Ayashi No Ceres Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel ❯ Chapter 5

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Aya sat in the field with the ramen she had bought from the cafeteria. The hot September sun warmed her body, which was clothed in a white spaghetti strap shirt and a pair of shorts. Looking up, Aya shielded her eyes from the glaring light and watched the sunlight glint off of the windows of the buildings around her: the cafeteria, the chemistry building, the engineering building.

All of a sudden, Aya was caught in a tight grasp around her chest. She inhaled, and found it to be Tooya’s sweet scent. Turning her head, she looked up into his soft lime green eyes and kissed him.

“Tooya,” she said, breaking the kiss. “Chidori suggested that we go on a double date. Out dancing. On Saturday.”

“Chidori?” he asked.

“My roommate.”

“Ah. It’ll be nice to meet some of your friends then.”

“Do you like dancing?”

Tooya nodded. “I’ll go with you.”

Aya smiled, then changed the subject. “Got any hobbies?”

“Just martial arts,” Tooya said quietly.

“Ah. I paint. I’ve been working on a painting of a celestial maiden.”

“I’ll have to see your angel sometime.”

Aya smiled.

“Why not? Since I’ve already seen my angel,” he said, kissing her.

Aya finished the last of her ramen, and stood up. “I’ll see you on Saturday,” she said, and headed for her next class.

** ** **

Back in her room that evening, Aya picked up her painting.

“You’re always painting,” commented Chidori.

Aya nodded. She stared at her work. The face was entirely complete. A soft, graceful, even sexy expression covered her face. Silky purple bangs hung lightly over her forehead, and long shimmering locks of hair flew outward, away from her body, taking on the shape of the wind. Her body was currently bare, waiting to be clothed and detailed. And behind the lovely maiden was a lightly clouded sky, which still needed more detail.

“Maybe you should give her some clothes now,” Chidori said, then turned to her computer to type up a paper. Aya nodded.

After a few more minutes of staring at the canvas, Aya mixed grays, silvers, and whites to find the perfect shade for the angel’s robe. Aya swiftly painted the shape of the robe; it barely clung on to her body, ready to slip off of her body, onto the ground outside of the painting. The robe had clearly simply been thrown on her back, the long side of it covering her body horizontally. On her upper half, the robe showed a significant amount of cleavage, barely concealing her nipples. The lower end of the robe fell between her legs, revealing them, all the way up through the entire thigh.

“You should show it to Tooya,” Chidori suggested, grinning. “I think he’d be...” Chidori paused. “...Interested.”

“Yeah. Maybe tomorrow, after dancing.”

** ** **

Aya stared into the closet, wondering what to wear.

“Aya?” Chidori asked, “are you sure you’re deciding what to wear, or just standing there? You’ve been standing there for ten minutes!”

Aya jerked out of her trance and smiled at Chidori. “I don’t know what to wear..”

Chidori sighed. “How about a denim miniskirt and..”

“Which one?” Aya asked, pulling out three skirts.

Chidori sighed yet again, and pointed to one of them. “And how about a nice pink top to go with it?”

Again, Aya found multiple articles of clothing that fit the description. However, Aya was able to eliminate all but one of them because most of her shirts had long sleeves, were too dressy, or were too plain. Her final choice was a slightly frilly low-cut silky top.

Chidori smiled. “I think Tooya will really like it,” she said, raising her eyebrow.

** ** **

The group of four met outside of their house. None of them had a car, so they all agreed on taking the twenty-minute walk to the nearest club.

“I have a question,” Aya asked. “How are you two going to dance together?” She looked at Yuuhi and Chidori. The difference in their heights was at least a foot.

Yuuhi laughed. “I’ll either bend down or pick her up.”

“Or I can jump,” Chidori cried, leaping up, grasping her hands around Yuuhi’s neck. In response, Yuuhi kissed her forehead then set her back down on the ground.

Within minutes, they reached the club. A slow, romantic song filled their ears.

“Let’s dance,” Aya suggested, looking up at Tooya and lightly holding his hand.

Without a word, Tooya walked with her to the dance floor, wrapped his arms around her waist, and started moving to the music. Their bodies moved as if they were one, heating each other up.

Tooya’s lips curved slightly upward. “Aya.” The way he said her name caused her to look up at her, gentle eyes waiting for his next words.

“I love you.”

At this, Aya blushed and melted further into his arms. “Tooya..” she muttered as she rested her head on his shoulder. It had been the first time anyone had told her that they loved her. She had had previous boyfriends in high school, but her relationships with them never were as strong as hers with Tooya, and always ended in mere weeks. Yes, she and Tooya hadn’t been officially together for even a week, but their first kiss had taken place several weeks ago. If that had been the start of their relationship, then Aya’s relationship with Tooya had lasted almost as long as any before.

Mere weeks. That’s how long Aya and Tooya had known each other, yet he loved her? It seemed almost too good to be true.

“We barely know each other,” she said. “I..” A pause. “I didn’t know people could fall in love this quickly.”

Tooya put his mouth to Aya’s ear and whispered, “We can.” He kissed her lightly on the ear, then moved his lips to hers, and pressed hard. Aya responded by pulling his head closer to hers, then he continued the passionate kiss as he slipped his tongue into her mouth.

Aya broke the kiss in need for air. “Tooya. That was wonderful.”

As Aya finished her sentence, the tune changed to a faster one. Through the entire song, and the several other fast songs that followed it, the couple focused their entire energy on dancing. At points during these songs, they noticed Yuuhi and Chidori dancing as well. They did rather well for having such a difference in height.

After several songs, Aya suggested, “Wanna sit down and rest?” Tooya nodded, and they walked to a table where they ordered drinks and began to talk.

“This is a lot of fun. I wish this night could last forever,” Aya said.

“I do too. Just being able to be with you forever.”

Aya nodded.

“But you know, we’re going to have to leave sometime. So I was thinking, after we get back, maybe I could see my angel in her room?”

Aya wondered what exactly he meant, but agreed.

“And maybe Chidori could visit Yuuhi through the night.”

Shit, Aya thought. If he insisted that Chidori leave, did that mean he was planning..?

“How about it?” As Tooya said this, he leaned in towards his girlfriend, moving his lips close to hers.

Without a thought, Aya kissed Tooya.

“I’ll take that as a yes, then.”

Shit, shit, shit! But, as Aya thought this, she also gazed into Tooya’s soft green eyes. They were so beautiful, so honest. And Tooya had said that he loved her.


** ** **

The evening passed by quickly, and then the group headed back to their dorms. Tooya didn’t even have to try anything to get Chidori out of Aya’s room; she already planned to go to Yuuhi and Aki’s room to play Smash Brothers with them.

Aya led Tooya into her room, and the first thing that caught his sight was Aya’s painting of the angelic woman. “Wow. You’re talented. She’s beautiful.”

“Thanks,” said Aya, blushing. “It’s not done yet.”

“It’s interesting how you painted her with so little clothing. I guess angels are too sexy to cover their bodies?” At this, Tooya kissed Aya on the lips again, exploring her mouth with his tongue.

After the kiss was broken, Aya glared at Tooya. “You could close the door first.”

Tooya nodded, and shut the door. “Well... Can I see my angel now?”

“Aren’t I your angel?” Aya asked.

“Yes. I mean, can I see my angel in her entirety?”

Aya blushed. “Are you sure? I know, it seems like we’ve been together forever, but it’s only been a week or so.”

Tooya shook his head. “I told you I loved you. Love knows no time.” He took her hand and pulled her up onto her bed, then sat with his arm wrapped around her tightly.

Aya’s entire body began to heat up. “Hmmm, well I AM warm. Maybe it would help to take off my clothes.”

Tooya smiled.


Aya blushed. “I’m kind of nervous. Could you turn around?”

Tooya obeyed, and Aya stripped. She then crawled up from under the sheets to kiss Tooya.

“Can I look now?”


Tooya turned around, only to see Aya wearing a sheet instead of clothing. “Can I... Pull the sheet down?”

Aya nodded.