Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Moving to California ❯ "YOU!" ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer:Dont own,dont sue.Just own my OCs ya know-little smile-


That afternoon,all she could do was to look forward to the "party" at Malisia`s place.At half past seven,she decided to get ready.Unfortunately,she was no good at make-up.When she managed to hurt herself for the third time with the eyeliner,she decided to ask the maid,Mari to help her.When the time came to leave,she was very impatient.She just couldn`t wait!In the hall she bumped into her brother and her parents.It seemed like they were waiting for her.

Her mother stroke her hair lovingly and commented on how beautiful she looked tonight.

"Thanks,mom".She didn`t mention anythinga bout how difficult it was to get the make-up right.

"Have you got the gift,dear?"her mother asked.Her husband smiled and held out a small handbag.He bid his wife his arm,and she accepted.They left the house.

The Hiwataris lived about 15 min away,so they decided to take the car.Destiney watched the houses as they passed by,and she was quite surprised when it turned out that Malisia`s home was the biggest house she`d ever seen!She lives here?she thought to herself.The place was huge!
The house was built in a chinese way.Destiney chuckled at the funny,tilled roofs.They stepped out of the car,admiring the sight.At the entrance a butler named Jeeves took care of them.He lead them around,and she couldn`t help thinking that this place must have cost a fortune to build.You could almost believe you were in China,not California!

They entered a big room,more English-looking than what they had already seen.And there was a lot of people there aswell,dressed in fancy clothes.

"Hey!Dizzy!"a familiar,girly voice called.

She turned around to see her friend.Tonight she was dressed in a very pretty,navyblue dress that reached her knees,with a split on the left side.It was strange how that dress managed to make her look a whole lot more like a grown-up.She introduced herself to Destiney`s parents before she called out:mom!dad!"

Malisia sure looked a lot like her mother.They both had the same spikey,blue hair and the friendly-looking face.But she did look like her father too.Mr.Hiwatari was a tall,handsome and serious-looking guy.She could see where Malisia had gotten her grey eyes from.

"Mom,this is Mr. and Mrs.Raiden.And this is Destiney and Nathaniel".They shook hands,and their parents started talking.

"Sweethart,why don`t you show your friends around?"her father suggested.She smiled and gave him a thumb up.

"Sure.Come with me,you two".Suddenly she called out her brother`s name.

"You have got to meet my bro",she said.A tall,good-looking guy came over to them.

A guy with untidy,blue hair and grey eyes."What is it,sis?"

When Destiney and Kai noticed whom the other was,they both froze.

"YOU!!!"they said.

Nate and Malisia were just staring at them in confusion."I guess you two have already met then...?"she said.Kai groaned.

"Yes,we have sis.Your little friend here attempted to kill me with her skateboard the other day".Destiney snarled and crossed her arms in a very stubborn way.

"Well,if I am not mistaken,you said I was a brat!"Malisia sighed and pulled Destiney away from her brother,so they wouldn`t start fighting or anything like that.

"Well,anyways,Kai this is Dizzy.Dizzy this is my bro".Kai frowned.

"It`s a sure pleasure to meet you",he said in a fake,sweet voice.She smiled as best she could.

"Well,the pleasure is all yours".There was a flash of anger in his eyes,his fists clenching.Malisia pushed him away.

"You go somewhere else,alright?"He turned around and walked away.Malisia put an arm around her friend`s shoulder.

"Let`s go and get something to eat,Dizzy".Destiney calmed down.

"You are aware of the fact that your brother is a total jerk,right?"Malisia laughed.

"Don`t you think you are judging him a little too fast?"Destiney shook her head.

"I don`t think so".They found Nate by the tables where they found the food.

"This food is super!"he said.

Malisia smiled at him and said:I`m glad you`re enjoying yourself,handsome".This caused Nate to blush,and he went off with a plate in his left hand.

"Your brother is funny",she chuckled.

"Don`t you think this kind of partyes are boring?I do".Destiney smirked.

"Well,I haven`t been to this kind of "party" before,but yes,it is quite boring".Malisia laughed a little.

"Let`s go to my room!"

Malisia`s room was not like Destiney had imagined at all.It was a rather small room,not even half the size of Destiney`s own room.The walls were painted in a nice,blue colour that gave a feeling of cosyness.It seemed as if blue was her favourite colour.Her walls were totally covered with pictures,postcards and drawings.

"Your room is gorgeous!"Malisia laughed.

"It`s alright.You hungry?"Destiney nodded."Yes,a little".Malisia called the butler and asked him to bring them some food and hot chocolate with cream

"Wouldn`t it take a while to make hot chocolate?"Malisia grinned."You kidding?I love cocoa!We have always got some cocoa at the kitchen,so I can get some whenever I want to".

The butler was back a little later,and they ate their food while they talked,getting to know each other better.Afterwards,Malisia insisted on showing her pictures from her photoalbums.Most of the pictures were of the three girls,but she had a lot of pictures of Kai and his friends too.

It appeared that Kai didn`t smile on any of the pictures.Tala however,seemed to grin on all the pictures,while Rei just smiled or winked at the camera.

"How come your brother never smiles,Malis?"Malisia looked at the pictures.

"He does smile...Seldom though,I dunno why.For some reason he never smiled around people he dont know....He almost never smiles when around me and the guys either...He rather tends to smirk".Destieny couldn`t really imagine Kai smiling a lot.To Destiney it seemed that Kai always appeared to be unsatisfied,cold and distanced.

At eleven,the butler,Jeeves,told her to go downstairs,her parents were waiting for her.Malisia followed her to the door.

"Thank you so much for a wonderful evening,Patricia",Destiney`s mom said.Mrs.Hiwatari let out a laugh.

"You`re welcome,Jennie.I really enjoyed your company.You must call me soon,and we`ll go to town or something".They went to their car.

"I`ll see you tomorrow,Dizzy!"Malisia called out.Destiney waved at her friend.The 15 min it took them to get home,she was in her own world.

So Kai and Malisia were twins?No wonder Malisia had reminded her of someone.And Kai was one of the hottest guys at school...She couldn`t understand why.Òh,really?Is it not obvious?He is hot you silly`,a voice in her head mocked.She pushed the voice into a corner of her brain,where she didn`t have to listen to it.Kai was NOT hot,and that was it!The voice laughed at her before it faded away.

Yours sincerly,Kanilla

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