Ayashi No Ceres Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Yuuhi walked into Aya and Chidori’s room. “Aki said to see you.”

Chidori jumped up and swung the door open. “Yeah! I got you some manga!” She ran to her shopping bag and searched for the Rurouni Kenshin manga she had bought.

At one glance, Yuuhi shouted, “Rurouni Kenshin! ...Five volumes of it! Is it really for me?!”

Chidori smiled, giving Yuuhi a hug. “Yup!”

“Thanks, Chidori,” Yuuhi said, returning the hug.

Aya ran into the room, shouting, “Chidori! Chidori! Guess what?!”

Yuuhi released his hug, blushing and muttering, “Aya... It... it...”

“What? Was he the guy?” Chidori asked.

“Yup,” said Aya. “His name is Tooya. And.. and..” Aya’s cheeks turned red. She walked up to Chidori and whispered in her ear, “He kissed me!”

Chidori jumped excitedly. “Wooooow!”

Yuuhi, confused, said, “Yeah. I’ll be going back to my room now. Thanks again, Chidori.”

Now alone with Aya, Chidori asked, “So... I’m assuming you guys got together?”

“No,” Aya said straightforwardly. “He didn’t really do anything other than give me his name and kiss me. I dunno, he’s kinda... mysterious.”


Aya’s mood changed from excited to imaginative. Whenever she felt like this, she knew it was a great time to work on her painting. She took out her canvas and paints, and started working on her painting of the flying woman.

Chidori looked at the painting. “She should have blond hair. Like you.”

Aya shook her head. “Purple,” she said, as if she had decided on it long before. In reality, she had just thought of it. Mixing shades of purples and blues and painting long, elegant strokes of the new shade, Aya proceeded to add hair to the figure.

“Is she gonna have wings?” Chidori asked. “She looks like an angel.”

“Not quite. She’s actually a tennyo. Celestial maiden.”

“So. Almost an angel.”


“What color are her eyes gonna be?”

Aya stared at her painting for a while, lost in thought. “Brown. Like yours.” Aya paused. “But I’ll do that later. I gotta study.”

“Yeah. I should do that too,” Chidori replied, finding her textbook.

Hours of studying passed, with only a quick, uneventful dinner break. The sky darkened as the hours passed, and finally, the girls went to bed.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


It was Tooya.


“No,” said Yuuhi.

Looking around, Aya saw Tooya in front of her, and Yuuhi behind.

“Don’t trust him,” Yuuhi warned.

“Don’t listen to him,” advised Tooya.

“Huh? What’s going on?” Aya asked, her heart racing in the confusion.

“Come with me,” Tooya said, suggestively.

“Don’t!” Yuuhi screamed.

“Yuuhi,” Aya said, “It’s my decision. I’m sorry.” She walked up to Tooya and put her arm around him.

“You made the right decision,” said Tooya, reaching his hand between Aya’s legs. “That boy is just old-fashioned,” he explained, unbuttoning Aya’s shirt with his other hand.

“NOOOO!” screamed Yuuhi’s voice, as he appeared behind Tooya. “Don’t be tricked, Aya!”

Tooya laughed sadistically, pointing his hand towards Yuuhi. “Don’t interrupt me, fool.” On these words, a flame burst from Tooya’s finger, setting Yuuhi ablaze.

“Tooya,” said Aya, pressing her lips up to his.

“Aya!” came Chidori’s high-pitched voice. “What are you doing? Don’t you hear that?”

Aya’s concentration on Tooya broke, and she noticed a loud buzzing.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Aya sat straight up. “Chidori! What is it?”

“Fire!” Chidori jumped up in her teddy bear pajamas, running out the door.

“Shit!” Aya screamed, following Chidori out the door.

Panting, Aya escaped the building. She breathed in the chilly night air as she looked at the building. “I.. Is it burning?”

“No,” said a deep voice. Tooya. “Not the whole thing, anyway. Just the kitchen. Don’t worry, the firemen will come before it gets really bad.”

“That’s good,” said Aya, sighing with relief.

Tooya looked at Aya. Her beautiful eyes, her straight long hair, and her.. indecently exposed body. “Aya. You might want to cover up,” he said.

Blushing, Aya noticed she was wearing her usual nightwear, a small robe that had fallen to show her bra during her run. She pulled it up. “Better now?” she asked.

“No,” said Tooya. “I liked it better before. But... Covered up now.”

Aya blushed even heavier. “You.. I know hardly anything about you.”

“Neither do I. I lost my memory a while back, and I don’t even know where I’m from. All I know is... That my name is Tooya and I’ve been going to this school for a year.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s all right. I know where I am right now.” Tooya paused, looking over his shoulder to where he heard sirens. “Look. The fire truck’s here right now.”

Aya smiled, watching as the firemen jumped out of their truck, running into the building to put out the fire.