Ayashi No Ceres Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel ❯ Chapter 11

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Tooya felt the urge to punch Aya, but resisted. She had such a perfect body that not even in his current state could Tooya mar it. Tooya wondered to himself how the Hell Aya got that body, anyway.

"Aya," he said, his voice stern. "You're my angel. I intend to keep it that way."

Without a word, Aya headed for the door, but Tooya beat her to it and locked it tight. He gripped her arms tight, so tight that his knuckles went white, and kissed her hard, passionately, with his tongue pressing against every edge of Aya's mouth. Tooya's tongue viciously sought out Aya's shy one, which receded into the dark caverns of Aya's mouth, hiding from Tooya.

Aya finally pulled away, gasping for breath. "Tooya-" she started, but was stopped short by another strong kiss from Tooya. Meanwhile, his hands worked to her sweatshirt, carelessly ripping it off.

Aya took advantage of Tooya's distracted hands to push his face away from her and to slap him across the cheek.

"BITCH!" shouted Tooya as he shoved Aya to the floor and began working her bra off.

Aya shuddered as Tooya began fondling him. "You little slut. How did these things get so big anyway? Did you get implants, hoping to lure me to you then turn your back on me? You know, I won't let that happen!"

Aya gasped for breath, but not in pleasure as she normally did with Tooya. Instead, these were the gasps between long periods of uninhibited wailing. She was such an idiot, falling for Tooya. And falling for him in the first place wasn't the least of her mistakes; walking right into his hands after finding out his lies was the biggest, least forgivable mistake of all. Tears flowed violently out of her eyes, partially because Tooya was mercilessly pounding into her, and partially because she knew that she could have so easily avoided this.

Aya's wails slowed, giving way to silent crying. All she could hear was Tooya's heavy panting as he took her. Tooya's unbearable panting. Aya gripped the carpeting of Tooya's dorm and screamed only to cover the sounds that Tooya made.

It seemed like years that it went on, and finally Tooya withdrew from Aya and walked into his shower, carelessly stepping on Aya. Aya doubted that he even noticed.

It was over. Finally. Aya had a chance to think back on what just happened, and, though she didn't want to, she took it. She had foolishly walked into Tooya's room, making herself fully vulnerable, to break up with him. Then he did the unspeakable. He raped her.

He raped her. This was the first time that the word "rape" crossed Aya's mind; she hadn't even realized she was being raped before. This word echoed through her head, trampling on its heavy elephant feet on her skull, growing in volume. Within a split second, a searing headache raced through Aya's head, and she could think nothing other than the single word "rape."

"You're still here?" Tooya's voice broke Aya's train of thought. He spat on her, his spit landing on Aya's chest. Tooya tossed a sheet onto Aya. "Go home," he said, not bothering to look at Aya.

Without thinking, Aya wrapped the sheet around her and left, returning to her own room. The door was locked. Apparently, Chidori was out, and Aya had left her keycard in her pants pocket in Tooya's room. Aya didn't dare to return.

Sighing, Aya figured she deserved to be locked out if she was so stupid as to walk right into Tooya's room that evening. She proceeded to walk out of the dormitory and wander about aimlessly in the blackening sky.

Aya hadn't known how long she'd been walking, but her bare feet were sore and possibly bleeding- it was now pitch black outside and not a streetlight was in sight, so she couldn't tell- and her fingers went numb from the cold. Aya's nose began to run. She hugged herself for warmth, and noticed she had lost her sheet. Aya had no idea how long she'd been wandering around completely bare. And as to where she was, she had even less idea.

Aya saw a single faint light ahead of her, and headed towards it. The broken glass of a beer bottle. A stinging sensation in her foot led Aya to believe that she had stepped on it already.

Slowly, Aya bent down and her numb fingers grasped a large, thin piece of it. It tore her finger, causing a small round bead of blood to escape her skin. Ordinarily, it would have shined a bright red, but in the faint starlight- Aya noted that the moon did not shine that night- it was a deep, dark, almost black shade.

Aya had no idea where she got the idea, or why she did it, but she held onto the broken glass, brought it between her bare legs, closed her eyes, and shoved the glass upward. Thick globs of blood fell immediately, staining the ground.