Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Moving to California ❯ Acting strange ( Chapter 26 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer anyone?

Everyone:-looks at her,then runs for life-

Kanilla:-blinks."What the hell???"-goes to get Nicholas-

Nicholas:"You need my help?"

Kanilla:-nodds-"Yup...Everyone ran away from me when I asked if anyone would do the disclaimer..."-all teary-eyed-

Nicholas:-smiles-"We will find them hon."

Kanilla:-smiles back-"Thanks"

They go searching.

Kai:"It is too tight in here...warm too.."

Destiney:"And out of all persons to get stuck with,I got stuck with you!!!"-growls-

Kai:-raises his hands in defense-"Hey,like I wanted this!!!!"


Nicholas:I think Destiney and Kai are hiding in that closet over there..."

Kanilla:-frowns-Both of them???In that small closet???"-rolls her eyes and goes over to open it-

Kani and Destiney:-blinks-

Kanilla:-grins-you should have told me that you wanted a little privacy,children,no need to hide you know..."

Kai and Destiney:-blinks again-Why you!!!"

Nicholas:-pulls them out of closet and holds them stuck-

Kanilla:-smirks-Now,do the disclaimer,or Nicky here will force you to kiss each other".

Kai and Destiney:-blinks again and pouts-"Kanilla does not own beyblade,but she does own her own OCs,whom are not to be taken away.

Kanilla:-smiles and pats their heads-Very well done children-

Kai and Destiney:-growls-

Nicholas:Should we get back to the story now?

Kanilla:-grins and kisses him-Of course hon".

Acting strange

Silver and Destiney had been given Mariah`s address,and it appeared that the pinkhaired girl lived pretty close to Jade and Aya.
At the door she was greeted by a joyous Mariah,dressed in a bright pink pyjama.That girl seemed to be quite fond of pink,Destiney thought with a small smirk.Mariah`s house was pretty ordinary,nothing special or fancy,but indeed cosy.The other girls were seated on the floor in the living room,playing cards.Silver was still not here.

They gave her a warm welcome and started their night by reading for their test tomorrow.Silver showed up a little later,and they welcomed her aswell.She seemed rather uninterested in taking part in their games and questions,and after they had seen a movie,Identity,she went to sleep.And strangely enough,five minutes later she was sound asleep,her breath steady and calm.The five remaining girls decided to play a little game of truth.You could refuse to answer a question three times,but after refusing three times,the others could force you to do something.

At the end of the game the results were these:Jade and Mariah had not even refused to answer one single question,Malisia and Aya had refused once while Destiney had refused twice already.It was Mariah`s turn to ask Destiney a question.A sly grin came to her face as she asked:So,Dizzy...What do you find most sexy about Kai Hiwatari?"

Destiney felt her cheeks flush badly by those words."I...I..I refuse to answer that!"she stuttered.It was in that moment she remembered that she had already refused twice and was now obliged to do anything the girls might decide for her to do.Jade grinned innocently,and the four girls put their heads together,whispering.By the grin on their faces after they were done discussing,she simply knew that this had something to do with that bluehaired moron named Kai Hiwatari.She held her breath,not daring to move.

"Tomorrow,after the test you have to kiss Kai full on the lips,in front of everbody".She felt her face go pale."Kiss him?"she asked,her voice weak and shaky.Jade nodded."Yup,kiss him!"

She growled,her eyes glinting with anger."Fine,I`ll do it then!"

A pouting expression came to her features when she saw how utterly satisfied the others looked,sending her smug looks.They spent the rest of the evening playing cards and chattering about girl stuff.

When she woke up the next morning,she noticed that Silver was not asleep anymore.She found the other girl in the kitchen,trying to make herself some breakfast but currently failing.She grinned when she saw Destiney."So,the little sleepyhead is finally awake?"

Destiney smiled.

"How long have you been awake then?"Silver opened the fridge and took out the milk."A while,I never sleep long".

It was still only half past six yet.She decided to wake up the other girls so they wouldn`t be late,since Mariah only had one bathroom.And they barely managed to get to school in time,despite the fact that they got up early,because of Jade who spent forever in the bathroom.

They ran into the classroom,and the teacher sent them a curious look before he handed out their tests.It was only a two-hour test,and she got through it without any trouble.The next lesson came,and she sincerly hoped that the girls had forgotten their little challenge for her,but when she turned around and saw their smug faces,she understood that there was no way back.

Kai was as usual trying to make her tick off.And when he was unprepared,she grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him close,planting a big,wet kiss on his unsuspecting lips.Kai was too shocked to even protest.Even Mr.Hearty was shocked by her sudden move,and was now staring at the two teens.She leaned back and wiped her mouth."Dont think I did it of my own will,Hiwatari",she growled and went back to work.

Kai looked at her,then at his sister and her friends,who were grinning like hell.It had probably just been a bet or a dare between them.But he still couldn`t help the fact that his stomach was full of fluttering butterflies.

Destiney was a little puzzled when Kai didn`t even make any more attempts to piss her off that day.He was very quiet,and even though he did answer her in the same tone as always,he didn`t insult her anymore.The teachers were relieved to get a break off from the two rival`s arguing for once.
When they had finished detention that day they separated without a word.

At home she found Tala,Dmitri and her mother in the kitchen,busy making dinner.She had to laugh when she that Tala was wearing an apron,just like a little housewife.He grinned sheepishly when she raised her eyebrows and pointed to the pince of clothing.Then she tip toed and kissed him on the cheek before she sat down on the desk to watch.The radio was on,and Mrs.Raiden grabbed hold of Tala and started to dance with him.Dmitri climbed onto the desk aswell and seated himself beside her.

"Your mom is very kind,Dizzy.You are lucky to have her".She smiled."I know,Dmitri".

The young boy frowned at the mentioning of his own name."Just Vivi please.Everyone else calls me that".He grinned,the same grin his older brother had.

"So,Vivi..Is your name Russian or something?"He nodded eagerly."Yeah.Before I was born,mom,dad and Ki-Ki used to live in Russia.Mom was born there".

She frowned."Ki-Ki?is that your brother?"The boy smiled."Yes".In the meantime Tala and Mrs.Raiden had stopped dancing."Go and finish your homework before dinner,Vivi".

The boy jumped off the desk.His big,iceblue eyes seeked hers,and he took her hands in his own."Come and help me,Dizzy!"She appologised and followed him to the room he and Tala shared.It was quite messy already.Boys will always be boys,she thought.

It turned out that what Dmitri needed help with,was maths,the one subject he was struggling with to understand.After helping him read and do his maths,the doorbell rang.She suddenly remembered that she had told Kai to come around five,and figured that it had to be him.She took the boy downstairs again for dinner.

Kai showed up in the kitchen moments later.One of the servants must have lead the way for him.Destiney`s mother embraced Kai quickly and asked if everything was alright with his mother.Kai replied politly that everything was fine.He raised a questioning eyebrow when he saw that also Tala and his little brother were present.

"Dee,you said nothing about having another guest for dinner!"Her mother sent her a disappointed look before she concentrated on the guest again."Would you like some dinner,sweetheart?"she asked the newcomer.Kai accepted the offer and sat down beside Tala.Nate and Mr.Raiden turned up a little later,and they had a very cosy dinner together.

After dinner Tala helped with washing the dishes,Nate took Dmitri with him to teach him something on the guitar while Destiney and Kai went upstairs to her room.They sat down on her huge bed,and she started to make suggestions to how they could write this essay-crap.

"Hello?Listen to what I say,Hiwatari!"she hissed.Kai sent her one of his death glares."I am listening,brat".

She snorted.Then she noticed that he was wearing a black shirt.She also noticed that he had kept the upper buttons unbuttoned,his well-musculared chest showing off rather well.She felt her cheeks turn crimson red,without being able to help it.Kai noticed that she was staring,her face flushed.He grinned slyly.Destiney definitely had a thing for him,even though she was to stubborn to admit it yet.He would make her admit it one day,no matter the cost.

"You see anything you like,brat?"he teased.She crossed her arms,but avoided his gaze.Kai decided to take advantage of her uncertainty,and leaned closer to her,pushing her down onto the bed.He was absolutely thrilled to see how tense she became.

Then he whispered into her ear,his voice soft and sweet:One day you will admit that you want me,brat".She growled and pushed him off.When he tried to get back up she suddenly positioned herself on top of him,straddling his hips.His hands were kept down by her knees.

"Are you sure about that,Hiwatari?Are you sure that deep down,you are not the one to want me?"Kai`s face turned dark red at these words,his anger quickly rising.She gently brushed her fingers along his muscular arms,then across his chest,the touch featherlight and enough to make him shudder..A smile came to her lips when she saw that he was actually shivering!Then all of a sudden she started to tickle him,remembering how ticklish he was from the first time they had a fight.Kai yelled in surprise and tried to get out from underneath her.But she had locked her legs around his hips,and was not willing to let go yet.

Tala knocked twice before he opened the door carefully.He turned around at instant when he saw the position the two arch-nemesises were in at the moment.He blushed and closed the door behind him.That had sure been...interesting to say the least,he thought and coughed slightly.

Somehow Kai actually mananged to flip her onto her back,so that he was on top.Her legs were still wrapped around his waist.Kai smirked and started to tickle her back.She appeared to be just as ticklish as him.She screamed all she could,but he held her down with ease.When he finally quit his tickling,she was out of breath,tears stinging in her eyes.She was breathing heavily,and noticed that Kai was staring at her.Even in that moment she hated him more than she had ever hated anything before.But she did nothing to stop him when he brushed away strands of white hair from her face and leaned closer,planting a soft kiss on her neck.He grazed her ear with his tongue,sending chills down her spine.She moaned slightly when he stuck his tongue into her ear.

Something strange came over both of them,she pressed against him as if she was trying to get as close to him as possible,he pressed against her.She started fumbling with his shirt buttons,eager to get that damn shirt off.He kissed her neck passionately,stroking his tongue over her soft,white skin.He started unbuttoning her shirt aswell,just as eager as her.

In that exact moment they rolled off the bed.Kai hit the floor with a bang!Having Destiney on top of him did not exactly make it better.He pushed her off and got up.Destiney stood up too,putting her shirt back on again before she sent him a poisonous glare,saying:you-keep-your-mouth-shut-about-this-otherwise-you-are-dead-Hiw atari".She sat back down on the bed and started to talk again,as if nothing had happened a few moments ago.They barely wrote anything that evening.After a little while they ended up throwing insults at each other,and they both became pretty pissed off.Kai was sick of her prescence and decided to leave.When he was about to leave,she grabbed hold of his arm.He tried to shake her off,but she held him firmly.

"If you ever kiss me again,Hiwatari,you are a dead boy",she warned.He snorted."Why would I want to kiss you,brat?"

She smiled,though there was no humour in that smile,it was bitter."Ask yourself,not me,Hiwatari",she replied.He slammed the door behind him.Destiney returned to her room,her mood still bad.

Malisia noticed that her twin was extremely ticked off when he got back home.He slammed the doors and snarled at anyone who approached to him.She knocked on his door and ignored his warning about not coming in.Kai was lying on his bed,music thundering through the room.She turned off the stereo and sat down beside him.

"What is wrong,Kai?You are acting like a fucking bastard,do you know that?"

He said nothing.She sighed."I know something is bothering you,lil bro.Did something happen between you and Dizzy tonight?"

Kai growled and sat up,his face angry."No!And it is none of your fucking business anyway!"

She grabbed hold of his hair and pulled as hard as she could."None of my business,Kai Hiwatari?You are my baby brother,and I care for you.It is indeed my business!So you tell me what happened!"

He kept staring blankly at her."No".

She let go of his hair."Fine,just be like that!I know something is bothering you!"He smirked slightly."You talk for youself,sis.Dont you think I have noticed that you are bothered aswell?"

She frowned."So what?"Kai laughed at her."Jealous,are we?"The look on his sister`s face told him he had hit a sore spot.She picked up one of his pillows and threw it at him before she hugged him.He didn`t make any attempts to get her off,but allowed himself to be hugged this one time.Then suddenly he hit her with a pillow.She grinned and grabbed another pillow to hit him back.

Yours sincerly,kanilla

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