Ayashi No Ceres Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel ❯ Chapter 6

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Aya woke up at two in the afternoon to find Tooya next to her. The thoughts of the previous night filled her mind. Sure, it had been sudden, but it was worth it. It had been the best night of her life. He’d been so gentle, so sweet, being careful with her and constantly assuring her that he truly loved her.

“Mmmm,” Tooya mumbled, slowly stirring awake.

“Good morning- er, afternoon.”

“Huh? Aya?” Tooya asked through drowsy words. But almost instantly, he remembered what happened. “Oh, right. We slept together last night.”

Aya nodded.

Tooya then gently but firmly held Aya’s hand. “Aya, there’s one thing I want you to be absolutely sure of; so much that I must say it again.” He paused, then, leaning in to kiss his girlfriend on the forehead, he uttered, “I love you.”

Receiving the kiss and wrapping her arms around Tooya she said, “I love you too.” Aya then got up, separating herself from Tooya. “As much as I love you, I’ve got to take a shower.”

Tooya nodded. “And me as well,” he said, leaving the room.

Aya locked herself in the bathroom and started the warm water running. She had no need to undress, since she was already naked. Chuckling, she replayed the events of the previous night in her head once again. She stepped into the shower stall, and hot water running down her back, she decided to ask Tooya to go on a romantic moonlight walk that night.

Tooya, back in his room, entered his bathroom. Undressing, he felt the urge to take Aya once again. All through his shower, he wished for nothing but to have Aya in there with him. He smiled to himself as he began thinking out a plan to seduce Aya once again, and having his wish granted tonight.

Aya dried herself off, and stepped out to get dressed. As she reached to her dresser, she heard Chidori’s voice:

“How ya doing Aya? Damn, I fell asleep at Yuuhi’s!”

Slipping on her shirt, Aya turned around and said to Chidori, “I’m doing great.” Then her eyes rose. “Chidori, are you sure you didn’t spend the night with him on purpose?” Aya raised a single eyebrow at this statement.

“Aya!” shouted the shorter girl, pouting. “We stayed up till four playing Smash Brothers, then I just fell asleep on the floor.” Chidori walked to the mirror and began to brush her hair so that she could redo her cute lively pigtails. “Tooya spent the night here, didn’t he?”


“Be careful, Aya. You know this stuff has consequences.”

Aya sighed at Chidori’s advice. She could be such a damn child sometimes. “You really think I’m that reckless? I wouldn’t sleep with someone I didn’t love and who didn’t love me back.”

Chidori smiled. “I’m glad.”

“Shit, if I want to meet Tooya tonight, I’d better start working on that paper that’s due Monday right now.”

Chidori rose an eyebrow. “You’re doing it AGAIN?!”

“No. It’s going to be a sweet, romantic moonlight walk.”

Chidori’s eyes shined so much that you’d swear that they just turned into hearts like a cartoon character’s would. “Kawaii~!! That is SO sweet!”

Aya nodded. “I know. But I seriously have to get to work now.”

** ** **

Aya closed her eyes to rest them after hours in front of the computer. She looked at the clock on the computer screen. Eight o’clock. “Damn, I spent a long time working on that. And I’m only about half done.” Sighing, she saved her work and shut down the computer. She walked to her closet to change her clothes for the night with Tooya. A tight, long-sleeved blue blouse and a matching ankle-length skirt would do perfectly. Picking up a thick black coat, Aya left the room. Chidori had already left an hour ago to watch a movie with some acquaintances that Aya had never met.

Tooya got up from his books to answer the door. Before him stood just the person he had been planning on seeing after he finished studying. Her hair a beautiful shiny silky shade of golden blond, her makeup perfectly and lightly applied, her smile brightening up her smooth, delicate face. Tooya’s eyes traveled down to her chest, where they lingered for a moment, watching as her full round breasts, which only seemed bigger under the tight blouse, rose and fell with their owner’s breaths. Then his eyes trailed downwards to her skirt. Tooya wished it were shorter.

Tooya himself was dressed in a tank top and jeans. His tank top clearly showed his perfectly muscled arms, while his jeans sagged to show his boxer shorts. Aya was probably glad to see him dressed like this, he thought to himself.

But then he realized he’d better get his eyes back up to his girlfriend’s face. “Aya,” he said quietly, leaning forward and kissing her gently on the cheek.

Aya wrapped her thin arms around Tooya, and asked, “Would you like to go on a walk with me?”

Tooya nodded. “Of course.” He held onto her hand with one hand, while grabbing a coat with the other.

The couple walked outside into the chilly late-autumn night, still holding hands.

“Are we going anywhere in particular?” Tooya asked.

Aya shook her head. “I just wanted to walk with you.”

“Why don’t we go to the fountains? They’ll be beautiful at night.”

“Good idea.”

It took a good thirty minutes to reach the fountains, which were at the other side of the campus. By this time, the sky was pitch black, and only streetlights and stars lit their way. “Wow, it’s amazing,” Aya said, her breath taken away by the beautiful sight. “Thank you for the idea of coming here.”

Tooya nodded, and held onto her slim form. “I love you.”

Aya nodded. “I know.” Her expression saddened. “It’s kind of soon to be worrying about this, but over the years, we’ll grow farther and farther apart. You’ll be moving into an apartment with roommates next year, while I’ll still be in the dorms. Then, two years after that, you’ll be out of college.”

“Even though I will have to leave you to live on my own- at least for a few more years, before we get married- I’ll never go far. I’ll never live in a different city from you, so we’ll never have to go for more than a week without seeing each other.”

Aya nodded. Tooya was so perfect. Too perfect. Not only did he have a perfect personality and perfect looks, but also he was willing to stay with her, no matter what! “Even if you get a job in another city? Or get accepted to a graduate school in another city?”

“It won’t happen. I promise.”


“Let me prove it to you,” he said, holding her and reaching his lips around to Aya’s neck. He sucked on her skin, leaving a round mark. “This mark will show that we’ll always be together.”

“Tooya,” Aya muttered, lightly touching the hickey with her fingers. Then she leaned in and kissed him on the lips.

They stayed at the fountain only a few minutes longer, then headed back.

“Whew, that’s a pretty long walk!” exclaimed Aya, opening the door to the dorms. “I think I’ll have to go to my room immediately to take a shower!”


“No?” Aya asked. “I need a shower.”

“That’s not what I mean,” Tooya said, brushing Aya’s hair out of her face and kissing her forehead.

“Then what do you mean?”

“I mean,” Tooya paused to kiss Aya again. “You can take a shower in my room.” The two entered the building and walked up to Tooya’s floor.

Aya blushed, and, not knowing what to say, remained silent.

Tooya led her to his room, unlocked the door, and said to her, “Would you like to take a shower with me?” He closed the door behind them, then pressed his mouth to his girlfriend’s mouth, passionately kissing her and slipping his tongue in.

After what seemed like hours, Aya broke the kiss. Through heavy breaths, she said, “I’d love to.”