!" exclaimed Misaki.

She nodded. "That is correct." She said.

Misaki looked down at her sheets. "Why do you want me?" she asked me.

"That is something my lord will tell you, right now I think you should get dressed" she said.

That's when she realized that she was nude. She gasped and pulled the sheets around her.

"Don't worry I won't harm you. I have brought you some clothing other then your gown, the weather here is very different from what you are use to, if you want to keep that skin of yours nice and pale like it is, then you should probably get into these" She said putting down a set of clothing.

Misaki wrapped the sheets around her and walked over to her and held up the cloth that she had just placed on the bed. She held up the dress. Misaki didn't say anything as she held the dress.

She chuckled. "I think that dress will look very suiting on you, so I wouldn't worry if I were you" she said.

Misaki shook her head lightly. "It's not that it's just this is the first time I'm dressing in something that my grand mama didn't pick for me" she said with a small smile.

"And yet it isn't something you picked either" stated the red head.

Misaki nodded. "I suppose your right, but I have taught myself to be content with what I have" she said.

"Then maybe you need to break such things while you're here, for things are different here" she said. Misaki stared at her for a long while before she looked down at the dress. "I shall help you to dress," said She breaking her thought.

"Do you think because I come from a noble family I can't dress myself?" asked Misaki quietly.

Her eyes widen then she smiled. "I suppose that's how you seem to us, the outlanders are very different from us" she said.

"Not as different as you make us to be" said Misaki.

"I suppose your right," she said.

"May I ask what your name is?" asked Misaki.

"I'm Hikaru" she said. Misaki nodded.

"It's very nice to meet you Hikaru" she said.

She laughed and nodded. "Same here princess Misaki" she said.

Misaki walked behind the screen and dropped the sheets and pulled on the cotton candy pink plaid taffeta strapless gown, there was a cerise tie sash at the waist. "This material is so comfortable," said Misaki.

"They are made for comfort," stated Hikaru.

Misaki nodded as Hikaru tied the back together. Misaki looked at herself and smiled, she looked liked different. Hikaru then held out the long chandelier like earrings with jewels implanted in them. "These are beautiful," said Misaki.

"Yes these are the sort of jewels that our people wears," said Hikaru.

"Strange how you look like one of us now" said Hikaru.

Misaki looked down at her hands. "May I ask why you are being so generous? I mean is this how you treat your prisoners" asked Misaki.

Hikaru shook her head, "Your not a prisoner follow me, he awaits you" she said. Misaki nodded as she followed after Hikaru.

Misaki took note of the beauty that surrounded everything in the castle she was currently at. Even the way the breeze blew the curtains was beautiful. Hikaru took her to what Misaki known to be the dinning hall.

"My Lord" she heard Hikaru say as she bowed.

Misaki looked towards the man who was seated at the head of the table sipping something from a beautifully crafted cup. Misaki almost gasped at the handsome face that turned towards her and smiled. His blue eyes looking at her with welcome. She felt strange inside, as if he had charmed her without a word.

"Please sit down" he said. Hikaru moved for Misaki to walk forward. When she did, he did the unexpected for her, he stood and pulled the chair out for her. Not the fact that he pulled the chair, but that he who abducted her did, yet didn't seem to be of any threat to her.

"Thank you my lord" she said.

He smiled. "I am glad that the potion given to you last night wasn't so strong and you woke" he said.

Misaki was confused these people abduct her then pretend like it was something natural to be nice to the prisoner. "I am at a misunderstand" she started. He listened as she spoke. "Why have you bought me here? And why are you treating me as a guest" she asked.

"Because you are" he said. She looked at him confused. He smiled again. "I have to apologize for abducting you like the way we did, but we had no other way to get your attention" he said.

Misaki looked down at her plate. "Why is that?" she asked.

"Because my lady I am sure you understand that I am your enemy" he said.

"What?" she asked.

"Do you not know that the kingdom of Eterna and Fahren has been at war for centuries for the western lands?" he asked.

"No actually I have heard of the battles, but didn't know they still continue" said Misaki.

"They do, a small army is sent there every month" he said. Misaki nodded. "Do you know what battle dolls are?" he asked. Misaki shook her head lightly. "You shall learn more about them, but for now I don't want you to think that you're a prisoner, because you are not. You are a guest of the Fahren kingdom. I am Prince Oujirou" he said.

"I suppose you already know who I am" said Misaki. He nodded. "May I ask if there is any particular reason as to why you have abducted me, I mean other then the fact that our kingdoms are feuding over nothing" she said.

He chuckled. "Yes there is many reason which shall revealed to you, but only you could find those answers" he said.

Misaki couldn't help but smile. "Very well" she said.

He looked surprised before he let his smile fall upon his lips once more. They ate in silence but for the first time Misaki didn't feel it was an uncomfortable silence, instead it wad quite comforting.

He watched her, she really was quite beautiful, her brown locks spilling down her shoulders and her blue eyes filled with wonder and a strange look of careless ness. "Would you like to see the garden princess Misaki" he asked.

"The garden?" she asked. He nodded. "I would love too! I spend my days at the palace garden" she said before she blushed for saying too much. "I'm sorry sometimes my mouth runs away without me" she said.

"Princess Misaki to live each day with passion is what makes living wonderful and endurable" he said.

She stared at him for a second. No one ever spoke to her like that, they usually smiled and thought that it was a cute trait. She smiled and nodded. He stood and extended a hand to her.

"Shall we?" he asked.

She nodded and stood taking his hand and following him. It felt strange the feeling of holding another person's hand, particularly one of a man. Yes there were many princes and balls in her life yet this was the first time that she held someone's hand without gloves or any confinements.

Back at Decennia...

Kotarou paced around, the council was deciding what to do, Misaki's grand father had inform them after the guest had left that the note was from their rival Fahren and that they probably took Misaki to win over the war that had been taking place for quite a while now. He looked down at the garden as if looking for a relief he knew that Misaki loved flowers, she was delicate as a flower, he just hoped they didn't harm her in any way, if they did then he would have their heads. He noticed the small footsteps of Tamayo, they weren't as graceful as Misaki's or soft and quite but those where not things that normally described Tamayo.

"I know you're worried" she said. He didn't say anything. She looked down. "I guess I'm to blame for this, if I hadn't taken her away from the crowd then they would have never got her" she said.

"Don't blame yourself Misaki wouldn't want you to" said Kotarou.

"What are you going to do?" she asked.

"I will be ridding out tomorrow morning, I'll get back my wife at in cost" he said.

*His wife...* she thought chuckling painfully.
