Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Beyblade Tension Relief ❯ the little girl ( Chapter 2 )
Rain: Ok, standard disclaimers apply. Now that that's out of the way, today's show is starring....(drum roll) MAX!
Max: huh? Wha? What's going on?
Rain: ^-^* you're singing Max.
Max: COOL!
Tyson: not cool.
Max: what do you mean?
Tyson: it's not fun, Max. At all.
Max: oh...
Rain: anyways! He's doing a sad song! One that has a happy ending! It's called `The little girl' by John Michael Montgomery!
Tyson: I've heard that song! It's sad, but sweet.
Rain: ^______________^
Max: how does it go?
Rain: oh! Here are the words, Max! (hands him a sheet of paper and mic)
Max: but how will I know the tune?
Rain: (sigh) Tyson, you explain. (Stomps over to her big red comfy seat)
Tyson: to put it simply, you'll just know, Maxie. However, I suggest you start singing before she gets mad.
Max: (opens his mouth to sing, before stopping and turning back to Tyson) How do you know?
Tyson: ^-^ I've been in her mind.
Kai: Tyson, we ARE in her mind.
Tyson: (smirks) were in ONE part of her mind, kai-ey boy. This is the part that she has a lot of control of. Other parts are more dangerous. Like the ones where her ideas for stories come from. And things. Like the Kai detector.
Kai: how do you know about that?
Tyson: I'm one of her muses. That's why I seem so different. I'm the Tyson she took into her twisted mind and made a muse. Like Hotaru.
Kai: what does that make me? I'm in almost all of her authors' notes.
Tyson: it makes you Kai-ey boy.
Hotaru: not quite, Ty. Remember why she keeps him there?
Tyson: oh, yeah... (smirks, eyes vague)
Kai: why?
Tyson: (snaps out of it) nothing that concerns you.
Hotaru: (under her breath) actually, it's everything that concerns you.
Rain: oi! Tyson, Hotaru, get Max to start singing, would you? The readers are getting bored.
Tyson&Hotaru: (Nods)
Tyson: Max, you better start singing. Other wise she'll get mad. And someone will get hurt. I'm her muse, and I know.
Max: her parents never took the young girl to church
Never spoke of his name
Never read her his word
Two non-believers walking lost in this world
Took their baby with them,
What a sad little girl.
(Tyson is sitting in a chair that had appeared next to Rain and was talking to her in an undertone.)
Kai: what are they doing?
Hotaru: were muses, Kai. We give ideas to authors.
Kai: (looking horrified) you mean you and Tyson control our fates?!
Hotaru: well, us and her other muses, yes.
Kenny: I have a question. Last chapter Tyson seemed perfectly normal, but now he's muse-Tyson. What happened?
Hotaru: she offered Tyson a switch. He's is sitting with all of the readers collecting bets and listening to us.
Max: her daddy drank all day and mommy did drugs,
Never wanted to play
Or give kisses and hugs
She'd watch the TV and sit on the couch
While her mom fell asleep,
And her daddy went out.
Ray: what kind of song is this? It's so sad!
Tyson: relax, Rayzie. It has a happy ending, your darling Max won't be scarred.
Ray: (blush)
Kai: Rayzie?! Kai-ey boy?! Maxie?!
Yami Rain: they're nicknames.
Rain: Yami! You came! (glomps Y. Rain)
Y. Rain: of course I came, aibou. ^-^
Max: and the drinking and the fighting
Just got worse every night.
Behind their couch she'd be hiding,
Oh what a sad little life.
Kenny: excuse me, but who are you?
Y. Rain: I'm Yami Rain.
Kai: yeah, we guessed that.
Y. Rain: I'm the spirit that lives inside of the crystal teardrop diamond necklace. I'm also Rains' Yami.
Rain: she's from a story that I'm going to write- someday.
Tyson: someday very far in the future. You're trying to do too much, you know. 9 stories AND you're trying to write a book at the same time.
Hotaru: two books, Tyson.
Tyson: oh, right. I'm not you muse for some of those stories. +-+
Rain: I'm sorry! I just have to spread you guys around so that I get ideas for all of my stories.
Tyson: oh, all right. ^-^
Max: and like it always does,
The bad just got worse, with every slap and every curse.
Until her daddy in a drunk rage one night,
Used a gun on her mom, and then took his life.
Ray: this has a happy ending?!
Tyson: (patiently) yes, Rayzie.
Kenny: does she have any other muses?
Tyson: oh, sure. Plenty. She makes at least one every time she watches a new show. They're just busy. They'll probably stop in later.
Kai: like who?!
Tyson: well, there is M. Heero and M. Duo from Gundam wing. Ari, Kelly, and Teresa, her oc's from T-blade. M. Yugi and M. Ryou from Yu-Gi-Oh, and a bunch of other ones that you will find out about later.
Kenny: her mind must be pretty crowded.
Hotaru: not really. Her mind is pretty big. Hey Rain, are you going to take Teresas' advice?
Rain: probably. But I have a lot of ideas for this fic.
Kai: (suspiciously) like what?
Tyson: actually, you were going to do a poll, remember Rain?
Rain: oh, yeah! Ok, here's the deal. I am going to do the whole bladebreakers team, and then I'm going to move on to something else. It's up to you guys to decide whether I A: do another team. B: do love songs. C: do Disney songs. That's all for now!
Kai&Ray&Kenny: what?!
Y. Rain: you forgot, aibou. For options `B' and `C' you can request songs, who will sing them and whether or other teams will be included. You can also request teams for option `A'.
Rain: thank you, Yami! If nobody reviews, I will probably quit this story, as much as I like it.
Max: and some people from the city
Took the girl far away
To a new mom,
And a new dad,
Kisses and hugs every day.
Ray: much better.
Tyson: you worry too much, Rayzie. Also, this next part is Christian, no like no read.
Max: her first day at Sunday school,
The teacher walked in,
And a small little girl,
Stared at a picture of him.
Y. Rain: him who, aibou? I don't remember this song.
Rain: that's right, you weren't around when I started listening to country. You were trying to cheer Yugi and Ryou up.
Kenny: why were they down?
Rain: because I wasn't doing any Yu-Gi-Oh stories.
Kenny: oh . . . (Looks confused, but drops it.)
Rain: to answer your question, Yami, you'll find out in a minute.
Max: she said I know that man,
There on that cross.
I don't know his name,
But I know he got off.
Cause he was there in my old house,
He held me close to his side,
As I hid there behind our couch,
The night that my parents died.
Max: such a sweet song! ^_____^
Rain: Yup! See you next chapter!