Ayashi No Ceres Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel ❯ Chapter 9

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Author’s Note: Warning to Tooya lovers- Tooya is portrayed very negatively in this chapter. This is not meant to be anti-Tooya the Ayashi no Ceres character; it’s anti-my Tooya. I like Tooya a lot; poor thing always ends up stuck in antagonistic positions in my AnC fics. This fic is almost complete, but for the fans of it (yay! I have fans!), I really enjoyed writing this. The ideas just seemed to flow so naturally to me for this one- and so have ideas for a sequel! And Tooya fans- it’s going to be primarily about your favorite redheaded bishounen- portrayed positively!

~I’m not exactly what made Aya so special. Maybe it was how she was so shy at first, asking me to turn around while she stripped, but grew confident so quickly? From the way her skillful hands touched me, I can hardly believe that she was a virgin. Maybe it was how she’s so innocent- I mean, she actually believed me when I told her I loved her!

Chidori’s mouth opened in shock. The last phrase she’d read repeated in her mind over and over again. Quickly, she came to the decision that she’d continue reading, determined to find out if Tooya really didn’t love Aya.

~It’s funny. The way she always tries to look just perfect for me, dressing to show off her delicious body. That just screamed, “I want to get laid!” to me. Yet she demands this “love” from me. Why does she do that, trying to make me lust after her, then expecting me to love her? And I bet if she ever finds out that I just want her body, she’ll go crying to me. Silly girl. You so obviously tried to get a fuck out of me.
I gave you one. Shouldn’t you be happy there?

“This is what Tooya really thinks of Aya?” Chidori whispered. Dammit, she thought to herself, I’ve got to read on. Maybe Tooya will turn around later on. Chidori flipped to the last entry and began to read.

~October 29

~Argh, midterms are coming up. Why I’m writing instead of studying I don’t know, but since I started, I might as well do it. I bought Aya a necklace today. Cost me a shitload; I’m going to have to get a job just to pay for her. It’s well worth it, though. I can see her just jumping into my pants and sucking me off as soon as she even sees it. Heh, now that I think about it, she’s never done that to me before. I got to see how good she is.

And that was the end. Not coincidentally, that was all Chidori could take before she ripped the page up, threw the notebook to the floor, and violently ran out of Tooya’s room, slamming the door shut on her way out.

In mere seconds, Chidori was at her room. She dug into her pockets, but couldn’t find her key card anywhere. She began knocking on the door, her raps on the wood sharing the same beats as the pulses of her headache. Chidori wasn’t sure if the headache was from the hangover that she was still working over or from stress. “Dammit, Aya! Open the fucking door!” Chidori screamed, not bothering to control her volume or word choice.

Quickly, a body came running at her. “Chidori!” Aki’s voice. He stopped by her. “Chidori.. What’s going on?”

Chidori lowered her fists, tears flowing out of her eyes. “Tooya. He doesn’t love Aya. He’s using her,” Chidori choked out.

Aki’s arms encircled Chidori’s body. “Shit. I had a feeling he wasn’t the greatest boyfriend. I knew that he’s a horny guy, but I thought at the same time he loved her.”

“I know.”

“Aya’s in class, Chidori. So don’t worry about it till she comes back, all right? After Aya knows about it, it’s none of your business anymore.”

Chidori paused, drying her eyes. “Aki?”


“I think I locked myself out of my room.”

Laughter began to dance across Aki’s face, lighting up his eyes. “Oh. Well, I don’t have class for another hour. You can hang out in my room until Aya comes back.”

Chidori nodded, and followed Aki back to his room. Chidori barely remembered that she had been mad at him and Yuuhi the day before. Besides, they were both good friends, so why should their relationships be hurt just because Aki and Yuuhi don’t feel like telling her something?