Ayashi No Ceres Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel ❯ Chapter 7

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Over the following weeks, Aya and Tooya’s romance remained strong, involving sex about every other night. After the second time, Aya realized what she was doing and began demanding that Tooya use a condom. Tooya didn’t hesitate to comply. Chidori and Yuuhi’s romance also went well, although it was far more innocent than Aya’s and Tooya’s. Nobody had any reason to believe that they had done anything more than simple kissing, although one time they had broken that boundary.

As they had begun to always do on Saturday nights, Chidori, Yuuhi, and Aki spent the entire night together, watching movies and playing games. These nights rarely involved much romance, and what little they had usually only consisted of Chidori watching a movie in Yuuhi’s arm and a kiss or two exchanged every few hours.

The credits to Minority Report rolled up, and Yuuhi asked Chidori, “What movie do you want to watch next?”

Chidori sighed. “How about something a little more.. Romantic?”

Yuuhi nodded. “Romance, huh?”

“Yup!” shouted Chidori, smiling.

“Damn, do you have any idea of how cute your smile is?” Yuuhi asked, making Chidori blush. At the sight of Chidori’s blush, Yuuhi himself felt his cheeks growing warm. He bent his head down towards Chidori’s and kissed her. Chidori immediately kissed him back, and the kissing continued on and on, growing more passionate.

“Dammit,” said Aki, his voice unheard. He’d never said anything, but he’d always hated it when Yuuhi and Chidori got all lovey-dovey on him. And this making out was too much for him to bear. He’d always known they were happy together, and always knew that he had no chance, so he normally was able to keep his jealousy over control. But this was over the edge, and it took everything in the world to stop him from bursting out screaming at them. “Er, Yuuhi, can I have a minute with you?”

The couple heard this, and Yuuhi looked up at Aki. “Sure. Privately?”

“Yeah. Sorry Chidori.”

“It’s okay,” she said, her smile still glued to her face. “It’s getting late anyway, so I’ll be heading off to sleep. I’ll see you two tomorrow.” She jumped up and left the room, eager for sleep.

Yuuhi closed the door behind his girlfriend and then asked his roommate, “What is it?”

“Well, Yuuhi, um...” Aki stammered.

“Go ahead. We live in the same room; you can say anything to me.”

Aki blushed heavily. “I... You and Chidori together... I mean... I want you guys to be happy, but it bothers me. I don’t want to, but I can’t help but feel jealous.”

Yuuhi nodded. “Oh shit! You like Chidori? I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”

Aki shook his head. “No..” Aki reached over to his friend, setting his own hands on Yuuhi’s shoulders. “Are you open minded?”

“Of course.”


“Well, I guess I’m not very open minded about criminals.. But that’s about it.”

“Good.” Aki sat back down.


This was it. Aki took a deep breath, and, all in one breath, he said, “It’s not Chidori. It’s you.”

This only confused Yuuhi. Aki, reading Yuuhi’s expression, added on, “I’m gay. And I love you.”

“Shit!” Yuuhi’s shout could be heard several rooms down.

“I’m sorry,” Aki apologized.

“No, don’t be,” Yuuhi said, recovering from the shock. “It’s okay really, I don’t mind. I should be the one that should be sorry, because I can’t return your feelings.”

Aki looked down to see his thumbs twiddling. He held them still, and looked at his sweaty palms. “Dammit. I shouldn’t be so upset- I first come out to the person I like, for God’s sake, and he accepts it- yet..”

Yuuhi rested his hand on Aki’s shoulder. “I know. It must be hard to know that somebody you like doesn’t even like your gender.” Yuuhi paused. “Shit.” Suddenly, Yuuhi closed his eyes, leaned over, pressing his lips to Aki.

“Yuuhi. I thought you just said-”

Yuuhi cut him short. “I know what I said. I was... I was just...” Yuuhi paused to collect his thoughts. “I guess I wanted to compensate for me and Chidori kissing in front of you. Even though you can’t have me forever, since Chidori has me, I wanted you to at least be happy for a moment.”

“And have me know what I can’t have?” Aki asked, his voice laced with anger.

“Dammit, Aki! I tried to do you a favor! Don’t get pissed at me!”

“I wasn’t pissed! I just... Now for my whole damn life I have to know how great of a kisser you are and that I’ll never be able to have you! Only your damn bitch Chidori-”

Yuuhi interrupted Aki once again. “What the FUCK did you just call my girlfriend?”

Aki had now grown fully angry. “I called her your damn mother fucking bitch!”

“Chidori is NOT a bitch! She’s the best damn thing that’s ever happened to me, and don’t you dare say one word against her. If you’re pissed at me for being straight, it’s not her fault!”

“Are you that stupid? I’m not fucking pissed at you for being straight! I’m pissed at you for kissing me and then telling me that I can’t have that again because only your bitch girlfriend-”

At the words “bitch girlfriend,” Yuuhi socked Aki in the mouth, causing blood to drip down from his lips.

“The fuck? First you kiss me then you attack me, is that it?!” Aki grabbed Yuuhi by the shirt and threw him down the floor, where he started pummeling his roommate.

Swear words found their way out of Yuuhi’s mouth, as Yuuhi struggled desperately to block the punches. Eventually he did, and took advantage of the situation to grasp onto Aki’s arm, flipping them over so that Yuuhi now was on top. Yuuhi did not hesitate to begin throwing his blows at Aki’s face. Over and over Yuuhi hit him, as blood began to cover Aki’s chin. Yuuhi himself had lost a bit of blood, which was running down his face onto the neckline of his t-shirt.

Then something cracked. Yuuhi stopped hitting Aki, and looked at the boy under him. His two front teeth had been knocked out. “Oh, shit,” said Yuuhi, getting off of Aki. “Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. I’m so sorry.”

“Damn thtraight,” Aki said, pulling the teeth out of his mouth and into his hands.

“I know. What kind of a friend am I?” He had to pay Aki back for this. “Hang on, I’ll call the doctor, and I’ll pay for everything. Absolutely everything, out of my own cash.”

Aki laid his head down on the floor, wiping the blood off his chin with his hand.

After Yuuhi finished the call, he followed the doctor’s orders to clean off the blood and then to take Aki to the campus doctor right away. Yuuhi didn’t even bother to clean his own blood.