Ayashi No Ceres Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel ❯ Chapter 10

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A rap on the door. "Aya? You in there? I locked myself out."

Aya got up from her desk and opened the door for her roommate. "Hey."

Without so much as a glance at Aya, Chidori slowly plodded to her bed, where she sat heavily, her hands in her lap.

"You look down," Aya noted, sympathetically.

"Yeah," the shorter girl mumbled. She paused, cleared her throat, and finally looked up at Aya, a dead-serious expression across her face. "Aya. Forgive me."

"Huh? What happened?"

"Well... I found out something about Tooya."

Aya's interest suddenly sparked. "What is it?" she asked happily, no longer noting Chidori's somber expression.

"Tooya... he..." Chidori fought to control her shaking voice, holding onto Aya's arm. "He doesn't love you. He... he... he... He just wanted your body!"

Aya's body went limp. "Oh my God!"

"Aya..." Chidori paused as she searched for words to say. "I'm sorry I had to be the one to tell you."

"How did you find out?" Aya's voice was almost accusing, as if she were searching for ways to prove her boyfriend.

"Well... I got drunk, and somehow woke up in his room."

"You did NOT sleep with him!" Aya snapped.

"No, no, no!"

"You damn well better not have!"

"I didn't! I passed out then woke up in his room! He probably found me or something!"

Aya sighed, half out of relief and half out of disgust and impatience.

"I don't know where he was when I woke up, but I found this notebook, and just started reading it. It turned out to be his diary, and he said..." a single tear welled up in Chidori's eye and slowly rolled down her cheek.

"Who the hell are you reading peoples' diaries for?"

"I don't know! I just picked it up cause I saw it. I didn't even know it was a diary! I didn't know whose room I was in anyway!"

Aya sighed, then stomped into the bathroom. Seconds later, after the rustling of clothes, the shower started on full blast.

Chidori shook her head, hoping that Aya would get over her raging emotions quickly.

Half an hour later, when Chidori had class, Aya was still in the shower. "Aya!" shouted Chidori.

"What?" Aya's voice sounded harsh. Not good.

"I've got class. See you tonight!"

Aya sighed in relief. She'd been fearing that Chidori had been in that room, stewing on what other prying and accusations she could make. Perhaps Chidori was right, though.

Dammit. Aya shut off the shower in a snap, realizing that she'd have to check the situation out to find out whether her best friend or her boyfriend was right. After quickly drying herself, Aya went to her dresser.

"Let's see, I'd have to dress especially un-sexy and suggest something that only those truly in love would do..." Aya thought out loud, as she pulled out a paint-stained sweatshirt and equally marred yet unmatching loose sweats. "Perfect." Aya haphazardly threw on the clothes and stood in front of the mirror. Something wasn't right: her hair and face. Aya went to the bathroom to wipe off her makeup and to tangle her hair.

Aya knocked on Tooya's door. "Tooya, it's me," Aya stated simply, a yawn breaking up her words. Almost instantly, the door opened to Tooya's smiling face. But at the first glance at his girlfriend, the smile faded.

"What? You disappointed at the way I look?"

Tooya paused, then his eyes regained their sparkle that they always had when they looked upon Aya. "You just want me to be more excited when I take your clothes off, don't you, Aya?"

"No," Aya stated, her voice entirely flat.

Tooya wrapped one arm around Aya's waist while the other found its way under her sweatshirt. "Something wrong?" he asked sympathetically, his hand fondling Aya's breast through her bra. A single finger poked its way inside to rub against the hardening nipple. But almost instantly, Aya pulled the arm out of her shirt, accidentally throwing the hand against the doorframe.

"Tooya." Aya looked down at him sternly. "I just woke up from a nap and I'm not in that kind of mood. I just wanted to be with you for a while."

Tooya quietly ushered Aya into his room, where he gestured for her to sit down on his bed. He closed the door then sat behind Aya, his legs rubbing up against her behind.

Chidori's right, Aya figured as she physically pushed Tooya away.

"Shit. I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"No you're not."

Tooya, caught by surprised, could think of no better response than to kiss Aya. His lips, of course, were not greeted by Aya's usual welcoming lips. In fact, they never met Aya's lips; instead, they met Aya's firm hand guarding her face.

Dammit, thought Tooya. The little slut foresaw my move. He turned around, his expression turned somber. "Aya," he said, his voice full of emotion. "I know something's wrong. Tell me. I love you; you can trust me."

Aya paused, but kept her rigidness. "Yes. Something is wrong. You."

"Me? Am I acting abnormally?"


"Then..." Tooya struggled to hold back tears. "Who is it, then? Who's the other guy?"


"Dammit, Aya! Stop being so vague!" Tooya now stood, leaning menacingly over Aya.

"All right. I know you don't love me."

Tooya's shocked expression proved Aya right.

"And you're just using me to get me into bed with you."

Tooya knew his cover was blown. Pure hatred pulsed through his veins as he prepared his attack on Aya's self-esteem.

Author's note: The next chapter will be the last. (Possibly followed by an epilogue) Yaay, it'll be my first finished multi-chapter story- and I hope you've had as much fun reading it as I've had writing it!