Ayashi No Ceres Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel ❯ Chapter 4

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Authors note: Hi! Thanks for the reviews ^_^ Yeah, well.. I’ve kinda noticed that Aki doesn’t have much of a part in this story. Here are some of my ideas: Aki likes Aya O_o (if you’re looking for some AkixAya, it’s not gonna happen. Even if they aren’t twins in this story, I still would feel uncomfortable writing about them together.) or Aki likes Yuuhi (I dunno why, Aki doesn’t seem very gay to me, but it might be interesting ^_^ And even though I wouldn’t write yaoi, I might have more happen than if Aki likes Aya ^_~) or Aki doesn’t do anything until later. So please tell me what you’d prefer- or if you have a better idea, go ahead and tell me. ^_^ Anyway, for those of you into YuuhixChidori, there is going to be some ^_^

Aya sat on her bed, swinging her legs. She looked across at Chidori, who was sitting on her own bed, also swinging her legs. “Glad no real damage was done by that fire.”

Chidori nodded in agreement. “I lost track of you last night. Where were you?”

“With Tooya.”

“Really?” said Chidori, excited. “You guys officially get together yet?”

Aya shook her head. “Maybe I should look for him and ask him out to dinner tonight.”

Chidori slammed her hands down. “Baka!” she shouted. “Tonight we’re going out with Yuuhi and Aki!”

“Oh,” Aya said dumbly. “I guess later then.” Aya looked at the clock. 5:55. “Nee, what time are we going?”

“In five minutes! C’mon, let’s get ready.” The girls started brushing their hair, applying makeup, and putting on jackets.

A knock on the door. “Come on in. It’s unlocked,” Chidori said cheerfully. Aki and Yuuhi entered the room.

“You guys ready?” Yuuhi asked.

Chidori nodded, wrapping her arm around Yuuhi’s. Yuuhi shook her off, only to lift the short girl into an embrace. “You’re so cute,” he said, causing Chidori to blush heavily. “You’re like a little sister.”

This made Chidori pout. “Little sister?!”

“Sure,” Yuuhi smiled. He knew Chidori wanted him to think of her as a girlfriend. She was adorable, sweet, fun, friendly... She would make a good girlfriend, but at the same time he also had feelings for Aya, and he didn’t want to get Chidori’s hopes up if he might end up breaking her heart. Hell, why not just be honest with her? “Chidori,” he said, with a serious tone in his voice. “I know how you feel about me, and I have feelings for you as well.” He watched Chidori’s eyes brighten up. “But, I also have feelings for Aya. So I have to sort things out first.”

“Awww,” Chidori cried, leaning into Yuuhi. “You’re so honest... And so sweet... I didn’t know guys had feelings deep enough to sort them out.”

“Course I do. I’m just not gonna go talkin about them all day.”

“But I want to know your deepest feelings!”

Yuuhi muffled an annoyed grunt. “Can’t I keep you guessing?” he asked sweetly.

Chidori smiled at him.

“C’mon, let’s go. I’m hungry! Enough with your damn flirting!” shouted Aki. Almost instantly, Yuuhi and Chidori were pounding him to the ground.

“Argh,” grunted Aya, pulling Aki out of the fray and then heading outside to walk to the restaurant. “Yuuhi! Chidori! Come on!” she called.

The meal was typical for the group: an active, friendly chat, but even more, Chidori doting on Yuuhi while Aya and Aki sat there like normal people.

The waiter walked up to them. “Can I get you dessert?”

“Sure,” said Yuuhi. “I’ll have a chocolate ice cream.”

“I want that too... But just a little bit,” Chidori said.

“Well, you can share some of mine.”

“All right,” muttered the waiter, writing down the order. “Anything for you two?” He looked at Aya and Aki.

“No thanks. I’m watching my weight,” Aya said.

Aki ordered a strawberry ice cream.

“All right,” the waiter said again, then left to the kitchen.

“Nee, you two have been talking all night, and now you’re sharing an ice cream,” Aya teased Yuuhi and Chidori, raising an eyebrow. Yuuhi blushed.

“Dammit stop it Aya. It’s not as if we’re even together yet,” Yuuhi responded, getting frustrated.

“I... I’m sorry.”

Shit, Yuuhi thought to himself. It’s not as if we’re even together YET. Implying that we will get together. Oh well, it probably will happen anyway. It just pisses me off that I gave them fodder to tease me for.

Their ice creams arrived. With a huge smile on her face, Chidori immediately jumped up and took a bite of Yuuhi’s ice cream.

Yuuhi looked around for a spoon. Shit. They didn’t have individual spoons, just one that came with the ice cream. That meant he and Chidori had to share a spoon. “Chidori. We got only one spoon. Can I have a bite then?”

“Sure!” shouted Chidori, laughing excitedly. She stopped bringing the spoon to her mouth, and instead turned it around and fed it to Yuuhi.

He laughed. “Adorable..” he said under his breath. He was sure of it. He wanted to be with Chidori. He leaned over, reached out to Chidori, brought her face near his, and kissed her.

Chidori smiled at him, then kissed him back. “Yuuhi... sama...” Then, her attention turned to Aya and Aki, who were quite obviously interested in the little scene.

“Dammit you two! What we do is our own business!” Yuuhi had noticed Aya and Aki as well, and was quite clearly annoyed with them. Then he turned to Chidori and said, “Maybe we shouldn’t do anything in public...”

** ** **

“Looks like you got your man,” Aya said, working on her tennyo painting.

“Yup!” shouted Chidori, smiling. “And... You saw Tooya today, didn’t you? What happened between the two of you?”

Aya set down her brush and remembered the events of earlier that afternoon.

** ** **

Aya walked across the sunny, grassy campus back to her dorm.

“Aya.” The distinct voice of Tooya soothed her ears. He walked up to her and hugged her from behind, his thin muscular arms over Aya’s stomach.

“Tooya,” Aya spoke slowly. “I was thinking of maybe going on a date sometime.”

Tooya buried his face in Aya’s soft hair. “Certainly.”

“Why don’t you meet me tomorrow for lunch?”

“Sure. Where?”

Aya paused. “How about right here? At noon.”

“OK.” Tooya released his hug and started to walk off, but Aya grabbed his hand.

“Tooya. You live in the same house as me, don’t you?” Aya asked hurriedly. “Maybe we could come visit each other in our rooms then?”

Tooya nodded to her, and they exchanged room numbers.

“See you tomorrow then,” he said, kissing her on the forehead. Then he took off towards his next class.

** ** **

“We’re going to meet for lunch tomorrow,” Aya said.

Chidori leaped up and hugged her. “Fun!”

“Heh,” Aya laughed. “Yesterday, you get a boyfriend. Today I get one.”

Chidori replied with a smile.

There was silence as Aya picked her paintbrush back up and continued detailing the maiden’s angelic face.

“Nee, Aya? You like dancing?” Chidori asked.

“Sure. Why?”

“Maybe we could take Yuuhi and Tooya dancing one day.”

“Sounds good.”